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Messages - Sparky712

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Operating System / Re: How many of you have experience in OS dev?
« on: July 13, 2015, 08:40:49 PM »
In my personal opinion, in addition to Xires's sagely advice, Another resource you could look into, is - most will have stumbled upon it already, but it's a site that deserves to have an explicit mention. It's a useful resource, as long as you are careful with it.

My Uni defnitely introduced this with MySql. with the 'weak' people in the class using PHPMyAdmin to build the DB.

Operating System / Re: Hello, Arch
« on: January 29, 2014, 12:11:06 PM »
I should mention that I haven't had anything break in quite some time. Well, maybe a few small little things involving updating, but nothing not easily taken care of. Once you get used to the system there's no reason why it should break on you.

Also, Arch has probably the best wiki of any distro out there. Use it.

Have fun!

In relation to this, my current issues are some automated tasks not working correctly. such as my on-login static ip request to my router. (I just want to keep my computer out of the mess of 'IP conflicts' that happen usually after power cuts) that and my current colour scheme keeps messing up, because it just doesn't want to xrdb ~/.Xdefaults

That and my awesome and i3 shortcuts aren't entirely working... might have to screw around with them at some point.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: The web development starter kit 1.0.0
« on: November 21, 2013, 07:26:57 AM »
Hi Vezzy, it's been a while, do you remember me? :)

I've got to agree with Vezzy, this post was almost useless. I appreciate the attempt but most of the information was either too casual or just plain wrong. ASP/.NET are extremely rare in web development. You fail to properly distinguish the difference between server side and client side languages, and your advice in the order of learning these languages appears kind of random.  And yeah, last paragraph was the worst.

Overall you seem generally uninformed about web development. Please dont take this the wrong way, but dont be that guy who barely skims the surface of a field and then starts spouting information about it as though they actually know what they are talking about. I've gone through that phase myself. It takes a while to understand everything and I can tell that you are new. :)

Vezzy, I guess i agree with you about SQL, but not PHP. PHP is still a relatively healthy language and definitely not "legacy". It is doing very well in both popularity and the job market, and is often used professionally. It's a tad "sloppy" and a little less elegant than some other languages but it does have its advantages.

PHP remains more popular for server side development than both python and ruby (it's actually the most popular scripting and server-side language, I believe). But yes, those two are catching up. JVM languages are pretty uncommon though, I'd say. I'm actually surprised you didn't mention server side javascript...true that it's current use is negligible, but it's been rising fast and has a lot of potential as well.

It may be rare now, but ASP / .NET is still well known. but thanks. And.. i did not feel the need to distinguish - it's not really a spoonfeeding. If they go off to learn a language, they will learn for themselves which is server-side, and which is client-side. However, that may be included at a later date.

Also, the order is not random. HTML/CSS first, as it's the basics, and as they are the face of websites that you see. next PHP, and SQL, as they are (currently) useful languages to know, and languages that are often used alongside each other. after that, javascript, as it is either PHP or javascript that goes first, and in either case, the other would be next.

as for that last paragraph being the worst - yeah, i would agree that it's structured badly, and sounds rushed. However, it is a suggested learning path, what order would you two suggest web development should be learnt in then?

Vezzy: thanks for the link.. I will read that this evening, when I have time.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: The web development starter kit 1.0.0
« on: November 21, 2013, 12:00:28 AM »
I won't deny it'd be useless to you, Vezzy. but this is more aimed at the absolute beginner. and for those, it is useful to learn these languages. and yes, I am considering adding ruby, python and perl to that list.

As for your  'modern web development makes barely any use of PHP any more'
Its showing jobs in the UK because that's where I'm from, and well, just scroll down the first page, more than half of the jobs have PHP as a wanted language. Just because "It's not used any more" doesn't mean it is not a necessary language to learn in web development. alongside that, SQL in some form or another is also highly desired.However, there is little argument here, as we both agree that they are useful to know.

and well, .net.. that was purely included as a used language, and it's well known.  But do keep in mind that this is by no means an all-encompassing guide, but a starter kit, for those taking a first step - of course there is other stuff to learn afterwards, this is just the first steps. Also, do remember that by the point that an individual knows these, they are much more aware of the industry at that time, and the languages in use at the time.

P.S. Vezzy - I apologise if I come off aggressive, or otherwise unsociable. you are correct in that new languages and databases are becoming more popular, and at some point, I will edit this post to reflect that. This post will change alongside my learning, and with advisory input from this community - quoted, possibly.

Web Oriented Coding / The web development starter kit 1.0.0
« on: November 20, 2013, 11:07:27 PM »
It's about time I gave to the community. So, as my gift to the community, i give some fresh knowledge. This is mainly aimed at those new to the boards, and looking to learn.


To start off with, you will want a browser. A browser is a (usually) graphical user interface, for viewing web pages. There are a large variety, but a few stand out as the main competitors. For web development, you have a couple of options. Either you use a tool that can accurately simulate the different browsers, or you have multiple browsers on your system. If you are working from a home system, it may be a better option to have multiple browsers - you may end up preferring to use one of them for casual use. here are the necessary browsers to have installed:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
There are many other browsers around - but these four are the most popular, and useful to a web developer for this reason. Another reason it is necessary to utilise many browsers, is that they do not necessarily render the same code, the same way. Most notable for this is IE, which is known (especially the older versions) for not displaying pages correctly, whilst the same page displays correctly on other browsers. Whilst building your websites, it may be good practice to check how it displays in different browsers.


Next, you will need an editor. There are a variety available, but some will be more useful than others. you CAN write it in notepad - there is nothing stopping you. Other more practical options are:

  • Notepad++
  • Dreamweaver (more on that in the next paragraph)
  • g/vim
  • gedit
  • sublime

Basically, a good text editor to use, would be one with syntax highlighting, tuned to the language in use. please note though, that notepad++ and dreamweaver are for windows OSes. On the topic of dreamweaver - it is ill advised to use dreamweaver whilst learning web development. Whilst you are learning, you want to learn the good practices, and avoid the bad ones, and you want to write your code manually. A general rule of thumb is the more a tool aids productivity, the less useful it is for learning - there is such a thing as too helpful. dreamweaver assists the process by filling in parts of the code for you, and also includes a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor - do not use this. You will not be able to learn web development with this, as learning the languages requires you to use them - something you will not be using if you are drawing boxes etc. to make the site.


Arguably the most important tool in a web developers kit is a variety of languages. In the beginning, the web only used HyperText Mark-up Language - HTML. As technology improved, so did the variety and complexity of languages used for building websites. Here are the most well known languages involved in web development.

  • HTML
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets - though this is more an extension to html)
  • Javascript
  • PHP (Originally, Personal Home Page tools, now PHP Hypertext Processor)
  • SQL (I have not named a specific version, as they are similar, though some may have different syntax)
  • ASP / .NET
This is by no means the only languages used, and it is by no means exhaustive. As a beginner, it would be a wise decision to begin by learning HTML and CSS, and then progressing onto PHP, and SQL. These are the foundational languages of many modern websites, HTML and CSS being a necessity, and PHP with SQL being the language behind the page. After these comes javascript, a language unconnected with Java, is a scripting language that can be used alongside HTML. These five, however, are the five most commonly used, and therefore most advantageous to learn.

General discussion / Re: Bob against G+ on youtube
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:32:37 PM »
it's ok. G+ has a defense.

G+                     G+ 
 ▌︻╦╤─       ☻/▄/▌         Bob is held hostage                         
/ \                     // \\         and raped by Google+

              █                          ╮ Air support is here to f**k Bob!     

▌   |☻   Bob has been hung for War Crimes against Google+.
▌  /▌\    Copy and paste to spread the word.
▌  / \


That would be a theoretical approach. I think both theoretical, and practical approaches should be taken.

I'm currently working on learning all the ins and outs of WLAN pentesting and I'm actively testing my home network with Kali, and studying at the same time. I'm learning very efficiently, and am having no problems retaining knowledge. I know a lot more now than I would if I would have spent the time to learn to code, code my own aircrack suite, and test with my own tools. By using already compiled tools, it lets users focus on learning theory, and application of theory altogether, rather than focusing solely on theory for a long time, then move on to practical applications.

I would have to argue that you worded part of this wrong. You don't know more than you would. You just know different parts than you would.

I will admit, your way is quicker. but hmm, no, my way was not solely theory based for a while.  it was more a focus on building a skill set which may have a more wide usage. Sure, with your way, you learn the tools much faster, and you can perform the job perfectly fine. With the way I am thinking of, it's more oriented towards a more detailed knowledge of what's actually going on under the hood, which may come in useful in unique situations, I think.

english before that, definitely. That way, it'd be easier for you to ask good questions, and get good answers from the community.

However, if someone is new then I would definitely recommend that they NOT use kali or backtrack. Personally, I think the best idea is to learn some programming beforehand, and build your own tools, just to gain an understanding of how they work on the code level, then maybe start trying out the tools with the distro of your choice.

Hacking and Security / Re: Assistance Needed-Penetration and Hashing
« on: October 26, 2013, 12:17:07 AM »
oh dear...

General discussion / Re: So, ready for WW3?
« on: September 19, 2013, 12:00:27 PM »
Personally, I believe that world war 3 will utilise computers much more. global intelligence will become a top priority, with agencies like the NSA, and GCHQ not only stepping up and becoming more vocal, but possibly even recruiting whoever they can. It will be a race to try and disable communication of the other side, prevent news getting to those waiting to start a MAD scenario. It will be much more about disabling the technology of the other side, rather than killing the footsoldiers. We are fast approaching the point where computers are a much more powerful weapon than the equipment we have on the ground.

Hacking and Security / Re: Need advice on a project
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:01:02 AM »

All "rebellions" you are referring to are reactionary. Reactionary movements use force to impose order and destroy the current order. That is why they fail, because they try to impose order top-down. The way to start a real rebellion is to impose order bottom up, starting with yourself. Purify and completely transform your core into perfection, liberate yourself from concepts of good and evil, etc. Then simply spread the message of truth, as I am doing, and the vested interests will lose all their power.

No. There is no grey, there is only black and white. Something somebody does is either wrong or right. Different people have different levels of contamination. Some people are mostly rebels, others are mostly servants of the vested interests. That part of themselves which is against humanity, against human nature and absolute, unconditional freedom, which protects itself by doing things like banning insulting people, who do nothing but expose others' lies, cowardice and weakness, and their disgusting, rotten cores. There are bad insultors and good insultors. Good insultors expose people, whereas bad insultors give people hangups. Exposure destroys peoples hangups and poisoning people with ideas about what they should and should not be creates hangups. Anybody who creates hangups is evil, or has evil inside them, and anybody who liberates hangups and exposes people is good. But also good is evil and evil is good.

That is not leadership, it is domination. Leaders are followed by choice, not obeyed against one's will. You are obeying out of fear. You want to do something and you don't do it out of fear. You don't want to do something and you do it out of fear. You are a coward, and you have chosen slavery over freedom. You are compromising. :)

I don't know if that's true or not because I don't know much about the admins. The admin I met is OK. But in general mods and admins are abs. rotten. This site is an exception because it is a rebellious site.

No, I just tell people the truth. Freedom for everyone is abs. freedom. You are in denial, you are avoiding yourself and avoiding this mission which I have undertaken for my own sake and for the sake of others. But you will come around one day. =p

Not even gonna respond to the other guy. I'm tired. And red pill is always better than blue pill. Only a retard would suggest taking the blue pill. lol xD *rolleyes*

I am just an ordinary man stating blindingly obvious truths. I am disappointed in the intelligence of the hacker community, but not surprised. Sigh. And even the admin is more intelligent than you. That is why he did not reply to me. He recognized his defeat. =p

And there are no words that can hurt anyone. Banning somebody for what they say is immature. Grow up!

Yup, prejudice is yours..

Let's start from the top shall we?

No. I mean all rebellion. Rebellion is opposition to a current state. and by it's very nature, that causes for both sides to be as extreme as the other. Also, you have these worrying ideas of absolutes. There is no good and evil, only grey. truth and lies also have grey.  I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that you are not spreading truth - you are just having a tantrum.

second. Of course there is grey. you are never JUST wrong, or JUST right. Stealing a loaf of bread = wrong. stealing it to feed your starving family = right. now. I don't know about you, but that's pretty grey in my opinion. The only one against human nature here, is you. what you try to push is not freedom for all, but chaos for all. unconditional freedom, absolute freedom.. results in no freedom at all. If everyone is free to do as they please, all suffer, and lose their freedoms to everyone else. I would also like to point out that absolute morality is a religious falsehood. and by reading this, i havea feeling you are of a religious background - i cannot imagine an unreligious person with such a religiously zealous position. Also, insults are a GOOD reason to ban people. Insults degrade the personal freedom of the insulted.

Thirdly. No, I do not 'obey' out of 'fear'.  and quite frankly, I am insulted by your naive, twisted point of view. I am no coward. also, leadership is the following of an authority figure. and you would do well to realise that in every country, there are multiple authority figures. I don't give a crap about the political leadership of my country, I don't even support the government type we have. what they do is of no concern to me, as long as they don't degrade my freedoms. However, as part of the social contract I sign by living within this country, I have to give up certain personal freedom to maintain freedom for the whole country - you would do well to read up on what the social contract is, as you seem to behave as if you are unaware of it's existence. And no, it is not slavery, and I am not a coward. Of course, your idea of slavery and cowardice is a twisted, personal thing. those who do not agree with your shallow, narrow minded point of view, are enslaved cowards.

Also.. no, this site isn't really rebellious at all. it's just another community of people, with a couple of leaders, and it has it's own culture, it's own communal morality, it's own ideals. it being different from the norm is not rebellion, it's just a slight separation, with possible contradictions to the norm.

Next, No. Just no. you do not tell truth. just an overly zealous, extreme personal point of view. Your truth, is dissimilar from everyone elses truth here, i would hazard to say. Absolute freedom for everyone, as I said before, is freedom for noone. It is not a denial, it is an observation. If everyone is free to do whatever they want, then due to the very nature of humanity, the majority will end up with little freedom, so that the minority lives with a higher quality freedom. That is not absolute freedom for everyone. It is a fundamental flaw in your world view. And in case you cannot see what the flaw is, let me point it out to you. Your view is too naive. and that results in your view having a fundamental, fatal flaw.

You are obviously not normal. Far from it. you have the naivety of a 10-year-old. Ironically, the 'hacker community' is disappointed in your intelligence. There is a reason it can laugh at you so. and it's not because you are funny. You aren't.

and to respond to your last point. Insulting others is the immature act. banning someone from your territory because they have so offended you is a fair thing to do. everywhere has a code of conduct. and to be banned from a chat on multiple IPs, under multiple psuedonyms.. you are nothing but an immature little extremist, with nothing better to do than insult everyone you come across. Repeatedly. and to be honest, changing IP and name to insult someone, isn't really the best idea, is it.

I would like to impart one final gift to you. Your problem is that your box of knowledge, you percieve to be as full. The problem is, it is actually rather empty. everyone's is. what you need to realise, is that you don't actually know that much. one core tenet of the 'hacker community' is that you are always learning, because there is always something to learn. you are never finished learning, and therefore, your box of knowledge is never full.

Thank you for your time, please shut your mouth before you say something you will REALLY regret. if you live long enough to regret saying it.

Hacking and Security / Re: Need advice on a project
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:28:04 PM »
Are you serious?

The problem with rebellions... is that the rebels are often just as extreme as those they fight. neither side is the good side. and no, the difference between the others here is not 'defeatism'. The only way to truly win a war, is not to fight it. otherwise, both sides lose.

let me put this to you. your world is too black and white. you build an ideal enemy, one that you believe is an absolute wrong. an absolute black to your white. well.. you are wrong. there is no black and white. only grey. People do bad things for good reasons, and good things for bad reasons.

No, the majority of people on this forum may not particularly enjoy the presenceof authority. The difference is, whereas you aggravate and pour salt on the wounds of a sleeping behemoth, the rest of us accept it's authority, and respect it. we may twist the current way of things to our advantage, but we all respect authority to a degree. This is not a weakness. This is a part of humanity, built into us from before we branched down from the original hominoidean species, to better help us survive. some are leaders, some are followers. the point - the masses need a leadership in some form. on the internet, these leaders are the mods, the admins.

And these admins do what they do for the greater good of the community. and it is a long-lasting fact that for the greater good of the community, certain individuals have been cast out. banning is older than the internet, have you ever heard of exile?

My final points - The most prejudiced here, seems to be the one throwing about the word prejudice. you have an ideal, but to protect that ideal, you label people in certain ways, to justify the elicitation of certain reactions towards them. and To finish, i wish to leave something for you to ponder - Freedom for everyone, is freedom for noone.

too bad that it's gonna have some pretty big copyright issues down the line, if it ever gets popular. other than that - I dislike the look of that image. as long as the gui interface is highly customisable, it's not too much of a problem, but otherwise... *shudders*

overall, i'm not exactly euphoric about this creation. It is definitely a fantastic project for those involved, but I am doubtful about it. maybe later on in it's development, it might change my mind, but for now, i'll pass.

one exception though - remote access to your computer from anywhere, with an AI that can collate information for you, run tasks whilst you are out, etc? that is a very, very interesting idea.

- spectrwm (proxx is always saying about tiling WM's so.. i went for one that does both...  and i must say i've fallen in love with spectrwm! use it as tiles more than not.)

- conky

-feh - i like backgrounds

-urxvt - i'm used to it, and with it's transparency, it works well with feh.

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