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Author Topic: Windows 10  (Read 2646 times)

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Offline konos

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Re: Windows 10
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2014, 02:54:58 AM »
I know u guys love Linux and that is perfectly comprehensible :) But don't just throw hate on windows and say it's shitty as I said before the majority of the people and even the smart ones aren't necessarily computer fans or even gamers (I double dare you to say Linux is nice for gaming) Security guys love linux but it's like it makes you superior or anything to use Linux :)

Linux is all about choice. Something Windows doesn't really offer. Aside from the security issues that Windows experiences Linux is just a far greater experience overall. Everything is customizable and the learning experience whilst maintaining a Linux OS is very valuable. Basically, Windows has it's limits, I understand it's easy and convienent to use which is what most people want. There are Linux distro's thee that emulate the simplicity that Windows has. In saying that I believe in supporting OpenSource as much as possible. As for the gaming experience...I agree..but, have you tried Steam OS ?

In conclusion, A Linux system gives you a sense of real ownership amongst other things. It really is a club of it's own. I switched some time ago, every now and then I reinstall windows to try it out again..Usually takes me about 24 hours to uninstall it though. I will never go back and I'm assuming most people feel the same way on this forum.

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Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: Windows 10
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2014, 07:33:54 AM »
You people are forgetting that Windows and Linux are very different OS's and targeted at very different audiences.

Offline konos

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Re: Windows 10
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2014, 08:31:18 AM »
You people are forgetting that Windows and Linux are very different OS's and targeted at very different audiences.

That's true. I was listening to a podcast a while ago in relation to this. Can't remember who it was to be honest seems like a lifetime ago, but the basic argument was if Linux should be used by everyone. The pros and cons. I think Ubuntu has that goal, to make a Linux OS that would be easy for all users and try and push Windows out of the market share. Some Linux enthusiasts didn't agree and I think they enjoyed that sense of being 'different'. I'm up in the air about it myself to be honest. I don't think Linux is for everyone, however I do agree it probably should be. I have however converted a total of 4 people so far to a Linux OS of some kind.. I guess that's just me preaching about how much better I believe it is in general .
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Offline shadowwolf87

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Re: Windows 10
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2014, 02:32:52 PM »
I have however converted a total of 4 people so far to a Linux OS of some kind..

I converted 3 people in my English class with the last paper I wrote comparing and contrasting Fedora and Windows 7.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 02:34:12 PM by shadowwolf87 »
Rev. ShadowWolf
Church of the Latter Day Dude


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