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Author Topic: Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.  (Read 1019 times)

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Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:00:36 PM »

Lots of respect for Jobs. You might know or learn all the technical stuff, but you also need the right motivation to reach success.

Offline lifecabal

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Re: Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 04:53:01 PM »
Agreed, motivation people is rare. But if that people have both motivation and creative, he would be success for sure.
The most difficult thing human will ever face is the decision. Not because we don't know what that decision will bring. It is the responsible that we have to take for the result of that decision we make.

Offline p_2001

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Re: Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 05:32:28 PM »
Lol.. This guy is just awesome. He had the ability to bullshit like no other.

There is absolutely nothing in his interview. But the way he appealed to everyone is just awesome.

The whole video was bullshit so elegantly presented that everyone is eating it up.

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Offline lifecabal

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Re: Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2012, 04:53:48 PM »
P_2001 please enlightened me.
The most difficult thing human will ever face is the decision. Not because we don't know what that decision will bring. It is the responsible that we have to take for the result of that decision we make.

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Re: Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2012, 05:28:16 PM »
P_2001 please enlightened me.

Mate.. Do this on your own.. What he said does not help you in any manner...
He says that once a person realizes bah blah ....

It will make so sense... He just put forward a bunch of words that sound Nice... They empower you with hope that anyone can do anything and all.. But try to make sense of it... It does not make sense...

He just made you imagine a flying castle and made you believe that you can make it... He never told how it must be done.. He never said if it is possible or not..

Listen to it a few more times and try to argue against it rather than taking it at face value...

You will see for yourself.. All he said was a stereotypical motivational speech..

"influence it"... That is what everyone is already doing.. Trying to make their life better.. Nothing new about it. Everyone tries to influence their life and others. Just ponder on it a bit.

See.. He is very good at gestures.. Raising brows.. Dramatic pauses.. Delivery..  Looks at the side when he could've continued looking at the camera.
Stresses a few words and uses them vaguely.

You think that you learned something.. You did not.

Watch it a few times you will understand. Look past the hand gestures.. See he is trying to convey his conviction.. MAKING you think that he is right.. Enforcing his words over your own thoughts.
When your were busy being impressed by his dialogs and gestures... Your brain stopped trying make sense of it.. Just taking it all on face value and never trying to argue against it.

Trying to influence life? Hell everyone does that!
Ha.. From your own to your siblings.. To your girlfriends... Do you not try and make decisions for them?

This is where thirst for power comes... To try and influence life... The more powerful you are, the more you will influence life.. At a grander scale and by a dramatic margin.

This was social engineering buddy. :)
I hope i made sense.
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Offline lifecabal

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Re: Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2012, 03:34:32 PM »
You have your point for it is nothing new for what he say, he just highlight things that we already know and make it look motivate. But to motivate people you don't need to use new thing, sometime things that people already know can be used to motivate them too. Because they might not know that they know it until you point it out. So i don't see it as bullshit.
The most difficult thing human will ever face is the decision. Not because we don't know what that decision will bring. It is the responsible that we have to take for the result of that decision we make.

Offline p_2001

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Re: Steve Jobs talks about life and failure.
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2012, 03:49:53 PM »
You have your point for it is nothing new for what he say, he just highlight things that we already know and make it look motivate. But to motivate people you don't need to use new thing, sometime things that people already know can be used to motivate them too. Because they might not know that they know it until you point it out. So i don't see it as bullshit.

What i mean is while it is nothing new.. It is bullshit..he says influence life.. Obviously we do that already..
He says life can be broader... We do try to make it broader...

The thing is that what he says.. We are all doing it already... He just described life to you..

do read what I wrote.. And make arguments against me or against him and see... This is how we all learn.. By being critical and questioning beliefs.

What he says means absolutely nothing in a nutshell.
Read my longer post and think... It is all social engineering... Whether you learn and agree with me is not my concern.. You asked and that is why I wrote that post.

The only difference is that his words weigh mine don't.. He is someone.. I am no one.. That is why he can give you shit top eat and your will eat it...

There is a reason that apple sells.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 03:52:43 PM by p_2001 »
"Always have a plan"


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