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Author Topic: A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts  (Read 1166 times)

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A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts
« on: June 14, 2013, 05:51:11 PM »
So xires just set me straight on a misconception i had on how the controller and FAT work. Dont know how or where i got it mixed up, but i did. So my brain just got some knowledge dumped in it, and it loves it. For that, and all the fun ive been having here, talking, goofing off and learning, figure i should just flat out toss out a thanks to all that contribute to the knowledge here. This however got me feeling sentimental(i know a nasty disease), which gets us to part two, a story.

As some may have read in my intro i started toying around with computers VERY young. However i didnt actually get introduced to the world of hacking till i was in high school. I had been searching long and hard for these "hackers" but due to having limited internet access never come across them. So i spent my time toying with my system and reading books, hoping one day to learn of these mythical creatures. Enter my CCNA class, i meet a girl, she finds out that im interested in hacking. teaches me l337, introduces me to 2600, her boyfriend who is a school admin and a hacker. He finds out im interested in this world and makes me "prove" it. He gives me a simple task: get to command prompt on the school network. Now C:\ doesnt even show up on my computer, let alone the windows folder! so cant do it that way. no run command, cant do it that way, direct path doesnt work either. hmmm, i need to use a program to call it! (i used word, thinking something like a batch file might be telling) show him my solution, and he starts teaching me a trick here or their, but more often just giving me a problem to solve. How to get to X or get around Y. As i learn i realize the quest ive been on, is hacking itself. Anyway some thoughts are in order.(let me know when i have one)

Its often surprised me, and amused me, that so many outside our little circle seem to think that "hackers" are narrow minded, that we care only for information about computers. Yet a simple glance through these forums will show us not only interested, but well versed in just about anything you care to imagine. Math? well ok i guess thats obvious, "they" would see it coming. the sciences? again kind of can see it. Politics? what does THAT have to do with computers? Art, religion, food, sports, etc ad nauseum. at the end of the day while our primary passion may be about 1's and 0's our quest for knowledge knows no bounds, or borders. The simple joy of meeting those who feel the way you do about learning, that know of no such thing as "useless" information, is simply put: divine.

well thats what has been kicking around my head this morning. it wouldnt let go, so i decided after thinking on it a bit to go ahead and just make a post of it. In case it isnt clear: Thank you for the site ande its a wealth of information. Thank you to the people that contributed/are contributing to the site and community. Thank you to the people who ask questions, for if it wasnt for the questions, their would be no answers.

//This is what you get for giving me just 5 minutes of your time xires, that will learn you good!
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Re: A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 06:20:45 PM »
Lesson learned.  You're welcome.  Glad to have you as part of the community.

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Re: A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2013, 12:24:53 AM »
I am a man of few words after reading this. Great post. Here is a image to show my appreciation.

if($statement) { unless(!$statement) { // Very sure } }

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Re: A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2013, 04:23:18 AM »
I am a man of few words after reading this. Great post. Here is a image to show my appreciation.

Agreed. +1 OP.

Be an active member OP.

You are/have/will discover hacking. It is not about knowing, it is about the challenges to get us from A to B. It is about discovery. Discover, learn, be apart of.

Welcome to hacking. Now go expand your horizons.
>>>import this

Offline Darkvision

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Re: A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2013, 08:45:21 AM »
Agreed. +1 OP.

Be an active member OP.

You are/have/will discover hacking. It is not about knowing, it is about the challenges to get us from A to B. It is about discovery. Discover, learn, be apart of.

Welcome to hacking. Now go expand your horizons.

i may have been a little unclear, but this was around 13-14 years ago that my introduction occurred. i've read quite a bit since then, tinkered quite a bit, and generally just ran around looking for answers to anything that strikes my fancy. But i will say the mentality really never changes. seek, learn, grow. nom nom nom. Will also state i fully intend to be around a long while! I have to cut myself off here, because im in rambling mode. too tired so im trying to put every stray thought in, its not working ;).

one last random:you know your tired when you go to click post and the first thing your brain thinks is:power on self test, wait no i need to sleep not wake up. wait did i just think that? Then of course here is me thinking right after that THIS is a good idea. post it! /wirsts nn all
The internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.

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<Phage> I used an entrence I never use

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Re: A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2013, 03:36:41 AM »
Agreed. +1 OP.

Be an active member OP.

You are/have/will discover hacking. It is not about knowing, it is about the challenges to get us from A to B. It is about discovery. Discover, learn, be apart of.

Welcome to hacking. Now go expand your horizons.

Applaud sir.

Offline bluechill

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Re: A thank you, a story, and some general thoughts
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2013, 04:48:37 AM »
I am a man of few words after reading this. Great post. Here is a image to show my appreciation.

hehe 'tis awesome.
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