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Author Topic: [OFFICIAL] EvilZone Android Section Rules  (Read 2050 times)

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Offline iTpHo3NiX

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[OFFICIAL] EvilZone Android Section Rules
« on: June 17, 2014, 10:46:38 PM »
Welcome to the Android Section of EvilZone. Here we strive to deliver a comprehensive way to learn anything and everything Android. With the vast amount of Android devices, it is difficult to find directed help on a forum like this, so in order to keep this section organized, I'd like to see these rules followed to make it easy for everyone.

Please keep in mind that any Moderator, Global Moderator, Administrator or Owner has the ability to remove or reformat any post in this thread without your consent. To avoid having your post removed or edited, I ask that you please follow these basic rules.

1. Posting for Help
As I stated before, there are a lot of devices that all have different features and such. In order to help diagnose and resolve your issues please follow these guidelines
  • Post Your Device Model #
  • Post Your Carrier
  • Post Your Android Version
  • Post Your Kernel Version
With this information we will be better suited to help you with your needs. In the title of your thread you should add [HELP] so people know it is help that you are looking for. This way people with knowledge can look at the title and know you're in need of help. Having the devices information and the issue you are having give us the opportunity to help you quickly and effectively instead of waiting for you to post your devices information.

2. Posting an Application
If you would like to post an Application, please put [APP] in the title along with the Application Name and Version. This will help users know that you are posting an application for download. We recommend using the EvilZone upload which can be found at
All application posts should include the name of the application, the application version, device requirements (certain android versions ie 4.0.3+, 2.2+ 2.2-2.3 4.3+, etc) as well as if root is required or if it's an Xposed module, as well as a picture of the application, description of the application, a link to the developers website or play store link and lastly the download if it is a sideloaded application.

3. Posting a Guide or Tutorial
When posting an Android Guide or Tutorial, this can go either here or in the tutorials section. If posted in the tutorials section, it can be added to the Android Tutorial list thread. However if it is posted in the Android Section, you need to put [GUIDE] or [TUT] in the title which will also get listed in the Android Tutorial Thread. Guides and tutorials should be properly formatted and have an easy to follow presentation. Tutorials that fail to meet these guidelines will be modified or removed.

Thank you for reading, and lets get into some Android lovin!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 10:47:57 PM by DeepCopy »
[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry


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