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Author Topic: Need advice on a project  (Read 3125 times)

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Offline Darkvision

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2013, 01:37:20 AM »
Not even gonna respond to the other guy. I'm tired. And red pill is always better than blue pill. Only a retard would suggest taking the blue pill. lol xD *rolleyes*

I am just an ordinary man stating blindingly obvious truths. I am disappointed in the intelligence of the hacker community, but not surprised. Sigh. And even the admin is more intelligent than you. That is why he did not reply to me. He recognized his defeat. =p

And there are no words that can hurt anyone. Banning somebody for what they say is immature. Grow up!

im going to ignore the rest of your horribly defunct logic, maily because im watching a movie, so wanted to make a fast post.

first that wasnt a joke, yes it was a side reference to a movie, but had you looked up the pill i mentioned, then read the subsequent line you would realize that I, and i believe at this point the rest of this site thinks you have a serious mental issue. seek help.

as for kulver he didnt post because he wanted me to do exactly what i did, he wanted to have a good laugh at your expense and asked me to post in reply to you.


<@Kulverstukas> DarkVision, say something fancy to this dude:
<@Kulverstukas> my english isn't as good :P
<+DarkVision> gah i came here to blow off steam about that retard
<@Kulverstukas> lol
<+DarkVision> responding to him is not worth my damn time
<+TurboBorland> all I had to read was "I am a true rebel"
<@Kulverstukas> he makes me laugh, truly
<&bluechill> TurboBorland no idea :P
<+TurboBorland> and laugh...big belly laugh
<&bluechill> probably not doing that
<+DarkVision> its a laugh of pain for me
<@Kulverstukas> xD
<+DarkVision> i mean seriously how does one get ones head so far up ones own ass
<+DarkVision> gah fine ill go be mean kulver
<@Kulverstukas> I'll back you up :P
<+DarkVision> it seems i quickly becoming our resident troll...
<@Kulverstukas> how dafuq did he even get that much off topic
<@Kulverstukas> on his own topic..
<+DarkVision> dude i have no fucking clue
<+DarkVision> half the shit he is spouting no one has mentioned
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<@Kulverstukas> lol really
<+DarkVision> but i think i have a rather good idea how this idiot got banned
<+DarkVision> and keeps getting banned...
<+Sparky> what idiot?
<@Kulverstukas> yep, now have a decent idea about that too
<@Kulverstukas> Sparky, ^
<@Kulverstukas> he's a true rebel
<+DarkVision> ive done nothing wrong! fuck you your all idiots
<@Kulverstukas> better not fuck with him
<+DarkVision> hey why am i banned? free speach bitches
<@Kulverstukas> xDD
<@Kulverstukas> speech*
<+DarkVision> this the interwebz and my bankruput self centered moral idoligy says i can say what i want with no consiquences
<+DarkVision> yeah yeah
<+DarkVision> my spelling is like my bodyhair, all over the place
<+Sparky> thanks Kulverstukas
<+Sparky> somebody should really put a gif in there saying something along the lines of 'you've come to the wrong place'

<@Kulverstukas> Sparky, like this?
<@Kulverstukas> or this?
<@Kulverstukas> :D
<+DarkVision> later bluechill
<+DarkVision> hippos or the coke
<+DarkVision> lol
<+DarkVision> sec im almost done sarcasticing to my content
<+DarkVision> post will be up in a few :P
<+Amit> Kulverstukas, I replied to that post
<+Amit> DarkVision,
<+Sparky> there, same, amit
<+Sparky> have a read! :P
<+Amit> :p
<+Sparky> Kulverstukas: i think it's gotta be the alpacas XD
<+DarkVision> amit nice post
<+DarkVision> cookie for u
<+DarkVision> sec sparky getting to yours
<+DarkVision> them posting mine
* +Amit grabs the cookie and eats it
<+DarkVision> cookie for you too sparky
<+DarkVision> my much less serious post is up :P
* +Sparky noms cookie
<+DarkVision> gah sparky i have to wait an hour
<+DarkVision> hit you about 30 min back i think
<+DarkVision> stupid timer
<+Sparky> wow.. i'm doing well today to get two cookies from you in an hour? that's odd. XD
<+vezzy> John McAfee is dead.
<+DarkVision> well you posted several good things :P im always very free with meh cookies
<+Sparky> awesome
<+DarkVision> trying to heard 3 dogs and a times
<@Kulverstukas> ahaha Amit I like your reply :D
<+Amit> :D
<+Amit> Just trying to increase my post count so I can make it into the database
<@Kulverstukas> man that thread is amusing as a motherfucker
<+Amit> My english is fucked up but I try to be funneh
<+Amit> so people don't notice my english

<@Kulverstukas> lol newfangled
<@Kulverstukas> damn that thread is golder
<@Kulverstukas> golden*
<@Factionwars> it's not a thread. Every monday it's titty flash monday. And they sorted it
<@Kulverstukas> well i was talking about this:
<@Kulverstukas> a really good laugh
<@Kulverstukas> read it :D

i assure you this goes on. he was to busy laughing at you to reply, sorry to burst your bubble(ok im not, this shit is damn funny, please continue your irate diatribe.)

as for the last point you raise...i guess those kids that shot up their schools for being made fun of was a lie? yeah its not like it didnt hurt them when others said harsh words to them. Its not like "verbal abuse" isnt considered just about as bad as physical abuse, nah words NEVER hurt. Seriously your head is so far up your own ass that if a hypernova went off in it the light still wouldnt reach you.

Oh hell cant help myself, if all of your "truths" are so blindingly obvious, why are you the only one that sees them? wouldnt that make them at the very best obtuse truths?
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<Phage> I used an entrence I never use

Offline lucid

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2013, 04:32:12 AM »
Will wait for one more rebuttal..
"Hacking is at least as much about ideas as about computers and technology. We use our skills to open doors that should never have been shut. We open these doors not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of others, too." - Brian the Hacker

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Offline Sparky712

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2013, 08:01:02 AM »

All "rebellions" you are referring to are reactionary. Reactionary movements use force to impose order and destroy the current order. That is why they fail, because they try to impose order top-down. The way to start a real rebellion is to impose order bottom up, starting with yourself. Purify and completely transform your core into perfection, liberate yourself from concepts of good and evil, etc. Then simply spread the message of truth, as I am doing, and the vested interests will lose all their power.

No. There is no grey, there is only black and white. Something somebody does is either wrong or right. Different people have different levels of contamination. Some people are mostly rebels, others are mostly servants of the vested interests. That part of themselves which is against humanity, against human nature and absolute, unconditional freedom, which protects itself by doing things like banning insulting people, who do nothing but expose others' lies, cowardice and weakness, and their disgusting, rotten cores. There are bad insultors and good insultors. Good insultors expose people, whereas bad insultors give people hangups. Exposure destroys peoples hangups and poisoning people with ideas about what they should and should not be creates hangups. Anybody who creates hangups is evil, or has evil inside them, and anybody who liberates hangups and exposes people is good. But also good is evil and evil is good.

That is not leadership, it is domination. Leaders are followed by choice, not obeyed against one's will. You are obeying out of fear. You want to do something and you don't do it out of fear. You don't want to do something and you do it out of fear. You are a coward, and you have chosen slavery over freedom. You are compromising. :)

I don't know if that's true or not because I don't know much about the admins. The admin I met is OK. But in general mods and admins are abs. rotten. This site is an exception because it is a rebellious site.

No, I just tell people the truth. Freedom for everyone is abs. freedom. You are in denial, you are avoiding yourself and avoiding this mission which I have undertaken for my own sake and for the sake of others. But you will come around one day. =p

Not even gonna respond to the other guy. I'm tired. And red pill is always better than blue pill. Only a retard would suggest taking the blue pill. lol xD *rolleyes*

I am just an ordinary man stating blindingly obvious truths. I am disappointed in the intelligence of the hacker community, but not surprised. Sigh. And even the admin is more intelligent than you. That is why he did not reply to me. He recognized his defeat. =p

And there are no words that can hurt anyone. Banning somebody for what they say is immature. Grow up!

Yup, prejudice is yours..

Let's start from the top shall we?

No. I mean all rebellion. Rebellion is opposition to a current state. and by it's very nature, that causes for both sides to be as extreme as the other. Also, you have these worrying ideas of absolutes. There is no good and evil, only grey. truth and lies also have grey.  I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that you are not spreading truth - you are just having a tantrum.

second. Of course there is grey. you are never JUST wrong, or JUST right. Stealing a loaf of bread = wrong. stealing it to feed your starving family = right. now. I don't know about you, but that's pretty grey in my opinion. The only one against human nature here, is you. what you try to push is not freedom for all, but chaos for all. unconditional freedom, absolute freedom.. results in no freedom at all. If everyone is free to do as they please, all suffer, and lose their freedoms to everyone else. I would also like to point out that absolute morality is a religious falsehood. and by reading this, i havea feeling you are of a religious background - i cannot imagine an unreligious person with such a religiously zealous position. Also, insults are a GOOD reason to ban people. Insults degrade the personal freedom of the insulted.

Thirdly. No, I do not 'obey' out of 'fear'.  and quite frankly, I am insulted by your naive, twisted point of view. I am no coward. also, leadership is the following of an authority figure. and you would do well to realise that in every country, there are multiple authority figures. I don't give a crap about the political leadership of my country, I don't even support the government type we have. what they do is of no concern to me, as long as they don't degrade my freedoms. However, as part of the social contract I sign by living within this country, I have to give up certain personal freedom to maintain freedom for the whole country - you would do well to read up on what the social contract is, as you seem to behave as if you are unaware of it's existence. And no, it is not slavery, and I am not a coward. Of course, your idea of slavery and cowardice is a twisted, personal thing. those who do not agree with your shallow, narrow minded point of view, are enslaved cowards.

Also.. no, this site isn't really rebellious at all. it's just another community of people, with a couple of leaders, and it has it's own culture, it's own communal morality, it's own ideals. it being different from the norm is not rebellion, it's just a slight separation, with possible contradictions to the norm.

Next, No. Just no. you do not tell truth. just an overly zealous, extreme personal point of view. Your truth, is dissimilar from everyone elses truth here, i would hazard to say. Absolute freedom for everyone, as I said before, is freedom for noone. It is not a denial, it is an observation. If everyone is free to do whatever they want, then due to the very nature of humanity, the majority will end up with little freedom, so that the minority lives with a higher quality freedom. That is not absolute freedom for everyone. It is a fundamental flaw in your world view. And in case you cannot see what the flaw is, let me point it out to you. Your view is too naive. and that results in your view having a fundamental, fatal flaw.

You are obviously not normal. Far from it. you have the naivety of a 10-year-old. Ironically, the 'hacker community' is disappointed in your intelligence. There is a reason it can laugh at you so. and it's not because you are funny. You aren't.

and to respond to your last point. Insulting others is the immature act. banning someone from your territory because they have so offended you is a fair thing to do. everywhere has a code of conduct. and to be banned from a chat on multiple IPs, under multiple psuedonyms.. you are nothing but an immature little extremist, with nothing better to do than insult everyone you come across. Repeatedly. and to be honest, changing IP and name to insult someone, isn't really the best idea, is it.

I would like to impart one final gift to you. Your problem is that your box of knowledge, you percieve to be as full. The problem is, it is actually rather empty. everyone's is. what you need to realise, is that you don't actually know that much. one core tenet of the 'hacker community' is that you are always learning, because there is always something to learn. you are never finished learning, and therefore, your box of knowledge is never full.

Thank you for your time, please shut your mouth before you say something you will REALLY regret. if you live long enough to regret saying it.

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2013, 09:02:20 AM »
Maybe two...
"Hacking is at least as much about ideas as about computers and technology. We use our skills to open doors that should never have been shut. We open these doors not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of others, too." - Brian the Hacker

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Offline Amit

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2013, 05:48:49 PM »
I invite you to join us on IRC.
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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2013, 06:28:20 PM »
Man, this thread is just too good to be locked.

@zeroeffective: I can say, with 100% certainty, that Amit is not a retard and you clearly don't even know the definition of the word you used. Only idiot and mental retard is yourself. Everyone is laughing at your weird logic and twisted view on freedom.
I now have a clear picture of how you came to be banned.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 06:31:42 PM by Kulverstukas »

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2013, 06:34:18 PM »
@zeroeffective; where is this 'chat'? IRC?? Who is the mod and what nick did you use previously?  It shouldn't be hard to handle, but one needs all the info first.

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2013, 06:45:53 PM »
I just opened a pack of peanuts and grabbed a beer, that is a lovely rant, it just needs more guns, explosions and shit.

hmm, lets see how far it'll go.

I must say that i do agree with zeroeffective in some of his points, except the attack against  other members.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 06:56:15 PM by geXXos »

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2013, 07:31:16 PM »
I just opened a pack of peanuts and grabbed a beer, that is a lovely rant, it just needs more guns, explosions and shit.

hmm, lets see how far it'll go.

I must say that i do agree with zeroeffective in some of his points, except the attack against  other members.

Same goes for me.
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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2013, 08:20:21 PM »
Well since this thread is garbage anyway I'll add my randomness to it.
I just opened a pack of peanuts and grabbed a beer,

For some reason, reading that made me crave a beer more then sex.
"Hacking is at least as much about ideas as about computers and technology. We use our skills to open doors that should never have been shut. We open these doors not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of others, too." - Brian the Hacker

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2013, 11:03:38 PM »

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2013, 08:32:07 AM »
Anyway, this shit will stay open if OP wants to say something stupid again in his defense.
As for OP now I only have few words to say.

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Re: Need advice on a project
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2013, 03:09:47 PM »
Oh, this thread is delicious... :)


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