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Author Topic: Getting Started..USB Dongle protected software  (Read 1045 times)

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Getting Started..USB Dongle protected software
« on: May 28, 2014, 06:41:15 PM »
So to start things off, hello :)
I'm new to this world, but not new to computers. Read more in my introduction thread :)

I have done quite a bit of research on this topic, but I am still nowhere close to figuring out everything that I need, and needs to be done.

To get started, I am trying to gain access to a program called SCT Advantage (it's okay for me to post the name right? lol, I haven't seen anything in the stickies..).
It is a program that allows you to tune the computer aspects of your car.
Specifically, I am running nitrous on my car and want to make my own tunes :)

When you get the software, the program itself is a free download, but then there is a USB dongle that contains the appropriate coding and updates.

Code: [Select]
So to start things off, does it seem feasible to break into the program itself and modify the parameters and allow it to run the program without the dongle?
Here's a quote from somewhere "Messed around with it for a few minutes and the USB encryptions are riddled all over the software, I have located the API breakpoints and code signatures which will let me reverse engineer the software encoding. Needless to say this wont be a weekend fix....."

Secondly, it seems to me that this will be MUCH easier if I used a dongle emulator. I think I read something about one called USSBUSS? maybe?
The trick is, I do not have a dongle, although there is a very SLIGHT chance I may be able to get my hands on one..
Which leads to the question, will a digital version of the dongle be accessible anywhere on the internet? Is this even possible, or should I just try and snag a physical?

Thanks for your time,
I'm not asking for anyone to get this done for me, just some guidance along my way :)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 07:33:04 PM by Kulverstukas »


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