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Author Topic: Customized Computer UI  (Read 500 times)

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Offline cyberdrifter

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Customized Computer UI
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:49:57 PM »
Does anyone else here implement an overly convoluted set of tools on their system that would confound and confuse most other people?

I hadn't really thought about it until my SO came in and sat down at my computer to search something on google. To which I replied, yeah, just boot up the computer.

The system boots up with a bios password, I log in for her. Then walk into the bathroom.
Another prompt comes up asking for username for the OS.
I login for her.

She sees a blank screen... and looks at me...

I type startx to boot up awesome wm

She sat there staring at a wallpaper with no menu. I even have the rightclick menu disabled on my system (because i never use it)

I then realize she has no idea she needs to use a custom hotkey to launch Chromium. She then asks where my mouse is (which I don't use...) so I grabbed one from the closet and hooked it up for her.

It was at that point she picked up her phone and walked away. To search google I presume...

Does anyone else have a system setup like this? A highly efficient and perfectly tuned system that no one but you has any idea how to use properly?

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Re: Customized Computer UI
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2015, 12:32:49 AM »
No, only you are this crazy.

People are free to use my machine if they can get my alarm setup (no one has been able to so far).
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Offline cyberdrifter

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Re: Customized Computer UI
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2015, 01:11:45 AM »

I've actually been thinking of setting up 2 factor authentication with an arduino mod that will read a dot-dash pattern over a photo resistor. Or maybe just go with RFID sensors... Haven't decided...

No, only you are this crazy.

People are free to use my machine if they can get my alarm setup (no one has been able to so far).
.- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / -... . - - . .-. --..-- / . ...- . .-. -.-- / -.. .- -.-- .-.-.-
Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

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Re: Customized Computer UI
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2015, 01:45:58 AM »
Nope, I pride myself on ease of use, system efficiency, and functionality.

I can stop using my computer for dev and hand the controls to my mother who can use it just as comfortably as I can, or near enough anyway. There are lots of hidden features ofc but the UI itself is easy as fuck to use.

Terminals built into the background along with semi transparent icons which trigger commands or websites I use frequently. Minimal System monitor and such in the taskbar, and ofc a dock down below that is hidden until triggered. Making a system overly convoluted doesn't make sense to me, my computer hovers around 500 mb of ram usage  with a firefox instance with a few tabs open and an irc client.

And yes, I use a mouse ;)
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Offline cyberdrifter

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Re: Customized Computer UI
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2015, 02:03:00 AM »

It's not that I purposely make my system complicated (At least not consciously...) It's that when I built my Arch system, I built it with familiarity, minimalism, and efficiency in mind.

I chose Arch because I know exactly what's going into my system.

I use Awesome WM instead of a desktop environment because it creates a very functional and versatile use of desktop space, without the bulk that comes with most D/E's. It doesn't add on a features that I wouldn't normally use.

I use VIM because (well mostly because I wanted to learn how to use the damn thing, but now that I know how to, I use it because) it's fast, minimal, and feature packed.

I try to avoid using a keyboard because I find it much faster to get around with.
I use vimium in chrome for the above reason

I'm totally not trying to judge people that don't do things my way, I'm just wondering if anyone else had a highly personalized setup on their system.

All that said, I kind of like the fact that people can't intuitively understand my system in some ways... Helps preventing the average user from using my computer in ways I'd rather they not. And while I realize that security through obscurity isn't secure. I feel I appreciate it more than I would an off the shelf environment. What can I say... I like to tinker.

Nope, I pride myself on ease of use, system efficiency, and functionality.

I can stop using my computer for dev and hand the controls to my mother who can use it just as comfortably as I can, or near enough anyway. There are lots of hidden features ofc but the UI itself is easy as fuck to use.

Terminals built into the background along with semi transparent icons which trigger commands or websites I use frequently. Minimal System monitor and such in the taskbar, and ofc a dock down below that is hidden until triggered. Making a system overly convoluted doesn't make sense to me, my computer hovers around 500 mb of ram usage  with a firefox instance with a few tabs open and an irc client.

And yes, I use a mouse ;)
.- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / -... . - - . .-. --..-- / . ...- . .-. -.-- / -.. .- -.-- .-.-.-
Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

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Re: Customized Computer UI
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2015, 06:46:12 AM »

She sat there staring at a wallpaper with no menu. I even have the rightclick menu disabled on my system (because i never use it)

I then realize she has no idea she needs to use a custom hotkey to launch Chromium. She then asks where my mouse is (which I don't use...) so I grabbed one from the closet and hooked it up for her.

It was at that point she picked up her phone and walked away. To search google I presume...
My exgf learned awesome-wm to some extend lol ;)
Not without a dosis of complaint.
Maybe other sessions with gdm or so ?

I think it is also important to realize that most people just want to get on facebook or whatever it is they do and really don't care about any other stuff much.
Many say that windows made it easy for the regular joe to use a pc, I don't fully agree since it is also well designed to keep them stupid.

On the other hand, my mom uses a ubuntu/gnome box for banking and emailing and stuff, best part is she cannot really break anything, I keep telling her just click stuff , it will probably do what you think it will!

Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage


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