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Author Topic: Shut down internet connection  (Read 1062 times)

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Offline alanarg

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Shut down internet connection
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:40:47 PM »
Hello everyone, I'm new here and I hope you can help me with this.

I'm taking a course in college regarding cybersecurity (I'm studying engeneering). The professor asks us how would we shut down someone connection using software, of course.  I read a lot about it and I even try it with my cousins connection, but the "DDoS" attacks are useless using software like "LOIC" (in UDP mode and 1.000.000 threads my computer is kinda "lag" and I have to stop the flood) and others that I can't even remember.
My ISP has 30mb download speed and 2mb upload speed.

The point is that I read on the internet that is almost impossible to shut down someone's connection with just your connection and software. The "only" choice is to use a booter website, paying it of course.

So, what should I answer to my professor? That is not possible?

Thanks a lot for your time and help!

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Re: Shut down internet connection
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2014, 09:59:21 PM »
This is stupid.. I dont like people who try to run before they can even crawl. One should learn networking, OS, programming and so on before one tries these stupid things.

Anyway. '1.000.000' threads on your computer is complete bullshit, not even remotely possible. You shouldent really even need more than one, depending slightly on the method used.

What you are describing here is DoS (Denial of service). Denial of service does exactly like the name suggests, denies services to function normally.

Without having read any books or anything like that on the subject, I would argue that DoS can be put into three categories:

DoS by sending more traffic to a machine or network than the machine or network can handle (or more typically more than the ISP has limited your connection to). Typically you would need many internet connections (many machines) OR one or a few high speed connections.

Performance overrunning
DoS by sending too many requests (dosent have to be large requests, just too many) for the machine/software/CPU to handle. Typically you would need a lot of machines.

DoS by sending specially crafted requests making the machine loop, memory leak or otherwise non-efficient handle the request.

In your case, your 2mbit upload connection would only be able to "shut down" or rather interrupt/block/jam a 2mbit download connection. If you want to take down a 30mbit download connection you would need at least a combined speed of 30mbit upload connection(s). But this is only if you are doing volume DoS.

If you find a service (web server, IRC server etc) running on the machine you want to "shut down", you could try to overrun it with requests making it inaccessible for others OR you would have to find a DoS exploit resulting in the same ting.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 10:07:21 PM by ande »
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Offline alanarg

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Re: Shut down internet connection
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2014, 10:30:56 PM »
This is stupid.. I dont like people who try to run before they can even crawl. One should learn networking, OS, programming and so on before one tries these stupid things.

Anyway. '1.000.000' threads on your computer is complete bullshit, not even remotely possible. You shouldent really even need more than one, depending slightly on the method used.

What you are describing here is DoS (Denial of service). Denial of service does exactly like the name suggests, denies services to function normally.

Without having read any books or anything like that on the subject, I would argue that DoS can be put into three categories:

DoS by sending more traffic to a machine or network than the machine or network can handle (or more typically more than the ISP has limited your connection to). Typically you would need many internet connections (many machines) OR one or a few high speed connections.

Performance overrunning
DoS by sending too many requests (dosent have to be large requests, just too many) for the machine/software/CPU to handle. Typically you would need a lot of machines.

DoS by sending specially crafted requests making the machine loop, memory leak or otherwise non-efficient handle the request.

In your case, your 2mbit upload connection would only be able to "shut down" or rather interrupt/block/jam a 2mbit download connection. If you want to take down a 30mbit download connection you would need at least a combined speed of 30mbit upload connection(s). But this is only if you are doing volume DoS.

If you find a service (web server, IRC server etc) running on the machine you want to "shut down", you could try to overrun it with requests making it inaccessible for others OR you would have to find a DoS exploit resulting in the same ting.
The target would be a random connection, in this case I tried with my cousin's network just for educational purposes.
I think the point of this "homework" was that we explore and gather information regarding DoS and all that stuff.

My cousin's network is 6mbit download connection, so I would need an equal or more than 6mbit upload connection to interrupt it?
Basically, I would need a booter website, is there any other tool?

Thanks for your soon reply.

Offline LsD

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Re: Shut down internet connection
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2014, 12:19:17 AM »
In my view, being a guy who's seen EZ change A FUCK TON since the days of "Hacker's Heaven", I think you should just drop the "it's for my homework excuse". I'm going to be nice here and give you some very valuable advice alanarg-- rather than just telling you to fuck off to some g-d forsaken.

This forum is not a place where you come to beg for "hacking tools" or desperately figure out how to do a DOS attack that will likely get you busted. Take a quick look up at the Evilzone banner at the top of the page-- QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Before you ever consider DOSing something like your "cousin's" ;) router or website, you should learn about all the things Ande mentioned (networking, OS, invaluable protocols,etc) before EVER trying something like this. Hell, don't even try something unless you have a good working knowledge of HOW & WHY it works, as well as all the possible ways carrying out such an attack could backfire on you and lead the authorities straight to your door.

Evilzone has evolved considerably since I was last active years ago, and you'll get a lot farther here if you want to put in the effort to learn rather than simply running LOIC. If all you care about is bragging to your friends, crashing your neighbours' internet, or DOSing your school, then you are better of going onto the Tor network with the skids.

This is obviously a troll thread. If not, then you're inconceivably autistic if you think you can even begin to do this.

Offline alanarg

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Re: Shut down internet connection
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2014, 12:37:45 AM »
In my view, being a guy who's seen EZ change A FUCK TON since the days of "Hacker's Heaven", I think you should just drop the "it's for my homework excuse". I'm going to be nice here and give you some very valuable advice alanarg-- rather than just telling you to fuck off to some g-d forsaken.

This forum is not a place where you come to beg for "hacking tools" or desperately figure out how to do a DOS attack that will likely get you busted. Take a quick look up at the Evilzone banner at the top of the page-- QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Before you ever consider DOSing something like your "cousin's" ;) router or website, you should learn about all the things Ande mentioned (networking, OS, invaluable protocols,etc) before EVER trying something like this. Hell, don't even try something unless you have a good working knowledge of HOW & WHY it works, as well as all the possible ways carrying out such an attack could backfire on you and lead the authorities straight to your door.

Evilzone has evolved considerably since I was last active years ago, and you'll get a lot farther here if you want to put in the effort to learn rather than simply running LOIC. If all you care about is bragging to your friends, crashing your neighbours' internet, or DOSing your school, then you are better of going onto the Tor network with the skids.
Thanks for your reply and advice LsD. I really appreciate it.

Anyway, I would like to say in my behalf that there's plenty of "hack" forums and Facebook groups where I could find easily information and soft on how to harm people's computers, connections and etc., but why do you think I asked here? Because I'm stupid and I clicked in the first forum that Google shows up? Of course not buddy, I asked here because I'm looking for serious replies, not just noobs and kids trying to teach me how to DoS someone's IP.

Besides, I'm aware of legal consequences, that's why I'm doing it to people that I know well and with their consent.

I'm studying informatic engineering but I'm quite interested on cybersecurity and CSSP Security Certification, but I was adviced by some professors that I should learn and explore by myself before trying to applicate to this certificate. In case everyone is interested, there's a free online course provided by an Australian university called Charles Sturt.

As I said, I really appreciate your advice and I'm glad that I asked in the right place. I don't judge your distrust, but I'm not asking for "hacking tools", I'm asking for advices, useful software and not just exploits, keyloggers or stuff that could harm others or my computer itself.

One more time, thank you, for real.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 12:38:46 AM by alanarg »

Offline N3mesis

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Re: Shut down internet connection
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2014, 01:14:20 AM »
Andes reply pretty much covers it all. The answer is it is definitely not impossible and there are many ways. You aren't attacking it the right way though, and LOIC from one computer is not a DDOS attack, its a DOS attack. And Trying to run multiple instances of it from one computer is just stupid if thats what your trying to do. It won't send any more traffic across the network than it would otherwise, which is what you are trying to do in  a volume based attack like this.

A fairly basic example that you should look at is a DNS amplification attack. This is kinda a thing of the past but will help answer your question. if you don't know what DNS is then learn it.

Also, if you come to evilzone asking questions like this, people are gonna give you hell. This is a community, and people expect you to contribute to it if you sign up. Starting off with "how do I answer my teachers question on basic DOS" is not a great way to start off in a community like this.
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Re: Shut down internet connection
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2014, 03:09:11 AM »
The target would be a random connection, in this case I tried with my cousin's network just for educational purposes.
I think the point of this "homework" was that we explore and gather information regarding DoS and all that stuff.

My cousin's network is 6mbit download connection, so I would need an equal or more than 6mbit upload connection to interrupt it?
Basically, I would need a booter website, is there any other tool?

Thanks for your soon reply.

You would need an equal or greater combined upload connection yes.

There are many more ways than a "booter website", have barely heard that term before. How do you think the people running bots for rent are doing it? Well ofcourse they are actually coding (or compiling) the malware (bot software) and spreading it around themselves.

It is important to understand the difference between denial of service (DoS) and destributed denial of service (DDoS). While DoS is only a single machine sending requests, DDoS is more than one.

You should look into DoS amplification like N3mesis said, it's and interesting topic as well, not really mentioned in my first reply. Basically it's a way to amplify the amount of data sent by spoofing and techniques alike.

The only reason this thread did not get deleted is actually because it was asked in a hypothetical way. It is somewhat "noobish" as some would call it, but asking it the way it was (hypotetical) leads to better discussions and more generalised answers which again leads to better quality answers. Not to mention that we write off any legal responsibilities.
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