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Author Topic: UniBot to go open-source?  (Read 744 times)

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Offline MikiSoft

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UniBot to go open-source?
« on: February 27, 2016, 04:39:16 PM »
Recently I've thought about releasing UniBot source code into the public, in a hope that some good developer(s) would continue the path, which I'm trying to leave in order to accomplish new things that are in my plan. It's been just over a year ago since I started working on the project, so it's time to move on.
The one of the main reasons why I've decided to do such radical move is that I see no interested VB6 coders which would expand UniBot via its plugin system. On the other side, I can say that I'm so far satisfied with bunch of configs which a few users (brave, I guess) decided to make and did that, and which have reached to about 500 people that registered on the support forum and even came from the others.
So my question is - will there ever be some good guys which are willing to take the job and continue to develop the tool, or even port it to the other platform i.e. programming language (for example to work on Linux without an emulator)? I'm asking this because I want to see if this last try will succeed and if it's worth to do so.

UPDATE: Already did it.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 12:49:41 AM by MikiSoft »


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