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Author Topic: Virtual Humint  (Read 259 times)

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Offline cyberdrifter

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Virtual Humint
« on: March 29, 2015, 04:26:36 AM »
So this is a thing: Virtual Humint link

I'm not sure how many of you (but I'm assuming a few of you do) follow the Intel arena. This seems to be a growing trend in the Intel world: Virtual Humint


Virtual HUMINTâ„¢ is a unique methodology pioneered by Terrogence for use over virtual web-platforms to gain trust, form connections and ultimately collect valuable intelligence from entities of interest in virtual cyberspace.
Much like a traditional intelligence agency might recruit and operate live human assets in physical spaces in order to obtain information, Terrogence specializes in cultivating and operating virtual identities in online spaces, that act and access social media platforms like a natural netizen – a citizen of the internet.

Trust no-one.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 04:27:27 AM by cyberdrifter »
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Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P


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