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Author Topic: Android Malware hijacks the smartphone during the “shutting down” process  (Read 3455 times)

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Offline Axon

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A new Android Malware has been discovered by AVG which can be “spying” on the user even when the phone is in “Switch off mode”

Mobile Malware Research Team AVG have discovered a new bug which is of great concern to all the Android smartphone users. Usually when user shuts down or puts off the Android phone a dialog box opens asking for 3 options: Power Off, Airplane Mode or Mute. Usually user would select the Power Off option and then the Android phone would shut off. Mobile security AVG team discovered that this Malware captures the “root permission” level of the Power Off process. Once this is done the malware will inject the virus so that the entire Power Off process is locked.

With the malware taking over the Power Off process, whenever the victim clicks the Power Off button an artificial dialog pops up and then the entire fake shutdown process takes place which would resemble as if actually the phone is shutting down. However in reality the phone is still active and working.

AVG website with some code snippets

Offline Kulverstukas

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Damn this is getting scarier each time they discover new breeds lol. Fuck smartphones, let the dumb people use that shit.

Offline L0aD1nG

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Fuck smartphones, let the dumb people use that shit.

Enough said already I guess...

If someone buy and use those things.. then its his fault. All you have to do to avoid being vulnerable by those things is... to don't buy/use them. Use a computer when you need a computer and a simple phone when you need a phone.

Though globalization's trick with those things is one of the best tricks ever with the obvious end-goal to control more the human mass. From the day this "smart"phones arrived on the public market and available prices for everyone... everybody were soooo motivated to get more vulnerable lol. At least on my country where the IQ level ain't good on the average human.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 07:02:05 PM by L0aD1nG »

Offline jimg

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The obvious end goal is to control the masses ? So you think all the main smartphone manufacturers got together to decide on making a new "mini computer" which will be called a smartphone, as a way of tracking movement and keeping surveillance on them and to be able to sell it to billions of people we'll make it possible to make calls and send texts with it aswell ha ha, we all know about GCHQ and the NSA and what they get up to but suggesting smartphones were made more to keep tabs on people is a bit twilight zone don't you think ?,  do do do do, do do do do, and as for just use a pc when you need a pc cos if you get a smartphone your stupid , well i don't think having that "scaremonger" mentality about smartphones will get you into Mensa plus i don't think many people will choose to carry a laptop around allday, and it's very easy to use a smartphone AND make sure nobody can hack into it, i'm just amazed to be honest that you have that way of thinking in this day and age and don't understand the whole concept of smartphones v laptop/pc.

Offline zgubidan

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It is become obvious that agencies makes malwares and use it for illegal purpose. Hacking Team is great example of that


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