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Author Topic: Help Cracking old software that I lost the Serial KEY  (Read 1600 times)

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Offline punk13

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Help Cracking old software that I lost the Serial KEY
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:49:16 PM »
Hey guys, I have this program that I lost the serial some days ago and I need to use in my work, its called "pro/space plus". Actually, my boss bought it on the year of 2001.

He has one box called "General", its where i can input the 6 digits Serial, but once i type any number, he doesnt pop up any bad boy screen, it actually tells me that the serial will be validated after the programs restart, as you can see on the images i've printed.

So I put some breakpoints on Sscanf (Its C++), but i just can't find the damn serial, even tried to NOP some jumps but the program always restarts in DEMO mode.

I only found tutorials and newbie helps for cracking softwares that validadte at the same time you input the serial, so anyone knows any trick on hacking a software that validates only when the program restarts?

I'm using OllyDBG, but also tried some tricks with W32DSM and Hiew32, none of them worked so far.

I'll be very glad if someone can help me out, cause like i said, i need to use for work and if i don't get the key or the program cracked my boss will probably choop my headoff :(

Thnx for your atention and keep hacking :)

Offline punk13

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Re: Help Cracking old software that I lost the Serial KEY
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2015, 10:08:30 PM »
So your boss bought this in 2001?

He is your boss == you make him money. Simply be honest and tell him you lost and need the key so you can make him more money. If its been around 14 years, I am sure he has it somewhere.

Other than that I cannot answer your question as my RE skills are none.

Haha, you are damn right.
But I already talked to him and he doenst have any clue where is it. So I take this more as a personal task since we can't do much if i can't cracked it.

Sorry for my drama about he chopping my head off, the truth is that I really want to cracked it. if i can't, we'll probably just search for another similar software.

Guess some times i like taking the hard way...
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 10:10:59 PM by punk13 »


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