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Author Topic: eReader or tablet?  (Read 2391 times)

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eReader or tablet?
« on: August 20, 2014, 01:32:37 PM »
I want to buy either an eReader or a tablet. I want one because I have to study computer science, programming, eth. hacking and other things.
So, what should I do? If there are many good video tutorials I can use, I'd go for the tablet. If I only use ebooks, I'll go for an eReader

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 04:38:16 PM »
Table imo are worthless things ; big phones that cant call.
In my experience reading on  a tablet just doesnt really cut it, ereader s are far more comfy to actually read books, mostly due to the backlight lcd type screen.
A small netbook is by far more flexible for a linuxboy like meself especially compared to android.
I had the same dilemma btw.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 04:39:30 PM by proxx »
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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2014, 04:51:55 PM »
I thought about the same some time ago. I am not that kind of a guy that can sit in front of his PC and read a thousand pages pdf on the screen. I thought it would be great to have a ebook reader and I still use mine (its a cheap one from a local book store) for reading novels and such. As the screen of most ebook readers is not that big there is a feature called pdf reflow. That means the reader will rearrange the contents of a page to make it better for you to read. Bad thing about it is that code samples and such are not formatted anymore and if you try to learn a new language and you see that unformatted stuff its much more difficult to follow the sample codes and to understand them. Sure you can turn of that reflow stuff but that will make the content on the screen extrem small and its no fun to read it. Thats just my experience I had with those readers. Best advice I can give you is to visit a store which sells them and ask them to load a programming ebook for you so you can see it for yourself.

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 05:13:16 PM »
I'm the kind of guy who CAN sit and read a lot of pages in front of a PC. However, an ebook reader looks nice and far more natural.

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2014, 05:19:26 PM »
I'm the kind of guy who CAN sit and read a lot of pages in front of a PC. However, an ebook reader looks nice and far more natural.
I agree, after x hours of staring at  a pdf on a computer screen I get tired and bail.
Another factor is that I would probably store less data in my brain.
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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 05:34:45 PM »
I use amazon kindle for ebook reading . I have kindle(ebook reader) machine itself and then i have kindle app on my phone and tablet. No matter what machine i use it syncs the last page i was on book.

Kindle has this great feature also, where you can send e.g. pdf documents in email to your kindle account. You can also use it for converting documents to  kindles prefered ebook format. This has been great combination with evilzones ebook library.:)

Edit: And to give little bit more precise answer to OP question i would say that if you are going to read alot with the machine, then pick reader not tablet. It its much better for you eyes and easier to keep reading because of that. This is atleast my experience on my kindle reader and galaxy tab3 tablet.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 05:44:05 PM by gray-fox »

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2014, 07:27:14 PM »
Thanks to everybody, I see many of my issues that you posted you have (for example, less learning after hours in front of my PC).
It seems that the kindle / eReader is winning at the moment.
But can anybody answer here, too? In my OP I wrote: " If there are many good video tutorials I can use, I'd go for the tablet "
What do you think? Are (e)books still the best, or are there many good video tuts?

What about Surface?

When answering, remember what I will study :)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 07:28:39 PM by FlzedZ »

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 08:35:42 PM »
I had the same dilemma myself not long ago. IMO a single device should not multitask. You should get a tablet if and only if you will be moving a lot, you will need to prepare spreadsheets, write documents, prepare slides, check email and all that shit without having to carry a large computer around. And even then I'd choose a netbook (Asus eeePC, Acer Aspire One, why didn't netbooks catch on?) over a tablet most of the time. An eReader is only good for 1 thing - reading books. That's what it was invented for and only choose this if you wish to read books and nothing more on a tablet-sized thing.
Now comes into mind - which model to choose. Ofcourse the Kindle has gone mainstream (probably for a really good reason) and I will get one eventually, because it only does 1 thing - lets you read books. That's it. There are those PocketBook bullshit readers and others that compete with each other by adding really unneeded features. IMO a device like an ebook reader should NOT have unrelated features to distract the reader.
A Kindle doesn't have all that crap, only wifi support and in newer models an experimental internet browser. While PocketBook and others offer a fucking touchscreen, music player comes with speakers built-in, a full internet browser, basically a tablet with epaper screen. That is garbage. The more features you have the more you'll want to drop the book and go do something more entertaining, you'll go read some website or try and listen to music on your device or something else.
Kindle doesn't have all that and that's why it's great.

But what I don't really like about eReaders is that they come in very small screens. Reading a normal book on it becomes unnatural, and with a pdf-reflow as RBA said, code samples and other text blocks that should not be reflown become unreadable. AFAIK Kindle doesn't offer bigger screens and that is kind of a bummer.

I myself can't stand reading a book on a computer, I cannot get comfortable with the screen and position I sit and I am just that kinda person that cannot sit calm on a computer and read. The computer screen isn't designed to look at for many hours. ePaper screen has few advantages over the capacitive tablet screen. For one it doesn't give a fuck about bright sun cumming on your screen, the screen is as visible in sunlight as if a paper book. The screen doesn't glare and only use battery energy when repainting the screen (flipping a page etc.). As some reviews said, if you would read a Kindle for 1 hours every day, the fully charged battery would last for a month (or so...).

So tl;dr, get an ereader if you will only read books on it. Get a tablet if you choose to multitask on it. Remember that you can always check video tutorials on a computer. With coding/CS you will most likely watch whole series or video tutorials, and the tablet won't last that long anyway.

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2014, 08:56:45 PM »
The more features you have the more you'll want to drop the book and go do something more entertaining, you'll go read some website or try and listen to music on your device or something else.
Kindle doesn't have all that and that's why it's great.

But what I don't really like about eReaders is that they come in very small screens. Reading a normal book on it becomes unnatural, and with a pdf-reflow as RBA said, code samples and other text blocks that should not be reflown become unreadable. AFAIK Kindle doesn't offer bigger screens and that is kind of a bummer.

I myself can't stand reading a book on a computer, I cannot get comfortable with the screen and position I sit and I am just that kinda person that cannot sit calm on a computer and read. The computer screen isn't designed to look at for many hours.
Ok, so, first: thank you for your answer!
Well, I agree with you, the screen size sucks. :( I don't know. And it sucks for the code blocks, too.
What should I do then?

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2014, 09:06:03 PM »
Kulverstukas made a good point about tablets screen when reading under the bright sun, but you should also think a situtation if you need/want to do reading in a place where you can't adjust your enviroments lightning when it's dark. Because in most of ebook readers doesn't have any inside lightning like lcd screens have, AFAIK. Kindle doesn't have, that's for sure.

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2014, 09:43:51 PM »
That sucks too :\
I don't really know then

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2014, 10:29:35 PM »
Well yes, I forgot about the dark. However you can't read a paper book in the dark anyway. Kindle has a cover designed for it that has built in light for you.

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2014, 12:22:04 AM »
However you can't read a paper book in the dark anyway.

I really need to make a choice within some hours! Kindle or not Kindle? What else?
Help me make that choice!

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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2014, 06:52:53 AM »
I'm going to say tablet, even though you all seem to like ereaders so much. I've used Kindles, Nooks, knock-off stuff that have used eink and hd screens. And honestly, I prefer my Galaxy Tab 3. Gaming is easier, so is watching movies and tv, ebooks, calender, web browser, 9gag, reddit [so much better on mobile], blah blah blah.

Also, a lot of ereaders don't have an sd card slot. Or be able to ftp, ssh, and VNC data on a home network. I am opposite of Kulver, I want one device to do everything.
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Re: eReader or tablet?
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2014, 09:12:53 AM »
One device to do anything is great. I was saying that a device like an ereader should not do all those things, it just distracts the reader.


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