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Author Topic: sidejacking problem - can't get to https sites through hamster/ferret/kali  (Read 970 times)

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Offline hightower

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Hi, I'm trying to sidejack my email account. I go into kali, start wireshark, login to my mail, and save the wireshark capture to MyLogin.pcap.

I then clear all browser (iceweasel) history, start Ferret with -r MyLogin.pcap, start hamster, set my browser to use as a proxy (for all protocols) and go to http://hamster.

I can select my ip addr and see all the captured cookies. If I click on, this diverts to and I get "Server not found" in Iceweasel. It's the same for any site that diverts to https. If the site stays on http I'm fine.

If I then try and get to any https site directly in Iceweasel I get the same "Server not found" error until I turn off the hamster proxy.

I really want to get this sidejacking working, is there any solution to this please? I've been trying for about six hours so far today.

Thx a lot for any help, HT.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 04:16:27 PM by hightower »


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