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Messages - L0aD1nG

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
I'm surprised that nobody mentioned anything about the use of the gets() function:
Code: [Select]
Never use gets(), ever. Sweet jesus buffer-overflow christ..

Code: [Select]
fgets(cnic, 12, stdin);
Would be better.

General discussion / Re: I want to learn
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:27:08 PM »
I will answer to this with a question...

... have you checked this -->  ?

Before saying this...

The websites I have been to, the people are very vague like they are hiding something from those who wish to learn how to hack.

... on that forum?

General discussion / Re: Which linux distro is better for beginners?
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:02:15 AM »
Why doesn't anyone ever mention Gentoo?

Because he asked for a distro suitable for starters?
I guess so...

Some consider it a broken system: (see the second paragraph in the FAQ).

Yep, that's true. But my guess wold be that the author has some reason to say that, although it is a bit harsh criticism.

Actually he either joking or thrash posting... This is absolutely lies, Gentoo compilers are working efficiently it is actually a "compiled from the source" distro. This couldn't even be funny as a joke really. And of course urxvt are available and working efficiently, you can test it yourself...

Either way Gentoo is a great system. Those rumours that Gentoo is corrupted and many things break etc could apply in any distro which adopts to the philosophy of "compile from the source" and are absolutely thrash talking. The fact that the distro give you the ability to customize everything is not a proof that it is corrupted or unstable distro. Distros like Gentoo, Slackware, FreeBSD etc are totally depended on the hands of the guy who maintain them. So they can either be corrupt-unstable (on a bad use) or even stabler than the ones that claim to be stable enough by default (on a proper use). Its all about skills and experience.

So please don't reproduce this...

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: March 09, 2015, 04:30:06 PM »

Hacking and Security / Re: Personal Privacy Concerns
« on: March 09, 2015, 02:29:48 PM »
Simply changing your os won't do anything. There is a great tutorial on this subject in anonymity section. Read this
Of course it will.
When we speak about micro$oft... I bet that more than 90% of malware are written to run on micro$oft OSes.

The change it self won't make you invisible of course... but its one step forward to the road of anonimity [Living micro$oft behind].
That's not nescessarily true.
This OS has been modified heavily specifically for the purpose of increasing anonymity.

With that said, there are other considerations, such as behavior patterns that contribute to an overall opsec. But for the general user, something like TAILS would be sufficient in most cases.

Tails is made to run on Live Boot.
I think he is talking about installing a new OS as his main system.

As I said to one of my responses above, changing to Linux will not magically give you the solution but it is a very important step that you have to make (or generally changing to another Unix-like operating system).

Now if you are concerned about privacy for specific actions you sometimes do on the internet and not generally. A very good-easy solution would be to use Tails on live-boot from a usb as cyberdrifter already mentioned.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Where to Start ?
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:50:41 AM »
HEY, I'm new to this also and so far i've watched many tutorials done a bit of reading and i would love to be a life hacker 8) ...where do i start

Life hacker? Life hacking is a totally different thing from computer hacking and security. If you really meant that you wanna be a life hacker and you need advises, it would be more appropriate to start a new thread I guess.

Fuck smartphones, let the dumb people use that shit.

Enough said already I guess...

If someone buy and use those things.. then its his fault. All you have to do to avoid being vulnerable by those things is... to don't buy/use them. Use a computer when you need a computer and a simple phone when you need a phone.

Though globalization's trick with those things is one of the best tricks ever with the obvious end-goal to control more the human mass. From the day this "smart"phones arrived on the public market and available prices for everyone... everybody were soooo motivated to get more vulnerable lol. At least on my country where the IQ level ain't good on the average human.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Where to Start ?
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:24:25 PM »
Take a good read of that :

Then after you decide what you want to do.
Research about it on your own.

Then ask more specific questions for which you can't find valuable informations on the web.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Why McDonald's Burgers Don't Rot?
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:57:48 AM »
McDonnalds and all the similar "businesses" produce their food from mutated animals, full-filling them with specific drug-chemicals so they can produce more meat each of them, ending up to be mutated when they slaughter them. So do their children and so on...

They are actually cancer producers... and not food producers.

General discussion / Re: New truck
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:51:59 AM »
Quit smoking will give you much more than a truck though.
This is a very nice truck, judging from your place's weather a truck is really needed.

Is it 4x4? Seems like it is.
I have never drive a 4x4, it must be cool enough.

General discussion / Re: Valentines day
« on: February 15, 2015, 05:34:04 PM »
Well Aniston was a paradigm, it could be replaced by any (also young) gorgeous woman like her. Paranoia was kinda metaphoric... The thing is that lifting should not be a factor imo.

But nevermind.

General discussion / Re: Valentines day
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:39:57 PM »
Same can be said for geeky-sexy girls, right? if the bitch can't understand why I spend most of my time on the computer, knowing my hobby is coding, or that why hardware (antique) makes me horny then gtfo.
Hahahaha I wish that could be possible... but especially in my country its impossible. At least for the beautiful girls.

I wouldn't be able to be in a relationship with her.
Thats what I said she would ask...
You would reject a relationship with Jennifer Aniston just for the cause that she doesn't "lift". Phage not to over talk buddy... but paranoia is all over with your work-out stuff.

Thing is, that I spend a huge amount of my time in the gym. If the girl I'm with, don't understand why I'm doing it, she will have a hard time understanding me being away from her at least 18 hours a week.
She can understand that easily, she doesn't need to go to the gym with you to understand this. Except if she is some kind of stupid or autistic girl, then you may learn her by showing I guess... Else a proper study for the improvement of your health when you workout usually would be more than enough imo. natural

General discussion / Re: Valentines day
« on: February 15, 2015, 07:36:17 AM »
I am currently single, but I would definitely take my girl to the gym working out (I can't have a girlfriend who doesn't work out).

What if Jennifer Aniston would like to date you, but she never work out. Then on the date see asks you to be her boyfriend. Would you reject her just for not working out Phage?  :o

Creative Arts / Re: Which logo do you like better?
« on: February 14, 2015, 08:29:55 PM »
Exactly, and I think the second one would win.

General discussion / Re: Should people use Adblock?
« on: February 14, 2015, 03:54:30 PM »
I am absolutely happy with this combo --> Adblock Edge, Disconnect, HTTPS Everywhere, FoxyProxy.

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