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Messages - konos

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The big question is: can we build a whole brain. Will we in the coming 100 years ever understand all the functions of the brain and how they interact. There is a possibility that there is some kind of limit where we cannot see further without discovering a whole new field of science.

I am planning on doing a technical AI master. One part of me hopes we get there and build a full human AI and the other part doesn't. Like the movie Transcendence  correctly describes is that an AI brain can lose all it's boundaries, we humans are bound to a body, we cannot think more than X steps in front, we cannot photographically remember ever page in a book and at the same time index it for nanosecond retrieval, and that's is what keeps us humans contained and forces us to think and rethink about our decisions (being wise).

The thing that interests me the most is how we as human beings will interact more with technology. We are heavily reliant on technology as it is and that is only going to expand further. Today we can see big business' already implementing AI systems as cost saving mechanisms , these are generally explored more and more these days by every major corporation and heavy investments in this field are sure to generate further advancements. Recently Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking teamed up with hundreds of other scientists to write an open letter warning the dangers of AI. But the worry is , what's to stop a private enterprise / government from one day taking the initiative and creating it without any failsafe put in place. And what's to say that whatever failsafe they do create will be sufficient enough anyway?

I will be starting my AI units at the end of the year and hope to learn more about it before I can really make a judgement on wether or not it will be a good thing for humanity or not. However , I look around at what we have done to this world today and I ask : How much more could we possibly fuck it up? Maybe AI is something that may one day unite us as a race and bring these advancements to the medical field, agriculture etc and further enhance our quality of life. Or we may decide ( And this one is more likely) to weaponize AI systems and completely screw ourselves just a bit more. Regardless, as of now I agree with Factionwars in regards to this one, I am excited that we have reached this stage in our lives when we have these advancements to look forward to. But , based on our own history the question is wether or not we can do it. The fact of the matter is we very soon will be capable, the issue is and always will be how we use it.

Awesome ! +1 Thanks for that.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Possible to locate a Host from a Network?
« on: January 17, 2015, 08:55:32 AM »
then you asked a question that expressed profound ignorance. Not just newbiness, but a profound wtf are you smoking kind of stupid.

1+ Cookie for making me laugh.

As for your question craktur, this has already been answered and let me reitrate. Yes, it certainly can. The thing you need to keep in mind is that the only thing that keeps organisations/governments from investigating further into certain activity is time & money. Do enough damage and you may find yourself up shits creek paddling. As proxx stated read up on some useful information or at least google it for fucks sakes.

Beginner's Corner / Re: What Kind Scripting Language You Use Frequently?
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:03:29 AM »
Just can't go wrong with Python.

Well it was a joke but Kosovo is an autonomous province in serbia with a majority ethnic Armenian population. Not sure how my geography is fucked up :/

I think you may mean Albanian.

2) What fucking language are you trying to speak? Anyone here know how to speak Armenian?

Yeah I do , and that's not Armenian.

4) Dont you have a Kosovo to go liberate?

This made me laugh. If it was a joke than I applaud you. If not, well then you need to be smacked with an Atlas because your geography is all fucked up.

Am I the only one around here who has never had any issues other than an occasional driver problem? Even with all the updates,  nothing wrong.

I have been using Arch for a while now. Initially it shit me how things kept breaking, when I gained more experience and knowledge I quickly realised It was the operator more than the machine lol. Haven't had a problem in a long time now.

Operating System / Re: Windows 10
« on: December 08, 2014, 08:31:18 AM »
You people are forgetting that Windows and Linux are very different OS's and targeted at very different audiences.

That's true. I was listening to a podcast a while ago in relation to this. Can't remember who it was to be honest seems like a lifetime ago, but the basic argument was if Linux should be used by everyone. The pros and cons. I think Ubuntu has that goal, to make a Linux OS that would be easy for all users and try and push Windows out of the market share. Some Linux enthusiasts didn't agree and I think they enjoyed that sense of being 'different'. I'm up in the air about it myself to be honest. I don't think Linux is for everyone, however I do agree it probably should be. I have however converted a total of 4 people so far to a Linux OS of some kind.. I guess that's just me preaching about how much better I believe it is in general .

Operating System / Re: Windows 10
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:54:58 AM »
I know u guys love Linux and that is perfectly comprehensible :) But don't just throw hate on windows and say it's shitty as I said before the majority of the people and even the smart ones aren't necessarily computer fans or even gamers (I double dare you to say Linux is nice for gaming) Security guys love linux but it's like it makes you superior or anything to use Linux :)

Linux is all about choice. Something Windows doesn't really offer. Aside from the security issues that Windows experiences Linux is just a far greater experience overall. Everything is customizable and the learning experience whilst maintaining a Linux OS is very valuable. Basically, Windows has it's limits, I understand it's easy and convienent to use which is what most people want. There are Linux distro's thee that emulate the simplicity that Windows has. In saying that I believe in supporting OpenSource as much as possible. As for the gaming experience...I agree..but, have you tried Steam OS ?

In conclusion, A Linux system gives you a sense of real ownership amongst other things. It really is a club of it's own. I switched some time ago, every now and then I reinstall windows to try it out again..Usually takes me about 24 hours to uninstall it though. I will never go back and I'm assuming most people feel the same way on this forum.

Operating System / Re: Kali Linux Installation Process
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:37:27 AM »
It is mainly based of the fact that Kali's older brother Backtrack was not safe to run as a normal OS (always on root etc). They made Kali in a way that it is a normal debian distro modified to be a pentest distribution.

Though in the end we will always discourage beginners to go ahead and install Kali and try out the nifty tools, which is basically a fucking bad idea.

Agreed, getting the fundementals of Linux is essential in the beginning stages anyway prior to diving into the world of pentesting.

I have however installed Kali on my HDD but I added a new user and set new permissions to avoid being logged into root unless I actually need it. To be honest, I much prefer using a live disc but I found Kali to perform better on my hardware than a VM or a Live CD for that matter.

Operating System / Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« on: July 12, 2014, 08:22:23 AM »
I wish I had the time to explain why I disagree but I dont atm, will get back to you.Just to cut one tree down.
I have my mom on ubuntu for her banking , pictures and E-mail stuff.
She is a total nontech person that you even have to explain how to attach a picture to an Email.
I told her just go click stuff!
Its very secure compared to the regular windows install , she cant break shit, it just works.
The illusion that people wont understand is ridiculous.
The GUI (gnome2) is by far more intuitive than any windows Ive come across (I work with a multitude of OS's on a daily basis so dont gimme that crap)
Ill chop down the rest of the trees when I got more time.
"can't change etc" never got anyone anywhere in life.

I read this and I wanted to conduct my own controlled experiment.  So I downloaded Ubuntu 12.04 .iso burnt  it to a CD and gave it to my wife to install on her laptop. Mind you, she knows nothing about computers. She jumped onto Google to learn how to install Ubuntu of a CD and proceeded with the process. The Ubuntu set up is piss easy, I mean if my partner found it straight forward and simple then everyone should be able to do it.  Once installed she found it very foreign to her.  I don't even think she even knew what Linux was prior to this occurring. Let's keep in mind she knows nothing technology related. So I left it her with her and told her to just give it a crack and if she hated it I would reinstall Windows. I came into the lounge room and she was watching a YouTube video outlining the basics of Ubuntu..How to use the repository , the terminal basics and essential downloads. She even searched how to run Windows programs on Ubuntu and installed and figured out how to use WINE herself. A few hours later after returning from work I came in and realized she was on a tutorial on how to download and set up customized themes. I asked her what she preferred Ubuntu or Win. 8.1 and she advised she would never switch back to Windows. I'm not going to go into the details of why because she couldn't b really answer it, she just said in the entire time she was using it she didn't  experience a a crash, lag and she prefers the added security.

End result = converted.

I had this exact same issue not so long ago. I personally wasn't sure which field I wanted to specialize in myself until a couple of months into it. I began a Bachelor of Information Technology as a place to start and get the feel of it there. My situation may be different however because I was changing my mind every five minutes. I really enjoyed it all. It's a hard question to answer because you may find yourself possibly looking at another option 6 months down the track. It's never a bad thing to change your mind. It's only natural and I'm certain you will always get credited. Just choose what appeals most to you now, go with your gut. Deque pretty much got it right with his post, a general scope of the industry will give you a better understanding of what you feel is best suited for you. The choice is yours but it's not the end of the world. Good luck!! Hope it all works out for yourself.

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