Yes, in C++ and in some (if not most) other common languages, the "++" operator increases the value by 1. "b++;" is equivalent to "b = b + 1;". This is the idea behind the name of C++. It's predecessor (although still highly used) was a programming language called C. C++, hence the name, was supposed to be sort of the sequel of C (C + 1).
And ah, I see you've discovered other numbering systems besides base-10. I wouldn't stress about any of that right now because that's a whole other topic on it's own. You should just know that base-10 (our normal numbering system) is called base-10 because it goes from 0-9 (ten digits). Octal is base-8, and hexadecimal is base 16. Hexadecimal is 0-9, but it's base-16, so it needs six other "digits." To express those, it uses A, B, C, D, E, and F after 0-9. You can research how to read such values and convert them to base-10 if you'd like. There's also binary (base-2) if you want to research how to read and convert that as well. But I wouldn't worry too much about it, for now at least.