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Author Topic: Tech Confessions?  (Read 2820 times)

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Offline Pak_Track

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Re: Tech Confessions?
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2015, 12:47:34 PM »
3.When I've find the BIOS I set password to it, I was unable to remove it.

Did you try removing the battery?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 12:49:32 PM by Pak_Track »

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Re: Tech Confessions?
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2015, 03:16:38 PM »
I can't believe I forgot this. I hope it's okay to post again.
A long-ish time ago when I was still a newb and relatively lacking in the general hacking knowledge department, I ended up crushing on a girl in class and seeing as I had no chance as the girl was 10000000000% straight, I give up. Friend ****somehow**** convinces me to dox her into running a trojan on her laptop (I did it because I thought it would be kinda funny) and I did (exe disguised as pdf with the name "DONT OPEN THIS" on a usb and gave it to her, asking her to give me as many Supernatural episodes as possible).
It worked. Figuring it was an invasion of privacy though, I left it alone. Mostly. I didn't get rid of it "just in case". (I'm not a stalker, okay?)
One day I overhear my principal complaining about how her internet has become seriously slow and everything is just slowing down in her pc and I automatically assume it was the trojan I sent out.
Aaaand back then, I didn't use proxies, I thought she'd somehow find out about it and track my IP, send me to court and thus jail, so what do I do? I spend all the money I saved up for a new wireless card, two new hard drives and a new ISP and for 6 months after that, whenever my principal so much as called my name, I jumped. At some point, she thought I was smuggling drugs because I was acting so suspicious. Oh, and I burned that usb.
Those were dark, dark days.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 03:17:12 PM by Spectrum_963 »
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Re: Tech Confessions?
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2015, 07:28:01 PM »
That shit is awesome. And naming the file, "DONT OPEN THIS" was pure genius, I'll definitely try it.
And that was quite a coincidence, too :P
You could've just phoned your ISP, and requested a new IP, although, it doesn't really 'trace' you.

This happened to me yesterday:
I was messing with my router and accidentally turned off it's wireless capability. The thing was, on that particular router, wifi turned off immediately, without any reboot, or so much as save :P Now, the ethernet port on my laptop wasn't working, and I didn't know about this. I thought something was wrong with the cable, so I ripped my house apart looking for other cables. I found two more. Tried them, shit didn't happen. At long last, I remembered that I could move the router to the desktop, and that the DSL cable didn't really need to be plugged in. I connected it and fixed shit. I took about 6 hours, though :P

I was even considering moving my desk out of the room and to the router :P
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 07:28:40 PM by Pak_Track »

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Re: Tech Confessions?
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2015, 10:27:11 PM »
  • I used to think that blank CD's were double sided.
  • I often try to put my USB sticks into the SD card slot on my older machines.

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Re: Tech Confessions?
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2015, 03:03:09 AM »
Okay, well here is my confession.

When I worked as a computer tech. I would fix computers for all types of life, school girls to VA hospital techs.
One day I was working on a girls computer and I came across a lot of porn, of her, so I saved it. I felt so perverted I gave it to my boss and all he had to say was damn shes hot. LOL

Also, one day my uncle brought me 3 school computers that a university left on side of the road. I found out they were college, or at least fraternity computers. I ran a hand full of snooping files on these computers, I came across a girls email and password through some old sites, I mean like haven't been used in 10 years. Long story short, she used same password still, and email for her facebook. Lets say she does not know it, but I have access to her tax, school, and every aspect of her life.
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Offline BrynnLabWorks

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Re: Tech Confessions?
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2015, 03:40:39 AM »
I have quite a few, but here are the most interesting ones:

I learned how to torrent movies in 6th grade, and I continued to torrent a lot of crap thinking the "hide my ass proxy" would protect me, until my freshman year in high school when I learned the truth.....I should have known better, but also I think our ISP couldn't care less  ;D 

*Not entirely my fault, the second story:
Same high school, my sophomore year, where I NOW KNOW a bit more with computers, we all had to pay tuition for the first time (well, the parents paid) for school laptops for everyone and the new computer/programming courses.  Well, that year I was asked to volunteer for the tech-help desk by the programming teacher, mostly just to teach the tech hungry freshman how to do basic stuff like connecting to the student network, connecting to wireless printers and the classic "my computer is slow" issues, I've practically made them IT slaves, but I got bored, and made the mistake of showing them what BIOS in Windows can do (nothing that can do any REAL damage i supposed).  It's their second week and I just go to grab a quick snack and talk to a few friends in the cafeteria for a few minutes, when I return 10 minutes later, the freshman are factory wiping someone's laptop, (this was a big no no at the time since all of the lappys had Microsoft office, the entire adobe package, and VNC) "what are you doing?!?!?" "someone dropped it off and said it had a virus on the desktop, so we clicked on it and a bunch of terminals kept popping up! so we shut it down and we factory reset it just to be safe!"  :(  the facepalm level was above 9000, the freshman were later terminated from the help desk, and I had to re-install all the crap onto the kid's computer.  It's even worse that they were suspended at the end of the year  from having their laptops because they then tried to take down the school network using cmd...apparently I "inspired" them to search a crap load of Youtube how-to's on cmd crap.....
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 03:41:15 AM by BrynnLabWorks »
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Re: Tech Confessions?
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2015, 09:18:48 PM »
Someone brought a laptop into the shop for fixing, apparently it wouldn't charge, we tried five chargers and none worked. I took it to pieces to see if any of the connections were damaged or faulty.

So I then plugged it back in (Still in pieces) so I could try and test the voltage to see if it was receiving the power, I had set up the meter wrong and and sparks went flying with a small plume of smoke following close behind.

Panicking I put the whole thing together without saying anything, I pressed the power button and I was bemused.

It worked.




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