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Author Topic: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm  (Read 9297 times)

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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2014, 10:18:43 AM »
Well IRCd uses from what I remember Secure Sockets, so it's SSL - so yeah heartbleed is relevent.

When it comes to coding there are only two languages you need, C & D, C++ has far too much dynamic linking for my liking, on top of that you depend on other Dev's to have not done something malicious to the underlying Kernel code. I've seen far too many Kernel Bugs in my time and looked through far too many RFC's to know that, that many mistakes is no accident!

It's stupidity, even Theo the guy writting & maintaining OpenBSD has decided he's had enough of OpenSSL and started his own fork called LibreSSL. But then SSL is hardly a complete toolbox. There are plenty of algorithms and features missing from OpenSSL.

It's so Open it's full of Bugs - Remember the tale that too many cooks spoil the soup?

Thats why when you let teams of people go at something, someone somewhere misses something or overlooks something and then later on your left at the mercy of a crap coding Job done by someone else.

If your going to Code something, you should always do it 100% yourself, it's open source, your free to modify any part of it you think could be improved, however the improvements in the last 40 to 50 years are not what I would call an improvement, if anything it's gone backwards and rapidly. Things are only going to get worse before they get better, so yeah - all software sucks, Linux - Sucks, Unix - Sucks and AIX -Sucks raw eggs through a straw! If you look at the TCPCrypt project they've been pushing for Ubiquitous encryption at the packet layer for a long time, but no-one has implimented it, because that ruins Cyber-Crooks Jobs.

You only have to read the stuff on the ACLU and all the dox that have been released and when you read - IPSEC - Vulnerable, then you know that even Kerberos has been deliberately and maliciously nobbled!

As for Dev's I am one, or I was, years ago I was on the Debian mailing lists and pulling forks and pointing out flaws for other Devs on the Tor project, things like Geolocation in the Tor browser, that just shouldnt be in there in the first place because it reveals your real IP regardless of going through a Tor exit and now I dont maintain or want to maintain a Linux distro, not after watching them accept Google's kernel revisions and listening to Linus go oh DRM is ok with Linux but if you dont like it then Flame Linus to a Crisp!

An now I understand all too clearly why Theo can't bear to be in the same room as him!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 11:44:23 AM by unvent »

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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2014, 05:38:53 PM »
If you code your own SSL library you're likely to make more mistakes than OpenSSL had right now. The new version uses C++11 as it's so much simpler and cleaner than anything that could be done using C.  Yes there might be kernel issues but that's not my problem as I don't want to deal with raw packets and make my own stack and such.
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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2014, 08:01:59 PM »
If you code your own SSL library you're likely to make more mistakes than OpenSSL had right now. The new version uses C++11 as it's so much simpler and cleaner than anything that could be done using C.  Yes there might be kernel issues but that's not my problem as I don't want to deal with raw packets and make my own stack and such.

Oh I wont do away with the C++ in its entirity yes I know it has RC6 or ARC6 along with a few other desireables but when it comes to touching the stack, there's no need, I bought an open source machine to run open source on and the stacks are plentiful to choose from. Fat, Ext, ReiserFS, etc, etc all the kernel needs are a few lines telling it which one.

OpenSSL, sorry the only reason I would use that, is to browse the web, when it comes to direct connections, its going to be a whole new ball game.

If Oracles Java is not type-safe then it's gone! DELETE-DELETE-DELETE - "FLAMED TO A CRISP!"

Fancy graphics drivers - ha, they wish! You have to evaluate what you want and what you dont want, you dont want video games unless your emulating it locally with no remote connections, you dont want a window with 7 TTY's all of which are all running a Serial-Line TeleType Interface!

Audit-D yeap, people run the Security Audit Daemon to remove all the excess shit out of there OS and harden it with the NSA's own Flask Project but people have found that to be harmful to some kernel config's hence it's untrustworthy cruft and it too is gone. You can't trust non-federated DSA & SHA1 because they're old and very broken digests which mean they're shit!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 08:37:15 PM by unvent »

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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2014, 11:07:34 PM »
Meaningfully put and well said, I could not agree more, Zuckerburg.. Facebook Jew..

In fact everybody that has been involved in the online leaks of late that works in well paid possitions for all the tech companies has Jewish ties, anonymous made that clear in there last message

So it's all a lie, the world banks control the web, control your lives, its all about project BlueBook and Nixons MKUltra and mind control.

They fool you into thinking Linux is Wonderful, but actually Linux is a Cock!

They wouldnt have Fedora Core 3 running on laptops harvesting peoples credentials if it wasnt thanks to Linus.

I agree, lets flame that fucker to a crisp!

At the end of the day he's from Helsinki and he drives a Mercedes Benz... German engineering is ok for some!

An if you missed it you should see SIGLINUX on the GNU homepage! SIGINT or SIGDEV, it's a waste of brain space and has nothing to do with making the web a more secure place.

Googles last programing language was, Go and there is already a Language called Go, so Google means - Go - Ogle, or go Spy.. Linus, Sergey Brin, Larry Page.. These are worthless fuckers that should be publicly executed for falling in line with FIPS - Federated Information Processing Standands.. Let's all worship the Bank!

Optik Nerve - Wait up you mean Optik Perv - Thank you Linus, thank you Google and your STELLERWIND - they of course mean BREAKWIND.

An there he goes bitching about how we should all flame SoC chips in his online posts, no we should all flame you! For being what you are an egotistical pragmatic cock, anyone who drives a Mercedez Benz is unfortunately a self satisfied egotistial cock, but now-now try to remember Net-Nutrality.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 11:25:39 PM by OgleOgere »

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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2014, 11:32:25 PM »
I know for a fact Red Hat and the Fedora Project have ties to the NSA, what with being the testing ground for SELinux, and often suspiciously avoiding cryptographic questions related to their products.

The rest is just rambling, however.
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Offline OgleOgere

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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2014, 11:41:22 PM »
Rambling... The fact is we all know, so the fact is what they're doing is bull-shit to turn a fast buck. Thats not rambling, it's Elite controlling your live's and feeding you a well laid out line of bull-shit.. Hackers of course get the blame, when the fact is they've undermined that which makes it a democracy, if you find a webpage with Kiddie porn what would you do, same as I in that context, you flame the fuck out of the hosting provider, you flame it's users into the ground, same as you would if you found an arab springs web-site. But here they go with there well thought out bullshit, video games that encourage kids to Join the military, see the world, its all sex drugs and rock and roll.

Along with some well placed advertising!

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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2014, 10:48:18 AM »
Rambling... The fact is we all know, so the fact is what they're doing is bull-shit to turn a fast buck. Thats not rambling, it's Elite controlling your live's and feeding you a well laid out line of bull-shit.. Hackers of course get the blame, when the fact is they've undermined that which makes it a democracy, if you find a webpage with Kiddie porn what would you do, same as I in that context, you flame the fuck out of the hosting provider, you flame it's users into the ground, same as you would if you found an arab springs web-site. But here they go with there well thought out bullshit, video games that encourage kids to Join the military, see the world, its all sex drugs and rock and roll.

Along with some well placed advertising!
You watch too many movies, taking the word from anonymous sounds like an awesome idea.
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Re: Cryptography - EvilIRCd RSA-AES Algorithm
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2014, 11:03:49 AM »
This has been pointed out a few times now, STAY ON TOPIC!

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