Hi all,
I am a young human of the male gender who is fond of gardening, origami and, obviously, computing (to a digree).
I have tried to learn advanced stuff before learning the basics first ( i was pretty stubborn then, especially when it came to learning unfortunately) and obviously failed. So i have started a fresh a year ago and with my spare time learnt the basics, worked pretty hard at school and watered the garden. So i have learnt basic tcp/ip, operating systems, batch programming, unix/linux and a reasonably small digree of hacking. I know i can't just jump into anything, just that i don't know where to look. I am looking for the right programming language, something you have probably heard 1000001 times. I have learnt html and css, and a small amount of php. But obviously that is hardly anything, so i have my eye set on something less web-based and more bare bones. Assembly is one of my main contenders along with c++ . But this is a forum and would appreciate any advice or directions, and more importantly opinions. Sorry for any grammatical errors or mistakes concerning what i have said.
Thank you for your time
Paper plane