Found this while googling Linux.
15 million for a kernal? I wish I knew how to write a kernal just for the fun of it, google here I come (well after some bitwise operators; ATmega328 I choose you!)
Just imagine, 10 more years and we might have a kernal thinking for itself instead of a person programming it. TED will show you the way (lol).
ANYWAY, the reason for googling is because my wife makes hippy style knotted bracelets for fun. She made me an all black one, and the newest one has lime green beads and a black hemp.
I wanted to her to do one in Linux colors, and via google the best colors in my opinion is black, white, and orange to depict the Linux penguin and the beads will spell Linux.
Are these the best colors to depict Linux? Wanting your input here...
Her bracelets pretty much look like this (except with more knots and 6 beads):
A wild image appears.
I know this post is is a mix between Linux and hippies, but I hope you liked the trivial stats and am looking forward to what you think the official colors of Linux should be.