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Author Topic: The Holographic Universe  (Read 869 times)

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Offline Syntax990

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The Holographic Universe
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:18:57 PM »
I recently was doing some random research on fractal recursion, since I have seen it pop up quite a few times in the IRC and a few threads. Following random videos on YouTube took me to some deep realm of quantum physics that I had no knowledge of even existed.

I have always believed that Information Theory links everything, as if these 'pattern-like' numbers link everything in some way. I'm only 18 and I'm am no scientist, but It's something I have wanted to pioneer.

The problem with my deep thinking is I limited myself to information in a computational sense, no so much a universal sense. Sorry if this don't make much sense but I don't really know how to express this in language.

Regardless, I found this huge series of videos called The Holographic Universe. It essentially explains how our universe as we know it does not exist. Electrons appear and disappear without logical reasoning and appear to be real when observed. If you are interested then watch the video.

If anyone finds the time to watch the first hour and a half, or has background knowledge on this then please feel free to throw in your thoughts/input.

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Re: The Holographic Universe
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2015, 10:09:16 AM »
Awesome isnt it.
I've been reading and watching a lot about modern physics including qm.
This particular theory is very very hard to vision, I am trying for years to kinda grasp this , thus far I have not succeeded.
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage


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