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Author Topic: newbie (me) to spit on in this topic But has the ability to learn.  (Read 822 times)

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Offline paper plane

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Hi all,

I am a young human of the male gender who is fond of gardening, origami and, obviously, computing (to a digree).
I have tried to learn advanced stuff before learning the basics first ( i was pretty stubborn then, especially when it came to learning unfortunately) and obviously failed. So i have started a fresh a year ago and with my spare time learnt the basics, worked pretty hard at school and watered the garden. So i have learnt basic tcp/ip, operating systems, batch programming, unix/linux and a reasonably small digree of hacking. I know i can't just jump into anything, just that i don't know where to look. I am looking for the right programming language, something you have probably heard 1000001 times. I have learnt html and css, and a small amount of php. But obviously that is hardly anything, so i have my eye set on something less web-based and more bare bones. Assembly is one of my main contenders along with c++ . But this is a forum and would appreciate any advice or directions, and more importantly opinions. Sorry for any grammatical errors or mistakes concerning what i have said.

Thank you for your time :)

Paper plane

Offline gray-fox

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Re: newbie (me) to spit on in this topic But has the ability to learn.
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 09:46:47 PM »
I am looking for the right programming language, something you have probably heard 1000001 times.

Read this

To answer your question above; Quote  from that topic:
The thing about languages is "Don't waste your time trying to find the ultimate best beginner programming language to learn, because you wont find it and will simply waste your time." (quoted from namespace7) 

So, just pick some language and start coding, instead of thinking which is the "right one."  Even if you never use that language again after coding with it for while, you have still learned some basic overall stuff that will benefit in learning and adapting other languages.  So learning any lang won't go in waste, imo.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 09:56:50 PM by gray-fox »

Offline paper plane

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Re: newbie (me) to spit on in this topic But has the ability to learn.
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2015, 09:53:56 PM »
Thank you.
That is good logic there. The direction has been set in the form of c++ i guess. I'll stop wasting time and learn it.

Happy tinkering :)


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