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Author Topic: "Army of Two: 40th day" mini-review  (Read 432 times)

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"Army of Two: 40th day" mini-review
« on: July 11, 2014, 06:26:21 PM »

The story finds Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem as self-employed private contractors, who, along with Alice Murray run Trans World Operations (TWO), hence the game's title. Their second mission as the newly formed company takes them to Shanghai where they are tasked with meeting a contact named JB. Upon meeting him it is revealed that he was once an SSC Operative who also worked for Dalton. JB leads them to a back alley where their gear and weapons have been stashed in a dumpster. They then proceed with the second part of their mission in the form of planting locator beacons throughout strategic locations in Shanghai. After planting the last of the beacons and an encounter with overzealous security guards, they regroup on a rooftop of a building.

My input:

Wasn't as good with the plot and gameplay as the first part. I expected more, but got less. You can't use car doors and other stuff as shields anymore like you were able to in the first part. Now you can only use shields... for shields :P there's less swearing and joking between those two main characters and the whole gameplay is monotonic and linear. Normally you never run out of ammunition, even if blasting without looking.
The game scenery is set around a city of Shanghai which explodes and crashes all the time, so there's not change in scenery, bad guys are predictable as well... also it was very short, finished it in few hours.
Well, again, for a linear and mindless third-person shooter this is a really great game, with nice graphics and all. But you play game to follow an awesome story like me, this isn't the game for you :)

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Re: "Army of Two: 40th day" mini-review
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2014, 07:04:27 PM »
+1. I love that you review games in this forum and without all the excessive stuff other reviewers put,IGN *cough*.The devil's cartel i believe is the best army of two game.But i believe  its a game that requires a friend of yours  playing splitscreen for ultimate fun.:D.


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