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Messages - blackeagle

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Networking / Re: HDLC help
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:23:23 PM »
first am sorry to re-post on this thread but while studying for my exam i found some thing weird .

In a network HDLCILAPB two machines "A" and "B" wish to exchange information .

"A" owns 9 frames to send , it is assumed that the window size is 2 , and that possessing frames as N ( s) = 2 and N ( s) = 5

arrive with error for the first time sent out, and then after a retransmission had come without error.

build the diagram of exchange of information between  "A" and "B" indicating for each case the value of N (R ) and N ( S).

this diagram isnt full i just showed the part where the weird thing was.
well the window size is 2 from the start they been sending 2 information frames at the same time but suddenly n(s)=7 and n(s)=0 are sent 1 by one can any1 explain this ? is it an error in the solution,or for some reason it should be sent one by one

C - C++ / Re: Rearranging Numbers in Ascending Order
« on: December 15, 2015, 03:07:28 PM »
i don't know c ++ but by reading ur code i think ur missing something .

Code: [Select]
cin >> s[i];

Code: [Select]
if(temp<s[i] ){temp=k[i] ;}
the value of k[i] is always 0 so ur temp value is always 0

Networking / Shannon theorem help
« on: December 15, 2015, 02:04:31 PM »
Calculate the  transmission time of a 2,000 byte file size sent over a network possessing the following characteristics:
bandwidth = 5000 HZ
report signal / noise =1000
We assume that  the network uses 50 % of its Max capacity .

Ok i'll start by talking what is clear to me .
transmission time=file size/Debit
file size is equal 2000*8=16000 bits
because file size is calculated in bits and a byte has 8 bits.
Debit is the capacity used by the network ???? (am not sure about this that's where i need help)
because in my solution Debit is equal to 50% max capacity=max capacity /2.
max capacity =badnwidth*log2(1+S/N)   S/N is the signal / noise report
                         =5000 log2 1001
                          =49836 bit/s
debit =49836/2=24918 bit/s
transmission time= file size/Debit

so as you've noticed the only thing i want to know is if it's true that debit is equal to the capacity used by the network

Networking / Re: help CRC correction
« on: December 15, 2015, 01:33:40 PM »
Never mind guys this was an idiot question.
I know how to do it now, thread can be closed if you want to.

Networking / help CRC correction
« on: December 11, 2015, 06:24:13 PM »
yep me again need help understanding CRC correction now

calculate the CRC of the binary sequence : 11101111100010111 having as polynomial generator X6 + X4 + 1 .
what i know is that you need to transform the polynomial generator to binary and that's easy x6+x4+1 is 1010001 in binary
second you need to add six zeros to the binary sequence because 6 is the degree of the polynomial generator
then you divide the binary sequence number by the binary polynomial generator

1010001                                      |1
-------------                                     |

as first qustion i need help to know how 1110111is calculated ?

do i add those 2 binary numbers ?how this whole binary division is made ?
or i just need to substract them just like a normal division
in my opinion its a substraction but some1 told me i need to add them so i was confused

anw if it's a substraction i know that in substraction


so far thats gd but now 100-101 is left and im confused how to continue here

Networking / Re: ip adress and subnetting
« on: December 08, 2015, 07:08:27 PM »
yep i've done it with pen and paper and that's all because of you :)
thank you RedBull you just taught me something new

Networking / Re: ip adress and subnetting
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:32:21 PM »
i did try to start with a subnet for 17000 machines and now i could understand everything just to make sure this i'll show you my result

17000 machines

15000 machines
now the starting ip would be
the subnetmask is
broadcast is

Networking / Re: ip adress and subnetting
« on: December 08, 2015, 03:30:10 PM »
does it make a difference if i make one subnet before another ? for example if i start with 17000 machines then do the subnet fr the 15000 machines will the network address broadcast address and netmask of the 15000 machine subnet change ?

Networking / Re: ip adress and subnetting
« on: December 07, 2015, 10:05:10 PM »
i did find this before posting here but couldn't understand it so if some1 could explain that exercise step-by-step that would be great

Networking / ip adress and subnetting
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:07:24 PM »
sup guys i really need help to understand how this works got an exam on it  soon and i don't manage to understand it !!
ps:i don't need the solution i have it i need to understand how to do it thx in advance for ur help

your business owns IP network ( )with the net  mask ( ) , the Administrator Network Company

 desire to decompose the network into 8 sub networks containing respectively :

15000 machines.

2000 machines.

I 024 machines.

500 machines .

200 machines .

10000 machines.

30 machines.

17000 machines.

2.1 Provide for each sub network ( 16 points )
2.1.1 The network address.

2.1.2 The net mask.

2.1.3 The broadcast address (broadcast) .

Beginner's Corner / Re: java search database
« on: September 02, 2015, 03:05:30 PM »
@Deque that wasn't my problem anw i managed to make it work
Code: [Select]
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.sql.*;
public class testDatabase{

public static void main (String args[]) {
           Scanner in=new Scanner(;
      try {
      Connection c= null;
      c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:numbers.db");
Statement myStmt =c.createStatement();
ResultSet myRs =myStmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM numbers WHERE NAME='"+a+"'");

  catch (Exception e)


Beginner's Corner / Re: java search database
« on: September 01, 2015, 09:20:24 PM »
my problem is that i'm new to all this didn't do much just managed to connect to the database
Code: [Select]
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.sql.*;
public class testDatabase {

public static void main (String args[]) {
      Scanner in=new Scanner(;
      try {
      Connection c= null;
      c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:numbers.db");
  catch (Exception e)


Beginner's Corner / Re: java search database
« on: September 01, 2015, 06:19:03 PM »
SELECT number FROM numbers WHERE id=userinput

well thats what i need to do to a database using java

Beginner's Corner / java search database
« on: September 01, 2015, 12:16:00 PM »
i'll start by saying i only know some basic java i'm new to all this.
ok so far i managed to make a database using sql and i managed to connect to it using java .
the database is all about names and phone numbers now i want some1 to guide me .
what i want to do is ask the user to enter a name in order to get its phone number any ideas what should i do ?

Java / Re: 21 Sticks game
« on: July 20, 2015, 01:47:37 PM »
You did a really good job for a beginner. Here's my feedback (not hating):

1. I crashed your code by entering ^. The problem was, scanner was looking for an integer not a character. When I entered a character it didn't have anything to catch the exception. You can fix this by adding a try and catch statement to your code.

try {

//your code
} catch (exception e) {


2. Just comment a little better

Overall incredible job.

yep i already know

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