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Messages - vezzy

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Found it on the Webs / Re: Who Am I? - A mind-reading website
« on: June 06, 2014, 03:46:11 PM »
It doesn't really do anything. It just shows you a ton of links and colors the ones that are locally :visited in red. That way, you end up feeding it the data and essentially incriminating yourself.

Very old trick. Setting layout.css.visited_links_enabled to false on Firefox will mitigate this entirely, as well as making sure your links eternally stay blue.

Hacking and Security / Re: Why I don't hate the NSA
« on: June 05, 2014, 08:20:53 PM »
You're missing the point. The bulk data collection isn't about some schmuck flirting on Facebook. They're not tracking down terrorists either, that's bullshit. The reason for harvesting huge amounts of data like this, is to use it retroactively. You can smear political opponents, obtain vital economic intelligence (including trade secrets), aid domestic and crush foreign corporations, make predictions about societal behaviors at large through sentimental analysis, blackmail anyone you please and maintain information hegemony.

Go read up on the FBI under the administration of J. Edgar Hoover to see what happens in situations like these. Although, this is far, far worse than anything Hoover was ever capable of.

Are you honestly so blind that you do not realize the potential of full information awareness? This is the closest thing to omniscience there is. You do not want a government to be omniscient.

I guess now we wait for a some type of "This domain has been seized because we're huge cocks over here at NSA" banner.

Intelligence agencies aren't responsible for domain seizures.

Apparently, they've officially announced that development is over and that people should migrate to BitLocker (Microsoft's integrated full disk encryption).

Of course, nothing is as it seems.

Some insight from the /r/netsec thread:

TL;DR: Assumption #1 The website is presumed hacked, the keys are presumed compromised, the binary on the website is capable only to decode encrypted data, not encode, and may contain trojan (although I didn't find any, but don't believe me). The binary is signed with the valid (usual) key. All old versions are wiped, the repository is wiped too. Please do not download or run it. And please don't switch to bitlocker.

Latest working version is 7.1a. Version 7.2 is a hoax, although it's signed by a valid key and seems like was built on the usual developer PC (there are some paths like c:\truecrypt-7.2\driver\obj_driver_release\i386\truecrypt.pdb, which were the same for 7.1a).

On the SourceForge, the keys were changed before any TrueCrypt files uploaded, but now they are deleted and the old keys got reverted back.

Why I think so: strange key change, DNS record changed, why bitlocker?

Assumption #2 Something bad happened to TrueCrypt developers (i.e. take down or death) or to TrueCrypt itself (i.e. found the worst vulnerability ever) which made them do such a thing.

Why I think so: all files are with valid signatures, all the releases are available (Windows; Linux x86, x86_64, console versions, Mac OS, sources).

SourceForge sent emails on 22 May, they said they changed password algorithms and everybody should change their passwords.

TrueCrypt developers are unknown and currently there is no way to know who is who and who should we listen to.

From wikileaks twitter

    (1/4) Truecrypt has released an update saying that it is insecure and development has been terminated

    (2/4) the style of the announcement is very odd; however we believe it is likely to be legitimate and not a simple defacement

    (3/4) the new executable contains the same message and is cryptographically signed. We believe that there is either a power conflict..

    (4/4) in the dev team or psychological issues, coersion of some form, or a hacker with access to site and keys.

From Matthew Green (one of TrueCrypt auditor) twitter

    @SteveBellovin @mattblaze @0xdaeda1a I think this is legit.

TrueCrypt Setup 7.1a.exe:

    sha1: 7689d038c76bd1df695d295c026961e50e4a62ea
    md5: 7a23ac83a0856c352025a6f7c9cc1526

TrueCrypt 7.1a Mac OS X.dmg:

    sha1: 16e6d7675d63fba9bb75a9983397e3fb610459a1
    md5: 89affdc42966ae5739f673ba5fb4b7c5


    sha1: 0e77b220dbbc6f14101f3f913966f2c818b0f588
    md5: 09355fb2e43cf51697a15421816899be


    sha1: 086cf24fad36c2c99a6ac32774833c74091acc4d
    md5: bb355096348383987447151eecd6dc0e

Diff between latest version and the hoax one:


See also the HN thread:

Either this is a full compromise, a false flag psyop to undermine encryption, the developers found a critical security bug and decided to go out with a bang so as to avoid disclosing it and potentially threatening lives, or they got sick of developing the software and so are going out with a bang.

There's also some really interesting speculation that the TrueCrypt devs use a very old Visual C++ version and build system to compile TrueCrypt that is now fully obsoleted with the EOL of Windows XP, and after their inability to port it, decided to just end it all.

Whatever it is, this will be fascinating to watch.

General discussion / Re: Pathway as a programmer
« on: May 21, 2014, 10:39:00 PM »
Expecting to become the next open source/free software rockstar after picking up programming, even for a couple of years, is unrealistic. People have their pinnacles of achievement at different ages. Hell, the age of maximum productivity is in your 40s, IIRC. The people who make it big in their 20s are largely confined to software, and even they're outliers.

If you want a sense of achievement, try getting involved in and hack on some free software project. Hell, if you have some vision that has already been fulfilled by some other project... but just not *quite*, then go, fork it and make it what you want to be. Eventually, you might end up significantly diverging from upstream and thus it'll become your own work of pride.

Scripting Languages / Re: [python]Disablekey
« on: May 21, 2014, 06:41:26 PM »
The point here is that you're adding a completely unnecessary level of indirection. Why invoke the shell from an external interpreter when you can just invoke the shell directly?

I understand writing Python scripts for something more complex. But when it's just a bunch of os.system() calls that string together sequential shell commands, that's just idiotic.

Scripting Languages / Re: [python]Disablekey
« on: May 21, 2014, 05:41:47 PM »
So, why the hell isn't this just a one-liner shell script?

Code: (Bash) [Select]
xinput float 13 && xinput float 12

This is about as superfluous as writing a C program just to run `ls -al`.

Neural network was perhaps erroneous, I was using it as more of a metonym for training on data sets.

From your example, what you seem to be after is to implement a very limited subset of a computational knowledge engine, such as Wolfram Alpha. At least enough to map English phrases to standard Unix commands.

Something similar to this, in effect:

Of course, it's likely I'm misunderstanding the scope and purpose of your project.

Hacking and Security / Re: Problem with linux
« on: May 18, 2014, 07:43:20 PM »
Seems to me you're using some automated tool for creating live CDs or live USBs that isn't properly imaging the embedded bootloader configuration (syslinux.cfg).

I'm not sure why you would need to train neural networks for this, specifically. Simple parsers would probably be sufficient.

General discussion / Re: Unmotivated
« on: May 16, 2014, 10:34:04 PM »
Sounds like you need to pick up another hobby. If you've noticed, most hackers don't just tinker with computers. They have various side-passions like homebrewing, music, model trains, or even electronics.

OpenBSD. Enough said. Look up the rest.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Looking for a simple php uploader
« on: May 11, 2014, 05:31:04 AM »
I think he might have meant a PHP upload script designed for specifically handling APK files.

I know for a fact Red Hat and the Fedora Project have ties to the NSA, what with being the testing ground for SELinux, and often suspiciously avoiding cryptographic questions related to their products.

The rest is just rambling, however.

Just declare a centred class in your CSS, e.g. like this:

Code: (CSS) [Select]
.centred {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    float: none;

and then use it, for instance <div class="simpleCart_items centred">

Just because you're using Bootstrap doesn't mean you have to strictly abide to everything it provides you. The whole point of Bootstrap and other design frameworks is that you mold them into anything that you want them to be. You use them as scaffolding.

Also, IIRC Bootstrap had a class called center-block. I'm not sure if it isn't deprecated by now, however.

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