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Author Topic: How does a proxy works exactly?  (Read 1682 times)

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How does a proxy works exactly?
« on: April 27, 2013, 09:31:55 AM »
I am confused about how a proxy works.
I mean people use proxy so that they can access the blocked websites as it fakes your ip address but when you connect to internet, the first machine you connect to is your ISP and then you can browse the web. So when you connect to a proxy and then browse the net so basically your ISP should see your original IP. Then why is it possible to access the blocked websites?
Correct me if I am wrong.

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Re: How does a proxy works exactly?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 11:38:41 AM »
I am confused about how a proxy works.
I mean people use proxy so that they can access the blocked websites as it fakes your ip address but when you connect to internet, the first machine you connect to is your ISP and then you can browse the web. So when you connect to a proxy and then browse the net so basically your ISP should see your original IP. Then why is it possible to access the blocked websites?
Correct me if I am wrong.
Simple answer: Because the data that is sent to you doesn't come from the blocked website's IP, instead it comes from the proxy IP.

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Re: How does a proxy works exactly?
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2013, 09:34:29 PM »
Your right in that you connect to your ISP first, and proxy second. Heres a basic version if how the connection looks:

You ---> ISP ----> proxy server ---> desired webpage

But since your ISP/school/whatever only blacklists the desired webserver, the connection to the proxy is allowed as all they see is you ---> proxy and back. Then the infro from proxy ---> blocked place is hidden from them.

Then when served from blocked page ---> proxy, it encapsulates that data within packets from the proxy ----> you. At least, im assuming its encapsulated...cant think of how else it would be delivered...

So no, proxies arent totally 100% perfectly anonymous as anyone interested can do a whois on the proxy your connecting too, then try to subpoena logs from them to convict you or w/e. But thats where the art of choosing your proxy comes in, chain together 2 or 3 from 3 seperate countries, and bonus points if their not friendly with yours, then you have a damn good chance of not getting caught. Because for LE to get authorization to look at logs in another country will take months to a year, and much much longer if theres more than one country involved.

Hope this helps man, sorry i couldnt be more exact with the technical details :/
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Re: How does a proxy works exactly?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2013, 10:30:10 PM »
As I noticed before and this is not offensive; you need to learn some networking basics.
I mean asking is alright but this stuff is intesively documented.
For example one of my favorite books, tcp illustrated.
Trust me all of these things will make a lot more sense after reading this kinda stuff.
Also when it comes to portforwarding for example.
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Re: How does a proxy works exactly?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2013, 10:55:50 PM »
I always like to add a public wifi network as well when im going for anonymity  a place with no cameras if im REALLY trying to be anonymous. but figure that unless its connected to something like say a bombing, it will take months for them to get through the red tape to find the location used, and by that time their should be no video evidence(this is changing some, but still 3-6 months is generally all a business will carry on its feeds) so if your war driving, or just rocking out at starbucks as long as your not leaving identifying information(like using a CC) you should be in the clear. add a prog that changes your MAC address and running a cd/usb loaded linux boot so that nothing gets written to a hard drive and the chance of finding you OR having enough evidence to prosecute is drastically reduced. This obviously doesnt take into account direct or even some of the better indirect surveillance techniques.

side note: dont use a persistent install, as this will store information on the USB stick, make a online file dump of the programs you want to use to quickly grab them all from one place.
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