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Author Topic: for her i guess.  (Read 1175 times)

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for her i guess.
« on: March 20, 2012, 02:55:11 AM »
In the Shakespeare mood. Wrote this for her, don't flame me too harsh....

Reasons of the past fall true on the days of the morrow. Ill-gotten blood feeds thine shadowed soul, till yonders light floods my being.

 Yes, yes thy brow weeps for majestic rays of  faith. Till your beauty seeps in thy pores, my heart does break.

 8 solitary hours, I wait. The mind wonders as yellow hair flows past my presence, frolic does the temptation in my mind. What am I looking for, what may I find? Thy wondering eyes and mind realize, true hearts bind with two rings, not glorified demise.

 As the essence of mans mind passes, truth dreams of thy present. Melodies swallow thine thought, drowning in glow from thine own lovely. Memories of two years past are pedals of flowers in weaving seas. Ocean of love, tide rips of rainbow tulips.

 In the rippling hills of West Virginia, I found a looking glass. Through the lens thine eyes are clear, tears of bliss shred lips of the looking glass. Found was the mate of thine soul.

 Not in yellow locks of flowing braids my heart lays, the dark my soul is......

 No..... I shalt. Thine the soul shalt be black or dark, you are the light the guides the unbeaten path. In light i shall live, from this darkness falls, brightness does shine. Golden, no..... True light has no color but you. In my sight I do see yours, falling short of your glory and glitter I cry as this passage passes my  hardened finger tips.

 Glass you make me. Country in my heart, you are the sown seeds of life and true tears of the river that flows from my cheeky grin. Fogged throat as I type, I find the words to fill thine light. In a desperate furry, my spelling, and thine sight, are as silica in my glass. Gives me transparency, through which I see, the true guide in my life. Music aside, brooms sweep you do, through my tears you also will find light.

 Incandescent, florescent, or fire isn't god who light my way. Tis you, my sun, my light, my electric wind. My wife, my love, my roots that hold the hill side on the gallows. Yes, gallows of splitting heart bleeding for you. In only written I find the words, for the glow that you are in me...


 This is real feelings, this is what I try to say when my eyes shutter for the night. In writing my love comes through, and you are the only light that shall guide my way. You will be the mother of my child, and only in your belly I lay my faith.....

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Re: for her i guess.
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 10:33:56 AM »
Me gusta. I read this to a guy I work with he says me gusta as well.

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