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Author Topic: my first python script  (Read 659 times)

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Offline 0pt1musPr1m3

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my first python script
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:46:01 AM »
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 04:49:43 AM by 0pt1musPr1m3 »
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Re: my first python script
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 07:08:13 AM »
Looks pretty good to me, I don't think you needed the indents.
At least it ran fine for me once I removed them.
Did some minor tweaks to the code, for example in python:

Code: [Select]
a = a + b


Code: [Select]
a += b

On the whole a nice script. Good job.

Code: (Python) [Select]
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, time
from datetime import datetime

def write_logfile(data):
with open('worklogs.txt', 'a') as textfile:

def new_entry(hours, wage, descr):
now =
if len(str(wage)) == 3:
now1 = 'Wage: %s, hours: %s, Description: %s %s %s/%s/%s'% (wage,hours,descr,now.strftime("%A")[0:3],now.month,,now.year)

elif len(str(wage)) <= 2:
now1 = 'Wage: 0%s, Hours: %s, Description: %s %s %s/%s/%s'% (wage,hours,descr,now.strftime("%A")[0:3],now.month,,now.year)

def new_payment(amount):
now =
now2 = str('Payment of %s recieved %s %s/%s/%s')% (amount,now.strftime("%A")[0:3],now.month,,now.year)

def total_owed():
wages, payments = 0, 0
print "calculating total"
for line in open('worklogs.txt'):
if line.startswith("Wage"):
amount = line[6:9]
wages += int(amount)
elif line.startswith("Payment"):
payment = line[11:14]
payments += int(payment)
totalOwed = wages - payments
print "Wages: " + str(wages)
print "payments: " + str(payments)
print "Total owed: " + str(totalOwed)

print "Did you work or recieve a payment today?\n1) Yes\n2) No"
choice1 = raw_input("Choose a menu number: ")

if choice1 == "1":
while True:   
print "1) Make a new entry"
print "2) Current amount owed"
print "3) Record payment recieved"
print "4) Quit"
choice = raw_input("Choose a menu number: ")

if choice == "1":
new_hours = raw_input("How many hours did it take? ")
new_wage = raw_input("How much did you make? ")
new_descr = raw_input("What did you do? ")
new_entry(new_hours, new_wage, new_descr)

elif choice == "2":

elif choice == "3":
payment = raw_input("How much were you paid? ")

elif choice == "4":

print "Invalid entry"

elif choice1 == "2":
now =
now1 = 'OFF %s/%s/%s %s'% (now.month,,now.year,now.strftime("%A")[0:3])

print "Invalid entry"
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Re: my first python script
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2015, 02:40:33 PM »
Is it bad practice to combine multiple lines based on readability?

Most people would say it is. Python's indentation is designed to make code readable, and believe me, its better to use a line for each statement/expression. It might not look like much to the person writing the code, but it's a lot better for the person who tries to read it (and understand it). Once you get "Python eyes" from looking at indented code all the time, this sort of multi-statement lines can be a bit misleading, especially while debugging.


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