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Author Topic: A general list of languages.  (Read 1770 times)

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Offline Artificial_Alex

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A general list of languages.
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:08:12 AM »
After doing some research, I've compiled this list of languages that I think, if learnt, will give a broad range of skills in most aspects of programming, such as web development, server scripting, application development for a variety of OSs, game dev, etc. I think this list is the minimum to obtain a comprehensive understanding of computing, but I want you opinion on if there's anything missing. (I've left out things like AJAX/JQuery/MySQL as they're kind of just subsets of languages already included).

The List:

AS3 (optional)
Bash Scripting
TCP/IP (technically not language but still important)

So what have I missed? Or what should be taken out?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 10:10:55 AM by Artificial_Alex »

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Re: A general list of languages.
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 12:09:24 PM »
It has much more benefit to concentrate on a few languages and study them in and out than accumulating lots of languages.
In case of programming languages you will get the widest range of skills by choosing different programming paradigms: One OOP language (like Java, C#), one functional language (like Haskell), one logical language (like Prolog). In addition ASM so you know what is going on behind. This skillset will enable you to work with almost every language (which means you can familiarize yourself with other languages very fast and read them and code with them; it doesn't mean that you really learn the languages themselves within a few hours, this usually takes a few years).

I don't think this list is helpful. You can't learn that many languages decently (let the markup languages aside, they are often not that complicated), so you still would have to choose. If anyone tells that he or she did learn all of them it is obviously only scratching the surface of these languages. That doesn't benefit you at all, it is just useful for bragging.

The markup languages are learned best imho by using them, when you need them for a specific problem. XSLT might be important too, but it is still nothing I would learn before I actually need it.

Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: A general list of languages.
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2012, 12:18:34 PM »
Not bad.
I'd put Ajax maybe, in the web-dev column.

CSS3 is not really THE language :P CSS is, and that 3 denotes a version of that language, so technically one will still be learning CSS while learning new syntax of CSS3.

Same with HTML.

Objective-C isn't the same as C++ or C#? I think it's object-oriented, whereas C++ and C# are with objects and C is procedural language.

Never heard of AS3 :P

If we are talking about languages, then TCP/IP should not be in the list. It's one thing a person will learn when learning a language.

Just my two cents :D

EDIT: Deque posted first, aww :(
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 12:18:56 PM by Kulverstukas »

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Re: A general list of languages.
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2012, 01:07:40 PM »
Not bad.
I'd put Ajax maybe, in the web-dev column.

CSS3 is not really THE language :P CSS is, and that 3 denotes a version of that language, so technically one will still be learning CSS while learning new syntax of CSS3.

Same with HTML.

Objective-C isn't the same as C++ or C#? I think it's object-oriented, whereas C++ and C# are with objects and C is procedural language.

Never heard of AS3 :P

If we are talking about languages, then TCP/IP should not be in the list. It's one thing a person will learn when learning a language.

Just my two cents :D

EDIT: Deque posted first, aww :(
as3 == action script 3,  totally sucks and does not give you any more insight or knowledge of computing.
Ajax is only a technique to exchange data.

Pretty stupid list in my eyes,  by learning all that you are most of wasting your time rather than doing something usefull.
Like there would be a reason of learning python perl and ruby all together :P ???

HTML, CSS, xml  are not really languages, more a way of formatting data.

BTW: maybe change c# to
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 01:10:58 PM by Factionwars »

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Re: A general list of languages.
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2012, 03:32:28 PM »
It has much more benefit to concentrate on a few languages and study them in and out than accumulating lots of languages.
In case of programming languages you will get the widest range of skills by choosing different programming paradigms: One OOP language (like Java, C#), one functional language (like Haskell), one logical language (like Prolog). In addition ASM so you know what is going on behind. This skillset will enable you to work with almost every language (which means you can familiarize yourself with other languages very fast and read them and code with them; it doesn't mean that you really learn the languages themselves within a few hours, this usually takes a few years).

I don't think this list is helpful. You can't learn that many languages decently (let the markup languages aside, they are often not that complicated), so you still would have to choose. If anyone tells that he or she did learn all of them it is obviously only scratching the surface of these languages. That doesn't benefit you at all, it is just useful for bragging.

The markup languages are learned best imho by using them, when you need them for a specific problem. XSLT might be important too, but it is still nothing I would learn before I actually need it.

No, this.
if($statement) { unless(!$statement) { // Very sure } }

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Re: A general list of languages.
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2012, 01:56:59 AM »
Why is this important, you should learn a single language and branch from there based on what you make and do with it. If a particular plugin or socket w.e needs a scripting lang then you learn it. THere is no sense in knowing shit all about shit tonne of languages. Its impossible to even master one let alone.

Offline daedalus

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Re: A general list of languages.
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2012, 03:12:48 AM »
Assembly language is a very good addition to any repertoire. I think it should be on the list.

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Re: A general list of languages.
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2012, 04:25:54 AM »
Assembly language is a very good addition to any repertoire. I think it should be on the list.

I severally think ASM or anything Assembly is way beyond the scope of this thread. Will throw nooobs off, and turn them off to what this site is about.

Not dissing assembly, just saying noobs wont comprehend it. Stick with C, and other things will come later.
>>>import this


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