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Author Topic: "Duke Nukem" mini-review  (Read 923 times)

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"Duke Nukem" mini-review
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:12:13 PM »

Duke Nukem is a video game series focusing on its protagonist, Duke Nukem. Originally created by Apogee Software Ltd./3D Realms as a series of video games for the PC, the franchise expanded to games released for various consoles by third party developers. In 2010, the rights of the franchise were acquired by Gearbox Software.

My input:

The game that probably doesn't need an introduction. I never was a big fan of it, however I had played it for some time on PS1, cannot remember which one was it though, but it sort of sucked, lol. What I liked the most about this game were the punchlines Duke would say :D man those were funny. The first Duke Nukem was the same as Doom or Wolfenstein - same engine, which wasn't bad at all.
Though anyway, a cool game which I never enjoyed playing lol.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 09:12:30 PM by Kulverstukas »

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Re: "Duke Nukem" mini-review
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2014, 01:19:34 AM »
You're speaking about Duke Nukem 3D, not the original Duke Nukem game from 1991.

In particular, the PS1 port was called Total Meltdown, and it was subpar compared to the PC version, so no surprise there.

Duke3D did not use the same engine as Wolfenstein or Doom. It used its own Build engine, which was technologically superior to the other two, and is still being modded in the present.

I urge you to play Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition with the eDuke32 source port, the High Resolution Pack and the Polymer renderer. It's come a long way.

There's also a new Duke Nukem game being developed right now called Mass Destruction. 8 days until it's unveiled at
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 01:20:47 AM by vezzy »
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Re: "Duke Nukem" mini-review
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 05:22:44 AM »
There's also a new Duke Nukem game being developed right now called Mass Destruction. 8 days until it's unveiled at

I hope it is better than Duke Nukem Forever. While I did buy and play/ed Duke Forever, it is kinda a bad game. Very slapped together and didn't live up to its name.

I have to say though, my favorite Duke game was Manhattan Project.
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Re: "Duke Nukem" mini-review
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 05:28:32 AM »
Duke Nukem Forever was simply a product of its development. It sucked, but it simply had to be released eventually as a vital part of gamer lore. The story of the game's development is far more interesting than the game itself. Someone needs to write a book on it.

Manhattan Project was a blast. I remember replaying it many times when it came out. I then gave it another shot a couple of years ago. It's still a decent game, though it has aged.

Mass Destruction is going to be a top-down action RPG, so it's definitely unconventional by Duke standards. However, it's also being co-developed with Scott Miller, so I'm hoping they'll make something good out of it.
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Just brushing though. I will be semi active mainly came to find a HQ botnet, like THOR or just any p2p botnet

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Re: "Duke Nukem" mini-review
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 07:07:32 AM »
yay Duke Nukem 3D was THE game of my childhood. What are you waiting for.. christmas? Hail to the king baby. It was so awesome. I also had the two expansion kits Nuclear Winter and Life's a beach. I spend so many hours on each level to find all secret areas. Was so much fun. The only game that could compete with it came a bit later and was named shadow warrior. If I remember it right it was made by the same developers and it was the first game I played where the blood of the enemies stayed on the blade of his sword. Who wants some Wang!! Good old memories.
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Re: "Duke Nukem" mini-review
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2014, 07:29:28 AM »
yay Duke Nukem 3D was THE game of my childhood. What are you waiting for.. christmas? Hail to the king baby. It was so awesome. I also had the two expansion kits Nuclear Winter and Life's a beach. I spend so many hours on each level to find all secret areas. Was so much fun. The only game that could compete with it came a bit later and was named shadow warrior. If I remember it right it was made by the same developers and it was the first game I played where the blood of the enemies stayed on the blade of his sword. Who wants some Wang!! Good old memories.

Oh yeah me 2, (18 plus lolz) remember those naked women, giving money to whores etc.
How is someone of about 10/12 years old ... whatever.
Its in the same line with carmageddon , maybe that is what messed me up from early age.
Epic memories.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 07:30:07 AM by proxx »
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Offline RedBullAddicted

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Re: "Duke Nukem" mini-review
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 07:56:04 AM »
Yeah 18+ lulz :) When I was young there was a pc game store with a special room where only ppl. above the age of 18 were allowed to go in. My dad was awesome and I took him there, he went into the room, picked the games I wanted and showed them to me. I picked one and my dad bought it for me. I got so many games from that store like Hexen, Heretic, blood (awesome game.. when you hit off the head of a zombie you could kick it around like a ball), redneck rampage (funny aswell) and another game with a fat cook on the the cover but I can't remember the name of it. Before that time I already had wolfenstein and rise of the triad on floppy disks. Basically doom was the first game that forced me to use a command line. It was windows 3.11 and my first PC and you could only start the simpsons doom mod via dos.. lol. If I could only remember how old I was back then. Guess that must be round about 16 - 18 years.. fuck I am so old.. lol
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. - Edgar Allan Poe


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