the poll is not over yet but it already seems like we made a decision. The arguments from ande, techb, zesh and relax are pretty good.
We should really start with an e-zine and see how it proceeds and develops. This would help us to gain experience in that field and it would definitely show us
if we are capable of. I will try to make a real job of it and share some ideas:
What do we need?
- editorial staff (3-5 ppl)
main tasks: coordination, read and score submitted articles, collecting content and assemble it to a real magazine
(I would love to take part here if its ok for you )
- graphic design staff (2-3 ppl)
main tasks: creating templates for the articles, visual design (cover, articles and everything)
- lecturer (2-3 ppl)
main tasks: proof-reading, correcting articles, turn them into good engl. and make them fun to read
(I would nominate Daemon and wabi for this as far as they want to and have time for it)
and of course a lot of writers. Everybody is allowed to submit articles about what ever they want to write about.I would pm some members and ask them to write about a specific topic too. Maybe we could make an shared email-account for the editorial staff where the articles can be submitted. The editorial staff should consist out of well-known and trusted ppl.
If it really happens that a submitted article is published on another forum and the poster claims that it is his work I would stop the project immediately.
Guess non of our members would do something like that but I had the feeling that it is important to say it
As I have no clue about the amount of submitted articles I have no clue about what we do with articles we could not place into the magazine too. Guess we should keep them (as far as the author agrees with it) and see if it is possible to use it in another issue.
Content (took a lot of already posted ideas - thx to all of you)
- Evilzone related news (new member of the month?.. lol, progress information about the new ircd, forum and stuff like that)
- Maybe an interview with one of our admins (as far as they want to do it). If the project succeeds and we are running out of admins for interviews we could go on with Moderators, vips ...
- Security news (vulnerability of the month or what ever, vulnerabilities that got patched and so on)
- one or two not-so-serious articles (thanks for that term, ande) (Room 32B)
- one or two coding related articles
- one or two creative art articles (yes hanorotu.. this would be your section and of course for our graphic artists)
- one or two 'security' related articles
- Tool of the month (short description and a demo about the usage)
- some kind of contest (lottery) where you can win an evilzone shirt/mug (as far as they exist)
This would mean we would need a staff for creating these contests too
For the first issue I would love to have a really long, long time member of EZ to write an article about the history of EZ. I think most of our members are interested in that as much as I am. Maybe it could contain a short section about Room 32B.
Another thing would be the forum reputation of the writers from published articles. Many ppl here really care about their karma. There have been a lot of threads about that topic lately where members talk about it. They always claim that they are not interested in it but tbh.. would you write about it if you wouldn't be interested?
![Smiley :)](http://ez.feedthetrolls.net/Smileys/default/smiley.gif)
I think the editorial staff should take care of that as well.. a good article should bring some positive karma for the author.
Ok, thats all for now. Please tell me what you think about it. Am I missing something important? As for the staff members.. please send me a pm about what you want to do. Don't want this thread to explode. (hopefully there are so many members who want to participate.. lol)
thx to all of you for the ideas and the positive feedback