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Author Topic: i.p. from landline number?  (Read 1010 times)

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Offline Cz

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i.p. from landline number?
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:31:59 AM »
if I have a landline at my house. and I have internet at my house. same provider. can someone obtain my or my routers ip address from my telephone number somehow?  would it matter if my service provider did things with VOIP?

Once again, im not sure how to explain what i mean, but i imagine you guys can decrypt my noob speak.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 12:34:28 AM by Cz »

Offline khofo

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Re: i.p. from landline number?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2015, 02:17:31 AM »
Is the phone line VoIp? If yes well the answer is yes and no, since of course each device, has it's own IP address but they are linked to the same account, but this information is sensitive and detained by your service provider, and it cannot be disclosed unless in legal cases. But an attacker can get this information only by getting access to the service providers databases (kinda rare), but the thing I am not sure of is that the first two parts of the IP address are owned by the service provider, and thus an outside attacker will know these two IP adresses (e.g router and phone) are linked tonthe same SP(service provider), but I am not sure if the two ip's in the last two part have similar or consecutive IP's.

So anyone with precise knowledge please correct me, since I might be totally wrong.
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