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Author Topic: Learning Efficiently  (Read 719 times)

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Offline NightStrafe

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Learning Efficiently
« on: December 11, 2014, 06:46:45 PM »
So (obviously) I'm new to the forum, or at least new to this account. I'm very interested in learning how to manipulate web servers and I've done quite a lot of work with web focused languages (html, javascript, css, php). I've looked over a lot of tutorial posts related to that topic, but I want to know how you can practice the skills you learn here. Obviously there is a lot of risk in attempting to hack anything in the wild - especially when you aren't fully sure of what you are doing. I've tried to take some precautions in masking my online trail using tips, tricks, and a great tutorial by Lucid (I believe it was Lucid?), but I don't want to make those mistakes that could make myself vulnerable or traceable. If any of you could share resources, advice, or mistakes that you have made that could have compromised your security I'd be extremely grateful.

Thanks, NS

Offline Syntax990

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Re: Learning Efficiently
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2014, 07:07:00 PM »
If you want my best advice in terms of improving your learning efficiency, it is to simply learn what you don't understand. I wont consider myself close to being a hacker, but I will say I'm a competent user. Efficiency is all about commitment, in terms of computing.

You have access to the Internet, so the world is your oyster. Before bothering to researching hacking tactics and learning how to use exploits, brush yourself over basic knowledge. Consider getting qualified in both the web developing and networking. Complete every course on 'Code Academy', get CCNA1 and CCNA2, then learn a few more powerful programming languages such as C# or Java.

Learning these intricate skills will give you the mentality you need to learn anything. As well as opening some useful oppitunities to build a career with your skills.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 07:08:09 PM by syntax990 »

Offline madf0x

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Re: Learning Efficiently
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2014, 02:19:50 AM »
Pretty much the only way to make sure you don't make mistakes that screw you over is to know everything about everything related to what you are doing. Understand how computing actually works down the the processor and learn how networks actually work. Take a few weeks off studying other shit and read one of those massive books on the TCP/IP Protocol Suite and understand. Simply put the more you know, the more you understand what information you are leaking. There ain't no shortcut that doesn't wind up leaving a blind spot somewhere that can haunt you. And yes this all applies even if all you're doing is some lame sql injection on some nobody site.

May seem a bit zealous and abstract but put it this way 'Amateurs practice till they get it right, Professionals practice till they can't get it wrong.' Same applies with learning in a sense.

Offline Resistor

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Re: Learning Efficiently
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2014, 07:06:13 PM »
I think you're going about it the wrong way, NightStrafe. In my view, it's really not a good idea to learn how to hack by hacking other people's shit. You're just learning, so you're at risk of making mistakes and getting caught. Sure, challenging yourself is important in learning, but if you don't know what you're doing, you're going to fuck up.

Fortunately we live in a time where it is dead simple to setup virtual machines. I would suggest downloading either Virtual Box or the free version of VM Ware, and set up a LAMP stack on it. Actually develop a web site and web apps in your virtual environment, and then hack them. You'll learn a lot more this way than just trying to hack random sites, and you'll be at no risk of prison time as you're not breaking any laws.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 07:06:40 PM by Resistor »

Offline HexEngineer

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Re: Learning Efficiently
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2015, 08:30:30 PM »
I didn't read other commends, I'm too lazy so sorry if I repeat somebody. You said that you have read and learn about full-stack development(front and back end dev.). Well I will recommend you to write your own social network something like facebook, with Ajax(or webSockets if you are using HTML5) with chat system, profile system etc.. The idea is to get practical expirience not to destroy facebook.While you are writing the social network don't care about the security .Write the system and then start reading about web security there are plenty of books that will give you basic introduction to the most common attack(like XSS, SQLi, CSRF...). After you get the theory behind those attacks, try to exploit those vulnerabilities in your social network, after that patch them.

P.S. Sorry for my bad grammar.


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