I'm sooo jealous of your setup!! Once I move and get my new computer and network setup then ill post pics
Though I may post some of the setup I get to play with at work since I'm on it so much...give me a couple of hours
and here we are!!!
The machine on the left is an old server that im using as my own personal hacking machine. First Im setting up several virtual servers and configuring them, then im going to break them. Thanks to drive imaging software, I can just revert to my original install that has ssh and vnc at any time then build new servers and re-hack them. <3 my boss. The right one is my bosses, currently a win7 test machine for the software we make.
The one on the left is my bosses machine, idk what for. The right is where I test/fix computers that are broken or just needed a hard drive reimage before putting them back at the desks.
This is our software devs place, he also brings in a laptop and puts it to the right of the two monitors. And before you ask, no i do not know why he has TP there ...i know theres plenty in the bathroom lol. Just had to post this for the lulz
The top machine under the monitor is the only machine hooked up on this lol, i think its used for testing but I'm not positive as I don't use it (yet). The other boxes are common, theres shit tons just lying around the office and we cannibalize them like a MOFO until we've used every usable part because my boss is too busy (read lazy) to go and buy new parts. Instead broken things sit around until something else that breaks has the needed part in good condition lol, its my job to find the good parts and keep the boxes around until everything has been used or is bad.
Thers actually a lot more we have hooked up, but I don't use it personally (yet) so i figured it didn't fit in this topic. For a company that only runs 50 workstations, and has 3 computer people including me (im part-time/in training lol), i think we have a pretty sweet deal.
U jelly bro? 0.o