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Author Topic: Which language is better?  (Read 937 times)

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Offline Socket_0x01

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Which language is better?
« on: May 01, 2013, 08:26:51 AM »
Hi guys i'm new here, as the title says i'm trying to find the best language to make an enterprise program, the software needs a DB where the people can save and do backups of the information and share information by the cloud.

Which language i'd have to use? I'm thinking in Java as a nice possibility. What do you thinking about? What other language should i learn to do that proyect? Thank you very much.

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Re: Which language is better?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 08:56:09 AM »
You can use sql for making the DB and any other language that can work well with socks,
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Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: Which language is better?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 09:27:25 AM »
You can use sql for making the DB and any other language that can work well with socks,
You should think over your answers before you open your mouth, boy.

@OP: There are many things to consider here. Do you want the program to be cross-platform? fast? easy to use? easy to maintain?

Your program can be done in C for the sake of it, but it would be hard to do so...
Java is a nice solution, but it isn't as fast as a compiled language, it's actually very slow when it comes to huge computing and the GUI is often cluttered, square and ugly, but it would give you cross-platform capabilities (Deque could excel more on Java :) )
C++ would probably the best solution if any. Program would be fast, has many extensions/libs and stuff...
SQL of course will have to be learned here too.

It is very hard to be specific with little detail that you had given here ("I want to make enterprise program, what's the best language?").

Also that Glider as your avatar, do you at least know what it represent?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 09:28:38 AM by Kulverstukas »

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Re: Which language is better?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 11:25:24 AM »
I would use Java Enterprise Edition in conjunction with Hibernate and maybe Seam.
Hibernate is a great abstraction layer for making database queries. Even if you change the database (i.e. from MySQL to PostgresSQL) you don't have to worry. Your code will stay the same. And more importantly you have a mapping for the objects in Java to the tables in the database, which is not that easy usually, especially with class hierarchies that are not just transferable like that into tables.

I've done enterprise applications with Java including JSF, RichFaces, Seam, Hibernate, BIRT, JBoss, Maven. I've been working for a company that does the human resources part for other companies and they needed an enterprise application for their competence management.

What other language should i learn to do that proyect?

You will see what you need when you do it. I wouldn't learn them beforehand.
But probably: SQL or HQL if you decide for Hibernate (Hibernate Query Language -- very similar to SQL). XML (often used for configuration files of all kinds, severs, deployment with Maven, etc.)

@Kulver: Speed is not an issue for an enterprise application. Stability is more important. And yes, you need platform independency for enterprise applications or your organization is very limited to a single platform.

Java is not slow. Read this benchmark:
Here is a listing about things are slow and fast in Java:

Java was slow a long time ago (the benchmark is from 2004), but today it is not true anymore. It uses JIT. That even has an advantage over C or C++: The longer it runs the more it will be optimized, because it is compiled again over time including the knowledge which parts where used the most. So the longer it runs, the better. And this is good for enterprise applications as they run all day, most of the time even day and night on a server. And that's where Java excels, but also i.e. C#.

The only reason people still might think Java is slow is the somewhat slow GUI library for desktop application and the time the JVM needs to startup. And maybe the rumors that Java is interpreted only (it isn't).
Startup time is not an issue for an enterprise application.

And another thing is: C or C++ is too error prone to use it for enterprise applications. Of course you can say you need better programmers that understand how to do memory management the right way and avoid all the other traps they might fall into, but sadly that is not our world. People do mistakes all the time and there is only a fraction of them who can really use the performance possibilities of low-level languages. In most cases you will be better off using a language on more abstract level which build up on highly optimized code underneath unless you are really working with heavily limited resources, need direct hardware access (writing drivers ...) or have heavy computations all the way.
If you have heavy computations only for some parts, those can be excluded, so you write only those in C or C++ or ASM, but the rest in a more high level language
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 09:14:33 PM by Deque »

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Re: Which language is better?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 08:58:16 PM »
Enterprise applications are something where sacrificing some speed for a higher-level abstraction and easier maintenance is very much worth it, and pretty much a standard.
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Offline Socket_0x01

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Re: Which language is better?
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2013, 03:54:01 PM »
Well i see that i have some answers for my question. Thanks all for your advices and criticism, that's why i like this forum. I found people with great knowledges and nice experience in many ways.

The idea is that a noob person like me, can do an enterpriseĀ“s program with the lowest time possible.

 With your answers i see two ways:
1. Memory management, program speed --> C++.
2. Program portability, fast development --> Java

I know i can do a program with all that characteristics with both languages, but the reality is that each language have its own advantages and weakness.

Thanks @Kulverstukas for your advices, and i know that Gliders means. I know that i'm not a hacker but i like and share that Glidder means in the hacker world.

Thanks @Deque you're the Java's guy, i like your advice very complete.

I'll take the project and as Deque said, in the way i'll see the languages that i have to learn to do it.

Thanks all and please forgive my english isn't my main :(


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