The problem seems to be simple, yet no precise answers can be found. I have experienced this in many situations and haven't thought of a solution as of yet.
Problem is like this:
Let's say there is an older type computer. It has 1 IDE slot on the motherboard and 1 IDE cable. On that cable 2 drives are connected - DVD drive and a hard drive.
Sometimes only 1 thing gets detected instead of both - either a DVD drive or the harddrive. Now I guess the only logical solution is to get a proper, unfucked and actually working hard drive OR the DVD drive depending on what gets detected and use that.
But I had 3 hard drives, 1 of which was working and I know that for sure.
When I connected first broken hdd (it was magnetized, you can hear the clicking and there's a delayed detection on POST), the hdd was detected, DVD drive wasn't.
When I connected the second hdd (it was broken in some other way) the DVD drive was detected and not the HDD. The hdd doesn't get mounted with an IDE adapter to USB, so I guess this was normal.
When I connected the third hdd which was working, the DVD drive was detected and not the HDD.
This is getting weird as hell.
Yeah, what your thoughts on this?