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Author Topic: Fuck the system! We can bring it down  (Read 1768 times)

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Offline hppd

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Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« on: February 04, 2015, 06:07:46 PM »
Hello my friends, long time no see..

I was wondering if you had some kind of grudge against the current powers of the world. How would you try to bring the big banks of doom/the capitalist greedy fucks on their bare knees?  Granted that the system doesn't crash itself ofcourse wich is inevitable if we give it enough time. Cause the rich are getting so stinking rich and the rest so fucking poor that the evil pyramid is going too collapse soon anyway. And I didn't even speak about running out of  resources, nuclear assaults, the world conflicts or environmental disasters :P..

But if we wanted to hypothetically speed up this process (for the lulz) what would you do too crash it? I'm thinking along the lines of creating mass chaos, spreading dissinformation, stealing from the enemy, creating mass outrage, destroying the value of money...

I'm curious to hear that twisted masterplan you whacky fools have been working on for years...

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for crazy motherfunkers like me trying out the things that wil be discussed in this thread. And starting a third world war.

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2015, 06:26:35 PM »
All the confidential information that proves they're mad fucks? Disclose it to the public and you've got an uprising. A very bad one.
Two case scenarios:
A) The people win and we have a chance to start anew (which could have several outcomes on it's own)
B)People lose. This will probably result in a lot of bloodshed and/or extreme poverty which will end up speeding up the process like you said.
I could go on, but I wanna see what other people have to say first.
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Offline cyberdrifter

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2015, 06:35:52 PM »
Meh, humans will eventually destroy the planet one way or another. Might as well enjoy the cheetos and video games until that happens.
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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2015, 07:55:11 PM »
BSD is what you get when a bunch of UNIX hackers sit down to try to port a UNIX system to the PC.
Linux is what you get when a bunch of PC hackers sit down and try to write a UNIX system for the PC.

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2015, 07:58:19 PM »
I prefer to live my life without complications and fighting governament . People will never stand together when nedded , so, I prefer to enjoy my life. Planet will be destroyed by us , there is no doubt.
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Offline hppd

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2015, 08:10:25 PM »
All the confidential information that proves they're mad fucks? Disclose it to the public and you've got an uprising. A very bad one.
Two case scenarios:
A) The people win and we have a chance to start anew (which could have several outcomes on it's own)
B)People lose. This will probably result in a lot of bloodshed and/or extreme poverty which will end up speeding up the process like you said.

Pfft a lot of the information is already out there. Most people are so controlled with brainwash that they don't even care. As long as they can buy their product X or Y they are happy consumers. There might be some sensationalist reporters trying too make a buck. But I don't think information leaks are going to start a revolution. They might contribute to it in the long run though.

Also there can be a lot more outcomes then 2.

Maybe if the third world people get enough strength to recover from the daily assraping and strike back it might start a revolution. But I doubt it cause their main priority is survival, having time to think about stuff like this is a luxury ;).. I fonly somebody could educate those suckers

I could go on, but I wanna see what other people have to say first.

Why don't you go ahead I'm intrested in your opinion. You shouldn't care so much about what the others think/say. It's a discussion there is no right or wrong :)

Meh, humans will eventually destroy the planet one way or another. Might as well enjoy the cheetos and video games until that happens.

Haha something tells me you are going to be a very succesfull person (like your sig). I love how you use other humans behavior as an excuse to do nothing.

You should look into permaculture and stuff their are a lot of new evolutions that can help us have a symbiotic relationship with earth instead of a destructive one. But first the cancer of the economists with their so called 'infinite growth' on an earth with finite supplies has to be corrected.

By the way you give humans way too much credit, we will destroy ourself and some pieces of nature if we go on like this. But the earth will be fucking fine mate.

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2015, 08:15:08 PM »
I sincerely think that if all the money that was spent in political campaign contributions was donated instead to open source crypto projects like Tor, OTR, GnuPG, bitcoin, darkcoin, etc., in ten to fifteen years all the world's spy agencies and governments would become irrelevant.

Offline cyberdrifter

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2015, 08:18:23 PM »
In life there are two courses we can take.
1. Acceptance of circumstance (ie. Do nothing)
2. Apply force against the status quo (ie Take Action)

Both are choices either willfully made or made out of ignorance. Some battles are worth fighting. Some are worth ignoring.

So long as my family and friends are safe and successful, there is no need for me to take action.

Being rebellious for the sake of rebelling is childish and ignorant.
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Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

Offline hppd

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2015, 08:27:55 PM »
In life there are two courses we can take.
1. Acceptance of circumstance (ie. Do nothing)
2. Apply force against the status quo (ie Take Action)

Both are choices either willfully made or made out of ignorance. Some battles are worth fighting. Some are worth ignoring.

So long as my family and friends are safe and successful, there is no need for me to take action.

Being rebellious for the sake of rebelling is childish and ignorant.

So our beloved home the earth as it is isn't worth fighting for?? And what about freedom and millions and millions of people being enslaved in factories that have to work for pennies a day. I'm not saying fighting is the solution but it's better then eating cheetos.(or maybe not)

Btw thanks for calling me childish proves da hppd still got da spirit

Offline cyberdrifter

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2015, 08:37:05 PM »
So our beloved home the earth as it is isn't worth fighting for?? And what about freedom and millions and millions of people being enslaved in factories that have to work for pennies a day. I'm not saying fighting is the solution but it's better then eating cheetos.(or maybe not)

Btw thanks for calling me childish proves da hppd still got da spirit
Humans are tribal, we care about our own tribe, this is an evolved instinct... Honestly, I've never met the people who slave for pennies, therefore it doesn't really affect me either way, like I said, as long as my circle is good, that's all I can really hope for. It's not my job to save the world and such idealistic notions are in no way rational.

Earth will die... whether by our pollution, nuclear war, an astroid, or the eventual supernova of our star... Like I said, I pick my battles... and right now, I'll settle for taking care of my circle.

btw, i didn't call you childish, I called the idea of rebellion for the sake of rebellion childish.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 08:42:34 PM by cyberdrifter »
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Go ahead tubby, you clearly want/need those cookies more than me.  :P

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2015, 09:17:12 PM »
Well me and my best friend had discussions about this topic for years, after I decided that I will stop to discuss anything that is(or seems) impossible to happen based on logic. The "realistic" solutions that appeared after all the discussions were just two:
  • Powerful education and culture system on every country accessible by every person on each country.
  • A really overpowered "terrorism unity" which would be having this clear and valuable goal and only.

I was the one who were claiming the second one to be the most effective, he was claiming the first one to be the more effective. Though we both agreed that the second one would be much faster and that both of the solutions were actually "realistic" solutions on the problem(if you are from those weird people who believe that this could be solved, like us).I will give some short of explanation for both.

Powerful education and culture system

This solution would for sure(like 99.99%) bring down the current system cause extremely educated people combined with the right culture would never become like those who are running the world now. Based on logic always; this method should be taking place more than 50-70 years so the absolute new generations which were born when this system were already established and being ran, would take place on authority spots and so they would be the ones who could run the world. Although that this strategy would be more guaranteed from the one I was throwing on the table on the discussions, it was easy to realize that the time-frame should be that long. So this solution is referring actually to the next generations and it is not applicable to the problem "at the moment" or on the next  10-30 years for sure. Now the question was; but many countries have already overpowered education systems why would this take so long? Well on the first hand we were discussing about every country, on the other hand the culture were decided that it must be the first factor(most important) on this solution, culture.... which lacks from the most countries(including mine for sure).

Overpowered Terrorism Unity

Well as I said already this was(is) my solution on the problem, though the word "terrorism" is actually wrong literally to make you visualize what I need to say, but it was used to make it clear that it will be a unity of people who are absolutely offended to the current "system"(those who run the world). So this... is kinda hard to explain in a small text. I was think this so many years how this should be organized... to conclude on specific points, but I will make a try.

This unity should touch the perfection on the following skill sets:
  • Culture, love for humanity (acknowledge that the human being is the most important thing on this world).
  • Self education(Maths, Physics, Communication Systems, English-lang, specific kinds of philosophy).
  • Invisibility on real world(included the  communications with each other).
  • Powerful and big range weapons usage.
  • Every Martial Arts.
  • Survival abilities.
  • Endless Will.
  • Discipline.
Lets start supposing now; that people from all around the world which have on their mind that taking down this corrupt system which rules the world today as the most valuable goal, are existing today and are on a young age. We would be in need of no more than 497 collected equally from as more different countries as possible. Then we keep supposing; that after those people would have the knowledge that they should sacrifice like 10 to 20 (depending on how the enemy moves) years of there lives to touch the perfection on the skill sets I listed above. Final suppose; that those people would agree to do that after all. Then we would just need 3 more people. The leader; the one with endless courage and the spirit with which can make his team to believe that nothing is impossible each time needed to. The strategist; the one who is perfect on the organization, strategic planning logic etc etc you know the absolute control freak, who would do everything needed to so he can always have the absolute control over everything the right way. The firestarter; the one who would start this, and the one we will gather all those people with extremely good skills on judging and logical thinking.

Now considering the fact that the corrupt rulers of the world would not use nuclear weapons massively THIS team could totally annihilate them all in less than 5 years from the time they would make their first appearance.

But you know... all this is the imagination of two "crazy" persons... don't listen to them!!
They just born to be "crazy" or something...
Who knows...

P.S. If you read the whole text, I hope typos or bad grammar wasn't that massive to end up being annoying.


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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2015, 09:22:48 PM »
Okay, if we do bring down the system, could we build it any better than it was before ? Could we ensure that we don't end up going into the same corrupted circle as before ? Just something for you guys to think about is all. I think it's only human nature to desire power, riches, and blood lust.

As for the planet dying and all, I don't think so. I believe that Mother Nature would probably kill us all off her own way at the sign that we're really about to destroy all life on this planet.

I see it as we humans being the diseases in this living system and eventually this planet will deploy some sort of tactic to wipe us all out (ex, a incurable disease or something similar to the movie, The Happening) when we become a real threat to her.

Kind of like Mother Nature killing us off with her own version of an immune system lol
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 09:29:55 PM by insert-name-here »

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2015, 10:25:12 AM »
When i'm feeling particularly rebellious, I simply just listen to a Richard Stallman lecture, and I am set for a few days atleast.

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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2015, 10:26:46 AM »
All the confidential information that proves they're mad fucks? Disclose it to the public and you've got an uprising. A very bad one.
Two case scenarios:
A) The people win and we have a chance to start anew (which could have several outcomes on it's own)
B)People lose. This will probably result in a lot of bloodshed and/or extreme poverty which will end up speeding up the process like you said.
I could go on, but I wanna see what other people have to say first.

Its a simple as this.

Information is key.



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Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2015, 11:12:45 PM »
Am I the only young man lately that's not paranoid to death about New World Orders and Lizard, shapeshifting, underground beings that control the world?


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