I collected a lot of word lists from separate places on the web, mostly public ftp servers.
So, here are a bunch of them, all text files, zipped in one.
http://upload.evilzone.org/download.php?id=2515363&type=zipI also wrote a small shell script that 'd crunch all of 'em into one. Place it outside the directory where you extracted the wordlists and run it with the directory name.
trap "echo && exit 1" SIGINT SIGKILL
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Pass the dirname for the text files!" && exit 1
cd "$1"
for i in *; do
cat "$i"|grep -v '\(^#\|^$\)' >> huge.lst #omit comment and blank lines
uniq <(sort huge.lst)|sort > final.lst
rm huge.lst
echo "Saved to $1/final.lst."
exit 0
![Cool 8)](http://ez.feedthetrolls.net/Smileys/default/cool.gif)