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Author Topic: Clueless Law Enforcement Try to Track Down IP Address Users  (Read 649 times)

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Among the responsibilities of the non-profit RIPE NCC organization is to hand out IP addresses in Europe. Somehow law enforcement agencies think RIPE can identify the people behind the IP addresses it issues, and other addresses that RIPE has nothing to do with.
The Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) is an independent, non-profit organization that helps support the infrastructure of the Internet.
One of RIPE’s key tasks is to act as the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) providing resources such as IPv4 and IPv6 Internet addresses. Typically these IP addresses are issued to ISPs in blocks.
However, according to RIPE’s transparency report, some law enforcement agencies think that even after they’ve been issued to ISPs, RIPE should know which individuals are using them and how.
RIPE says that during 2012 it received a total of 16 requests to identify the individuals behind IP addresses at a particular point in time. RIPE says it responded by explaining how law enforcement could use “publicly available information” to contact the parties responsible for a resource.
But perhaps most worrying of all, RIPE says it received a request from law enforcement asking them to identify an individual behind a private IP address, such as those used behind routers in the range –
“In response, the RIPE NCC provided information about the difference between public and private IP addresses,” RIPE politely responded.

This is just amazing.

Especially the last part where gov officials apparantly asked for private IP adresses.
They had to explain to them that it doesnt work that way, what kinda idiots do those jobs?
It reminds me of the famous blocking of thepiratebay and others.
I can imagine they walked up to an  ISP and said; we need this blocked.
The IT person scratched his head and said " thats useless the internet doesnt work that way " .
Gov; do it anyway.
IT guy; oke whatever dude (grabs a sip of his coffee) punshes in some rules and thinks to himself "idiots".

After I heard the news I was excited, sat down on my PC and within 5 minutes had 5 ways to get on anyway.
Being stunned about the mass stupidity that rules the planet.

How about putting the smart people in charge....
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 06:32:49 AM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

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Re: Clueless Law Enforcement Try to Track Down IP Address Users
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2013, 04:29:49 PM »
Having government officials and law enforcement ignorant of the basic workings of the Internet is always a plus in my mind. It makes their totalitarian aspirations fail miserably.

Unfortunately you have the other side of the coin when ignorance becomes destructive.

This is hardly news, though.
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Offline proxx

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Re: Clueless Law Enforcement Try to Track Down IP Address Users
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2013, 04:32:56 PM »
Having government officials and law enforcement ignorant of the basic workings of the Internet is always a plus in my mind. It makes their totalitarian aspirations fail miserably.

Unfortunately you have the other side of the coin when ignorance becomes destructive.

This is hardly news, though.

I argree with you, letting them be ignorant might actually be a good thing.
"Hardly news" LoL yeah but its kinda cute isnt it, my little sister could make that mistake and I would cheerfully pet her on the head.
These are grownups nevertheless, I think I would pet them on the head aswel :P
"You did a fine job today tracking down the crimial behind , you can now take a cookie from the jar."
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 04:36:19 PM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

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Re: Clueless Law Enforcement Try to Track Down IP Address Users
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2013, 10:34:57 PM »
I argree with you, letting them be ignorant might actually be a good thing.
"Hardly news" LoL yeah but its kinda cute isnt it, my little sister could make that mistake and I would cheerfully pet her on the head.
These are grownups nevertheless, I think I would pet them on the head aswel :P
"You did a fine job today tracking down the crimial behind , you can now take a cookie from the jar."
At the end of the day it comes down to politicians thinking that if they say something it will automatically happen. they live in this deluded world where they think if they pass a law on something that it automatically means its viable feasible and can or will happen. If it doesnt then obviously they either A need more laws or B need more oversite(aka management) to make it work. Wharas what they really need is just one person who isnt a politically appointed moron. Obviously im not just talking about computers here, but it is i think the most glaring issue of this(at least for us). The obvious downside to this is it makes things harder for those living in the real world, while doing nothing to deter those actually breaking the "law" For a long time now ive felt that no politician should be able to vote on a subject/create law for a subject that they do not understand. Its why lawmakers are STILL trying to mandate "green" energy(solar wind, tidal) be implemented when the end energy cost is greater than the product can produce in its lifetime. In other words this tech is not yet mature enough to provide "efficient" energy. Is it getting their? sure. but they should be concentrating on grants getting it to an efficient point before deploying it. Yet these morons simply do not have the background or knowledge to know or deal with that. Add in their monetary masters and it makes for a whole lot of really bad decisions for everyone, with no positive outcomes. Frankly i dont think we will start seeing "security" being taken seriously until a number of senators and the like have very "embarrassing" things leaked from their home PC's and cellphones(much like a number of stars have had happen). Then they will take it seriously, not because they give a damn about our privacy, just that they care about their hypocrisy not being revealed. Meh this is turning into a major rant..better end it now.
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