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Author Topic: Tracking back HTTP  (Read 1818 times)

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Offline Naer

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Tracking back HTTP
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:36:35 AM »
The first question is not how to stay anonymous, but how you can be tracked.

Even if you tunnel tor in a vpn and use proxy chains, there are information that can reveal you. You are just hiding where you come from, not who/what your computer sw/hw are.

HTTP. That can definietly pwn your anonimity. Your browser / programs /etc has signitures that can be tracked back. Let's say someone thinks user agent in a browser 'haha pwn yo don't know my usheragent' is a good choice because it hides your real agent. Not really. It may hide what is your default agent, but that information will be logged on the servers you are visiting with many other settings that can be fished. It's not so hard for higher level agencies to find to servers where a stupid user agent appears (eg FinFisher which provide penetration for government -

So how to set up a safe browser?
Check to see what can be read from your browser and fix the issues.
Check to see how unique your bro is.
Lear more. Use add-ons if needed. These are just basic sites.

Summing the question:
What do you send through a network? How can that be tracked back? What routes/encryption/NAT to use?

After this I would like to get some ideas from your side too. What do you use to keep your information safe. Don't post something like "use vpn".. we all know that and alone it's really not a big protection. Detailed posts please.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 10:37:28 AM by Naer »

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Re: Tracking back HTTP
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 10:50:10 AM »
No cookies(or after x minutes), no browser history , spoofed useragent, noscript, no http referrer.
I rarely ever use google or any of its services.
Some magic on my personal http proxy.
Its hard to believe those websites that tell you how anonymous you are, but when I visit those I score extremely low because to the outside world it appears as if im using a transparant proxy whilst im not.
Its more of a brainfuck than true security.

I thought about this a long time and I think to be 'anonymous' you gotta look like 95% of the other users.
That is some crappy windows box with a million extra iexplorer toolbars and a bunch of trojans.
I especially removed the fact that im using linux as that kinda sticks out.

LSO cookies are very trendy.
How about that fucked up facebook plugin on all those websites.
Not that I have facebook but I can imagine that really exposes you big time.
When you logged in and you visit any website that has such a fantastic awesome plugin ; facebook will know your browsing porn and whatnot.
Same goes( and probably worse) for google.
In fact >8X% or so has a google something on their website.
Which would mean that in combination with your cookie or logged in account google Owns you browsing history.
I believe there is a xcon talk about this somewhere.

Even more awesome is that they have your previous IP's thus being able to track based on geo.
Also if you ever used a browser outside of your VPN or whatever than they have that as well.
Combining that with previously stored info your completely fucked and you might aswel post that info on pastebin , at least that way its availible to everyone and not only big scary companies that will screw you over as soon as any gov. feels like it :D

Man I love this.
Im gonna go into gardening or something.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 10:58:28 AM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline Lostyx

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Re: Tracking back HTTP
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2013, 01:43:10 PM »
How i keep my information safe : (i don't know how to track actually  :'( )

Well first of all , as proxx i don't use google .
Most of my research went through duckduckgo .

Even if i m using Tor , i don't think so it really help my anonimity since there is probably some organisation having a router on it , and doing their **** through it .

Hmm just reminding me i could say a lot , but there is this wonderful tutorial you should check for staying anonym and protecting your data ! :

I thinks it's a good read !
But the main point is : if you are on internet , there will always be someone tracking you ...
You can't stay untracked at 100% ... except if you go in a jungle and live like tarzan  ::)

Offline Naer

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Re: Tracking back HTTP
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 05:09:53 PM »
No cookies(or after x minutes), no browser history , spoofed useragent, noscript, no http referrer.
I rarely ever use google or any of its services.

Using no referrer is not a good idea, better to send the root of the website you are visiting.

Not using google is a good point. As you recommended startpage, I can recommend privatelee also. Both are great.

LSO cookies are very trendy.
How about that fucked up facebook plugin on all those websites.
Not that I have facebook but I can imagine that really exposes you big time.
When you logged in and you visit any website that has such a fantastic awesome plugin ; facebook will know your browsing porn and whatnot.
Same goes( and probably worse) for google.
In fact >8X% or so has a google something on their website.
Which would mean that in combination with your cookie or logged in account google Owns you browsing history.
I believe there is a xcon talk about this somewhere.

A good idea is to use more then one browser - besides firefox and chromium there are many open src alternatives (konqueror, conkeror, xombrero/xxxterm..etc). That helps a bit.

Separation is important - if you are really paranoid use more than one device eg. laptop for hackin' and phone or tablet for retardbook, ebay, paypal and other sh1t.

If possible use online currency, eg bit/lite/feather/....coins - these are accepted in many vpn, proxy provider and you can also buy some ebayish things too.

Man I love this.
Im gonna go into gardening or something.

kuul, what do you grow?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 05:58:50 PM by Naer »

Offline proxx

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Re: Tracking back HTTP
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2013, 05:39:50 PM »
Using no referrer is not a good idea, better to send the root of the website you are visiting.

Not using google is a good point. As you recommended startpage, I can recommend privatelee also. Both are great.

A good idea is to use more then one browser - besides firefox and chrome there are many open src alternatives (konqueror, conkeror, xombrero/xxxterm..etc). That helps a bit.

Separation is important - if you are really paranoid use more than one device eg. laptop for hackin' and phone or tablet for retardbook, ebay, paypal and other sh1t.

If possible use online currency, eg bit/lite/feather/....coins - these are accepted in many vpn, proxy provider and you can also buy some ebayish things too.

kuul, what do you grow?

If you dont wanna be tracked dont use chrome, ive watched wireshark for a while and interestingly enough it constanly connects with doing god knows what.
Have firefox bloated with plugins and next to that I use midori ,surf and opera for other purposes.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 05:40:13 PM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline Naer

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Re: Tracking back HTTP
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2013, 06:00:05 PM »
If you dont wanna be tracked dont use chrome, ive watched wireshark for a while and interestingly enough it constanly connects with doing god knows what.
Have firefox bloated with plugins and next to that I use midori ,surf and opera for other purposes.

I meant chromium (edited and fixed the mistake) which is open-source and reviewed, not sure about chrome. Opera is closed source - I wouldn't recommend it. For security it's better to have everything open source or private/written by you, maybe by a very good close friend.


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