man, I feel inspired by some of the stuff that hanorotu and chronic x be tossing down on this site. but at the same time, i'm really nervous. I don't share what i write with ANYONE. Ever. I just write to get it off my chest then lock it away, you know? But still, I'm in a mood tonight and needed to get this out. It's a bit odd I'm sure, theres no rhyme or rhythm throughout the entire thing except one that makes sense in my head, but cheers anyways. Shit, gotta take a deep breath before I hit that post button....damn. this is scary. screw it. i'm going for it.
Where to start, where to start, where to start, where to start
It starts like this, in the stix
Another day gone by, and my soul gets kicked
Another person come to stomp on my heart
Break my trust, and leave me to rust
But through the pain, I bring the hate
The hate fills me, the hate fulfills me
With hate in my heart, and anger in my veins
I can get rid of the pain
I'm gonna get rid of the pain
A year passes by, and it's happening again
Abandoned by another fucking "friend"
"i'll always be there for you" they fucking said
And when it gets down to it, they fled
But through the pain, I bring the hate
The hate fills me, the hate fulfills me
With hate in my heart, and anger in my veins
I get rid of the fucking pain
I get rid of the fucking pain
Flashback, I'm a kid again. Watching as I'm torn away from a different friend
"It's for your own good, we're your parents, we know best"
That's the line I'm fed my whole damn life
No matter what I want to do, apparently it's not my life
Well fuck that I say, I'm taking control and hardening my soul
To the soul forge I go, my soul I take and beat it into shape
Cause through the pain, I'm bringing the hate
The hate fills me, and the hate fulfills me
With hate in my heart, and anger in my veins
I'm getting rid of the fucking pain
I'll get rid of the goddamn pain
Fast forward, a decade from then
I've been betrayed enough that I know better than to trust any of them
My armor is solid, my heart is ice.
There's no room for trusting or being nice
I'm finally ready to face the world,
and theres no room for another lying girl
Bring it on i say, you can't do a damn thing to me today
my soul has been forged and the hate is coursing through my veins
Cause through the pain, I brought the hate
The hate has filled me, it will fulfill me
With hate in my heart, theres no trust in my veins
I've got rid of the motherfucking pain
I got rid of the motherfucking pain
So why, why can I still feel the rain?