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Author Topic: What you need to know about the new copyright law  (Read 1323 times)

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Offline Teh-J0k3r

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Re: What you need to know about the new copyright law
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 02:02:28 AM »
Who. The account holder (the person who pays for the internet conection) is the one who is legally responsible for any infringing file sharing occurring over that connection. You are not legally liable if you use someone else's internet connection, although they won't be very happy about it and may be able to come after you.

That's some bullllshit. 
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Offline petermlm

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Re: What you need to know about the new copyright law
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 12:11:24 PM »
No matter how many laws against file sharing there can never be a stop to it. There will always be ways against that.

It is actually quite stupid. Take an example. I have a movie, in essence that movie is just a big sequence of 0s and 1s on my hard drive, those 0s and 1s are just magnetic signals (or not, I don't know how a hard drive really works, xD). So copyright law says that that sequence can't be shared, this is, can't be copied to another hard drive that belongs to another person. So I just change one bit in the sequence and the movie is no longer bound to copyright law, lol.

Or maybe if I change from an .avi file to a .mkv file. he movie is no longer bound to copyright, lol.

Offline FuyuKitsune

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Re: What you need to know about the new copyright law
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2011, 12:19:54 AM »
Doesn't seem like much of a change to me. It's slightly easier for companies to take action but they're still only going to enforce on tards and their chosen examples.

It is actually quite stupid. Take an example. I have a movie, in essence that movie is just a big sequence of 0s and 1s on my hard drive, those 0s and 1s are just magnetic signals (or not, I don't know how a hard drive really works, xD). So copyright law says that that sequence can't be shared, this is, can't be copied to another hard drive that belongs to another person. So I just change one bit in the sequence and the movie is no longer bound to copyright law, lol.

Or maybe if I change from an .avi file to a .mkv file. he movie is no longer bound to copyright, lol.
It is the content of the data that is copyrighted, not the data itself. Distributing the content in any form (MKV, AVI, cellphone video recording, film, etc) is illegal.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 12:20:30 AM by FuyuKitsune »


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