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Author Topic: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's  (Read 1767 times)

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NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« on: August 01, 2013, 01:42:05 AM »
According to a new report revealed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, The National Security Agency has a secret program that allows it to see just about everything a person does on the Internet.

An NSA tool called DNI Presenter, used to read the content of stored emails, also enables an analyst using XKeyscore to read the content of Facebook chats or private messages.

An analyst can monitor such Facebook chats by entering the Facebook user name and a date range into a simple search screen.
Link: NSA’s #XKeyscore program could read Facebook Chats And Private Messages

I can't really see the news in this, but ok. It's good to know.

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2013, 02:50:05 AM »
Is it open source?
Quote from: Dippy hippy
Just brushing though. I will be semi active mainly came to find a HQ botnet, like THOR or just any p2p botnet

Offline Getherer

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2013, 02:53:47 AM »
This is no surprise... I swear, I was always (well, from the point when I got interested with IT and technology) sure that We, as in society of the world, were always been invigilated by higher government agencies....

Since the very first cameras at the laptops and front cameras on phones, always, ALWAYS thought that they were not created for our luxury, but to keep an eye on computer and mobile device users. Whenever I was saying that to people, they didn't listen, nor they were interested, usually saying "Well, they dont keep an eye on us all, just looking for 'terrorists'."

Well who are terrorists? EVERYBODY who takes a chance to stand against oh so great United States of America in any major matter.

Well, there we are people, not that much has been publicly released about NSA's invigilation, Im sure that majority of what he was or he did release never seen 'official' light.

Not many people seem to give a damn thing about this, that's what makes me angry, really.

Shows how much of slaves we already are to the government agencies.

In my honest opinion it is too late to fight against it as a whole society of human race around the globe, but we can fight as minor group of people who actually care about our privacy and safety.

I swear this is just beginning, and whatever Hitler tried unofficially accomplish, USA is doing with much more subtle way, perhaps without mass killing and ethnic cleaning, but exactly the same as Gestapo were doing;

It is just covered by thick layers of technology which nowadays RULES our lives.

I don't think any major country around the world is safe, neither are the minor countries, which are ruled by the major ones.

And to think that USA has basically army bases all over the globe.

We aren't actual allies- we are the AXIS of the other countries that we call our enemies (mostly).

We are not seeking the peace, we are declaring wars to seek peace the way we WANT.

Why do I say we? Because we, as a society of the world, THE MAJORITY of people, dont give a tiny shit about what is happening. And why should we? Its much better to go and buy new Ferrari (with GPS built in ofc), go eat chicken wings at McDonalds (processed meat), buy luxury clothes (made by slaved children of 3rd world countries) and drink some Coke (which is cheaper than actual mineral water)...

We love to be controlled, given narrow perspectives, to buy dreams (which aint ours really, we just think they are), being stuffed with bullshit trash food, stuffed with ridiculous education system which makes more confusion than actual help, being ruled by laws and legislation which at points of time seem to order ridiculously (someone murders someone or rapes someone, goes to jail for 5 years, someone steals something from store, goes to jail for 3 years...)

...But HEY!

We are Free! So many perspectives, places to see and things to learn!
Come on people, let's wake up with a wide smile on our faces tomorrow, because it is a next day in a LIBERAL WORLD! 

Offline proxx

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 06:05:03 AM »

Why do I say we? Because we, as a society of the world, THE MAJORITY of people, dont give a tiny shit about what is happening. And why should we? Its much better to go and buy new Ferrari (with GPS built in ofc), go eat chicken wings at McDonalds (processed meat), buy luxury clothes (made by slaved children of 3rd world countries) and drink some Coke (which is cheaper than actual mineral water)...

We love to be controlled, given narrow perspectives, to buy dreams (which aint ours really, we just think they are), being stuffed with bullshit trash food, stuffed with ridiculous education system which makes more confusion than actual help, being ruled by laws and legislation which at points of time seem to order ridiculously (someone murders someone or rapes someone, goes to jail for 5 years, someone steals something from store, goes to jail for 3 years...)

...But HEY!

We are Free! So many perspectives, places to see and things to learn!
Come on people, let's wake up with a wide smile on our faces tomorrow, because it is a next day in a LIBERAL WORLD!

You know thats exactly what I see when I go into town at a saturday afternoon.
Sheeple buying their way out of the empty hole we call capitalism/democracy.
Working the most braindead office job for a week.
For them to forget about their shallow lives for a second or two.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 06:10:51 AM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline Mordred

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2013, 09:04:18 PM »
You know thats exactly what I see when I go into town at a saturday afternoon.
Sheeple buying their way out of the empty hole we call capitalism/democracy.
Working the most braindead office job for a week.
For them to forget about their shallow lives for a second or two.

Here's a question in that case: What do?

I mean okay, in my private circle of friends I've "awoken" (sort of improper term but bear with me) most of the people to the actual reality that they live in.

That's maybe 15% of all the people I have met as acquaintances, and maybe 1% of the total people I've ever exchanged even 1 word with (including for example the clerk at a super market).
Even worse, in the grand scheme of things it's such a small number of people that the percentage itself becomes almost insignificant.

So basically my question is, how do you feel that this could be fixed for instance? I'm seriously running out of ideas fast on this matter :\

(sorry about the off-topic from the original idea of the post, but it seems a lot of these threads tend to deviate due to the very nature of their content. If it's too far-fetched I will create a separate topic for this discussion.)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 09:15:51 PM by Mordred »

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2013, 10:58:02 PM »
Ah well. This is nothing new, nor is it a big surprise. Tyrants fear their subjects because they know that they will rise against them one day. Fear has drastic affects on ones mind. The US Government, is apparently paranoid and fears deposition from, it's own people.

Why do I say we? Because we, as a society of the world, THE MAJORITY of people, dont give a tiny shit about what is happening. And why should we? Its much better to go and buy new Ferrari (with GPS built in ofc), go eat chicken wings at McDonalds (processed meat), buy luxury clothes (made by slaved children of 3rd world countries) and drink some Coke (which is cheaper than actual mineral water)...

We love to be controlled, given narrow perspectives, to buy dreams (which aint ours really, we just think they are), being stuffed with bullshit trash food, stuffed with ridiculous education system which makes more confusion than actual help, being ruled by laws and legislation which at points of time seem to order ridiculously (someone murders someone or rapes someone, goes to jail for 5 years, someone steals something from store, goes to jail for 3 years...)

...But HEY!

We are Free! So many perspectives, places to see and things to learn!
Come on people, let's wake up with a wide smile on our faces tomorrow, because it is a next day in a LIBERAL WORLD! 

You are not free. You are trapped in a country sized prison; with the wardens being the government.

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Offline Getherer

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2013, 11:22:42 PM »
You are not free. You are trapped in a country sized prison; with the wardens being the government.

Of course, I was just being sarcastic at the end of my post.
No matter where you are, as long as you live modern life, you are never going to be free.

Offline proxx

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2013, 08:10:12 AM »
Here's a question in that case: What do?

I mean okay, in my private circle of friends I've "awoken" (sort of improper term but bear with me) most of the people to the actual reality that they live in.

That's maybe 15% of all the people I have met as acquaintances, and maybe 1% of the total people I've ever exchanged even 1 word with (including for example the clerk at a super market).
Even worse, in the grand scheme of things it's such a small number of people that the percentage itself becomes almost insignificant.

So basically my question is, how do you feel that this could be fixed for instance? I'm seriously running out of ideas fast on this matter :\

(sorry about the off-topic from the original idea of the post, but it seems a lot of these threads tend to deviate due to the very nature of their content. If it's too far-fetched I will create a separate topic for this discussion.)

Maybe be far fetched indeed , however this might lie at the core of the problem, which I believe made you respond.
Reminds me of the movie "the island" (dont know if youve seen it).
I think the majority of people simply doesnt want to live outside of their current psychological sphere.
The primairy reaction I have had was mere misunderstanding.
I know loads of people who for example laughed at the "occupy" movement, "damn hippies" or "I kinda agree but dont really care".
Such major problem issues as hunger,money,religion,war and goverment control are just news items but never my problem right..
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 08:11:48 AM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline Mordred

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Re: NSA’s program could read Facebook Chats and PM's
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2013, 02:30:00 PM »
Maybe be far fetched indeed , however this might lie at the core of the problem, which I believe made you respond.
Reminds me of the movie "the island" (dont know if youve seen it).
I think the majority of people simply doesnt want to live outside of their current psychological sphere.
The primairy reaction I have had was mere misunderstanding.
I know loads of people who for example laughed at the "occupy" movement, "damn hippies" or "I kinda agree but dont really care".
Such major problem issues as hunger,money,religion,war and goverment control are just news items but never my problem right..

Still though, there must be some sort of way to convince "the masses" right? Nothing is impossible, only improbable.

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Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage


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