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Author Topic: Equation Group is NSA in Disguise New evidence by Kaspersky researchers suggests  (Read 1710 times)

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Offline Axon

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New evidence by Kaspersky researchers suggests that the hacking group could be NSA personnel in disguise.

It was almost after 2 years since the Snowden leaks that Russian firm Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team presented a report last month where it clearly showed that NSA i.e. National Security Agency is the major suspect in global hacking campaign which attacks the firmware of the hard drives. The action of this hacking group was termed as “Equation Group” by Kaspersky due to the advanced methods used by the hackers to carry out its actions.

The new report which Kaspersky’s researchers published on Wednesday shows that the term “BACKSNARF” was one of the terms which was used by the Equation Group in one of their codes in their online platform and on the other hand NSA’s cyber warfare unit was using the same term for one of its project.

The report
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 02:29:48 PM by Axon »

Offline TETYYS

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not this nsa shit again

Offline Axon

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not this nsa shit again
You can't hide from them anymore. ;)

Offline cyberdrifter

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Oh look... Kaspersky... a Russian Based Anti-Virus company... Spreading propaganda from the Kremlin... cute.

Funny that this is released after a US based firm outs APT28 (A Russian Cyber Espionage Group)

Come to think of it Axon... you've been spreading alot of Russian propaganda lately...
Not very subtle... makes a guy wonder...

New evidence by Kaspersky researchers suggests that the hacking group could be NSA personnel in disguise.

It was almost after 2 years since the Snowden leaks that Russian firm Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team presented a report last month where it clearly showed that NSA i.e. National Security Agency is the major suspect in global hacking campaign which attacks the firmware of the hard drives. The action of this hacking group was termed as “Equation Group” by Kaspersky due to the advanced methods used by the hackers to carry out its actions.

The new report which Kaspersky’s researchers published on Wednesday shows that the term “BACKSNARF” was one of the terms which was used by the Equation Group in one of their codes in their online platform and on the other hand NSA’s cyber warfare unit was using the same term for one of its project.

The report
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 04:48:50 PM by cyberdrifter »
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Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

Offline Axon

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cyberdrifter, every rational man, knows that the USA has always been exporter of terrorism. Therefore, exposing the crimes of this country is one of my main agendas on the web. I'm not Russian, but I do sympathize with Russia in its war with USA. As for the Russian cyber-espionage operation you've posted, I've known about it for a while, and I know that every country has its own cyber-espionage operations. In the end,we are living in a world connected by the wire.

But what makes a guy really wonder, is that a country that claims to be a safe haven for democracy, and the beacon of democracy and liberty in this world, is conducting all these wars, economically, military and technologically around the globe? You have to scratch your head in awe and wonder, right?

Offline cyberdrifter

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I'm a patriot, not an idiot. I understand the purpose of power and its evils. I don't delude myself into thoughts of my side having moral superiority. All men are fallible, and all nations have their skeletons.

I just like anyone else, wish for world peace. I wish we lived in a place that didn't need weapons or propaganda. But so long as humans are fallible, we will draw lines in the sand... so long as there is one wolf, we will need our own pack to be strong enough to fend them off.

I don't believe in evil people... I just believe in unfortunate situations. We are all the same at our base, which is what makes hate and war such ugly things. We aren't as different as we like to imagine.

America does what it does to protect its interests. Just as all other nations do.

cyberdrifter, every rational man, knows that the USA has always been exporter of terrorism. Therefore, exposing the crimes of this country is one of my main agendas on the web. I'm not Russian, but I do sympathize with Russia in its war with USA. As for the Russian cyber-espionage operation you've posted, I've known about it for a while, and I know that every country has its own cyber-espionage operations. In the end,we are living in a world connected by the wire.

But what makes a guy really wonder, is that a country that claims to be a safe haven for democracy, and the beacon of democracy and liberty in this world, is conducting all these wars, economically, military and technologically around the globe? You have to scratch your head in awe and wonder, right?
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Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

Offline Axon

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I'm a patriot, not an idiot. I understand the purpose of power and its evils. I don't delude myself into thoughts of my side having moral superiority. All men are fallible, and all nations have their skeletons.

I just like anyone else, wish for world peace. I wish we lived in a place that didn't need weapons or propaganda. But so long as humans are fallible, we will draw lines in the sand... so long as there is one wolf, we will need our own pack to be strong enough to fend them off.

I don't believe in evil people... I just believe in unfortunate situations. We are all the same at our base, which is what makes hate and war such ugly things. We aren't as different as we like to imagine.

America does what it does to protect its interests. Just as all other nations do.
Defending and protecting your interests, doesn't necessitate you sacrifice thousands of people that have nothing to do with your interests. When the USA and it's bulldog the UK, claimed that Saddam Hussian had WMD's, and they will lead an international collation to free the people of Iraq from this tyrant,we all know now that the only reason they scrambled for Iraq was for oil, and oil only. They didn't free shit, they made the Iraqi people more miserable than before. So America has the right to do this to protect its interests!

The same is happening in Ukraine, the USA wants Ukraine to detach itself from Russia, so they can spread their missiles in Ukraine to destroy Russia in a matter of minutes. Also, this is justifiable because America wants to protect its own interests, by removing Russian from the world map so America can dominate the whole world, and maintain the dollar to be the world currency.

Does't seem to make sense here? Am I missing something here!

Offline cyberdrifter

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Clearly you're missing something rather important, Russia invaded Ukraine, a sovereign nation. Because it saw it as a strategic point to launch attacks from. (I.E. the black sea fleet)

The governing body of Ukraine was interested in Joining NATO, and that is why Russia invaded another country (not the US) with their special forces wearing unmarked uniforms...

So yes, the US did intervene.

Even still Russia is doing it's best to cause instability in the EU energy market by cutting off supply of natural gas.

So you and russia can go and get off that high horse, because you're both full o'shit
Defending and protecting your interests, doesn't necessitate you sacrifice thousands of people that have nothing to do with your interests. When the USA and it's bulldog the UK, claimed that Saddam Hussian had WMD's, and they will lead an international collation to free the people of Iraq from this tyrant,we all know now that the only reason they scrambled for Iraq was for oil, and oil only. They didn't free shit, they made the Iraqi people more miserable than before. So America has the right to do this to protect its interests!

The same is happening in Ukraine, the USA wants Ukraine to detach itself from Russia, so they can spread their missiles in Ukraine to destroy Russia in a matter of minutes. Also, this is justifiable because America wants to protect its own interests, by removing Russian from the world map so America can dominate the whole world, and maintain the dollar to be the world currency.

Does't seem to make sense here? Am I missing something here!
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Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

Offline Axon

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Clearly you're missing something rather important, Russia invaded Ukraine, a sovereign nation. Because it saw it as a strategic point to launch attacks from. (I.E. the black sea fleet)

The governing body of Ukraine was interested in Joining NATO, and that is why Russia invaded another country (not the US) with their special forces wearing unmarked uniforms...

So yes, the US did intervene.

Even still Russia is doing it's best to cause instability in the EU energy market by cutting off supply of natural gas.

So you and russia can go and get off that high horse, because you're both full o'shit
I don't know why you are defending the hypocritical policy of the USA. First and foremost, the elected president of Ukraine was freely elected under the constitution, but since he pursued a close ties with Russia, which did piss off your beloved democratic country, they decided to intervene by causing riots to oust the freely elected president. Now even if we assume that the riots was caused without outside intervention, your beloved democracy has no right to mingle in the business of a sovereign country. International laws prohibit such acts, but in the logic of the leader of the free world and his bandits, rules are made to be broken.  ::)

Second, using the argument that Russia "invaded" another country is invalid, your country invaded several other sovereign countries under false information, starting from Vietnam in the 60's to Iraq in the 21st century.

Third, this link proofs that America doesn't want peace, they want war and aggression.

I pity you for calling me full o'shit, attacking me personally will not lend your argument a legitimacy. Drink your kool-aid amigo, and don't forget your nachos.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 11:45:42 PM by Axon »

Offline kenjoe41

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Come on guys, really. Drop the Russin US shit or a mod will have to close this.
If you can't explain it to a 6 year old, you don't understand it yourself.[<NgGw/hsq]>EvbQrOrousk[/img]

Offline proxx

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Come on guys, really. Drop the Russin US shit or a mod will have to close this.
Its fine if it remains a solid discussion with arguments like grown ups and notbuthurtppl.
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline cyberdrifter

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You are right about one thing, my ad hominem comment was childish and in poor taste.

I could go on about how you're wrong, but it's clear that we both have our minds made up on this topic, I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree. For now.

I don't know why you are defending the hypocritical policy of the USA. First and foremost, the elected president of Ukraine was freely elected under the constitution, but since he pursued a close ties with Russia, which did piss off your beloved democratic country, they decided to intervene by causing riots to oust the freely elected president. Now even if we assume that the riots was caused without outside intervention, your beloved democracy has no right to mingle in the business of a sovereign country. International laws prohibit such acts, but in the logic of the leader of the free world and his bandits, rules are made to be broken.  ::)

Second, using the argument that Russia "invaded" another country is invalid, your country invaded several other sovereign countries under false information, starting from Vietnam in the 60's to Iraq in the 21st century.

Third, this link proofs that America doesn't want peace, they want war and aggression.

I pity you for calling me full o'shit, attacking me personally will not lend your argument a legitimacy. Drink your kool-aid amigo, and don't forget your nachos.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 02:35:59 AM by cyberdrifter »
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Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

Offline Teapot

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When the USA and it's bulldog the UK, claimed that Saddam Hussian had WMD's, and they will lead an international collation to free the people of Iraq from this tyrant,we all know now that the only reason they scrambled for Iraq was for oil, and oil only. They didn't free shit, they made the Iraqi people more miserable than before. So America has the right to do this to protect its interests!

The U.N had ordered Hussian to relinquish all Bio/Chem warfare materials and to destroy the facilities that was making it. Hussian said he would do and and never did, just as the UN was about to move in with force he would apologize and swear to do it. After a while the U.S said "F this" and took matters into their own hands.

As for the Oil... The average American meal travels 1500 miles to get to your plate.
All the other crap people in 1st world countries buy travels even farther. If something happened to the worlds number
one oil exporter it would be catastrophic to the global economy. Hell yeah you send troops in over the shit.

I have nothing against Russia, I have a good deal of respect for it and its people.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 06:13:53 PM by Teapot »

Offline srirachasauce

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How else could this group intercept mail in-transit? They were crafty as fuck and state sponsored by a federal agency within the United States. Intercepting disks from science conventions to infect scientists with malware as well as intercepting networking equipment to huge companies and backdooring them for tailored access... What we DON'T know about these guys yet sort of freaks me out.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 04:12:21 AM by srirachasauce »


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