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Author Topic: "Army of Two" mini-review  (Read 548 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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"Army of Two" mini-review
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:02:40 PM »

The game is centered upon two mercenaries fighting through war, political turmoil, and a conspiracy from 1993 to 2009. Focusing on cooperative strategies, Army of Two's main feature is the necessity to use coordinated teamwork to accomplish the game's goals

My input:

A really fun game with a fun story. Gameplay is great, it enforces teamwork and the game itself is kinda made that it is VERY hard to do it all on your own.
There are 3 games in the series, so far I have only played the first one and I noticed the combat scenes are very alike to the "Gears of War" scenes, where enemies come into bursts and when the last one is killed you hear a bell/sound.
The gameplay is all about shooting, so you almost never run out of ammo even when spraying everywhere...
In general this is a different kind of a shooter and one has to try this game :)


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