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Author Topic: The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.  (Read 1196 times)

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The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« on: March 19, 2013, 03:15:41 PM »
So obviously I am posting about things like wordpress and eblogger what are your thought on hacking them?
when I think about how to hack these sites I automatically think it will be almost impossible for me because I haven't hacked any websites and I just think that they would put so much time into making them almost hack proof.

I know almost nothing is hack proof but to build my self up to hacking these sorts of things what should I start with? just some random site that has low security?
This is a big question that you guys get asked a lot but I would really appreciate your responses.

I would also like to start making some good post regarding hacking and some tutorials but I just don't have the knowledge yet sorry so I can't contribute as much as I would like but I will be able to post some good content in the next coming months I hope.

also I know this is the wrong place but I will ask anyway I want to be anonymous but wont going through a vpn still be risky because what if they lie and actually supply their logs to the government also isn't there the same problem with proxies?
I also don't have the knowledge just yet to hack someones computer and make it apart of a botnet so I can't just loop through their connection but I am working on finding out how to do that. any other suggestions?

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Re: The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 05:04:40 PM »
Hello there,

There are a lot of different subjects in this post. You should try to keep your questions as simple and small as possible and only one subject/question at a time is also a good idea, for future reference.

This will depend on whether or not you want to hack wordpress's website or sites using the wordpress system, I assume the last one. I don't know about eblogger, but wordpress is a pretty secure system indeed. Finding vulnerabilities in wordpress is going to be a tedious and complex job, but nothing is impossible. Zero day exploits are found every day, even in the biggest and most "secure" systems out there. I would suggest learning PHP and web application security problems in depth before having a crack at wordpress tho.

When it comes to VPN's and proxies, I would never ever buy one ready to use. Make one/set one up on your own, that way you are in complete control over what gets logged and who can use it. But yes, of course you have to get a server of some sort first. Or just any machine that you have control over.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 05:05:41 PM by ande »
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Offline gr33n

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Re: The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2013, 02:35:06 AM »
Ok thanks ande.
How would I learn about making a server for me to loop through?
Also what would be the easiest way to deploy that server onto a machine remotely or phisicaly?
So I want to be able to have this up within at least the next couple of days could you give me some tutorial around this or some guidance?

Thanks guys your help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2013, 09:11:53 PM »
Ok thanks ande.
How would I learn about making a server for me to loop through?
Also what would be the easiest way to deploy that server onto a machine remotely or phisicaly?
So I want to be able to have this up within at least the next couple of days could you give me some tutorial around this or some guidance?

Thanks guys your help is greatly appreciated.

I love 4 life

Hello again, forgot about this thread. Sorry about that.

Learning how to set up VPNs and various sorts of proxies is something you just have to experience. I guess a good networking understanding is important and perhaps some network programming experience.

Whether or not it is easier to deploy a piece of software onto a machine remotely or physically is irrelevant, as you have to get into the machines systems either way. It doesn't matter if you use a keyboard, a ssh shell or a shell through an exploit.

Depending on your machine's OS, you can use the 3proxy I posted for some time ago, it is for Windows. If your target is linux, there are lots of minimal(as I like them) perl, php, python and ruby socks scripts out there. Google is your friend.
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Offline gr33n

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Re: The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2013, 08:52:45 AM »
Hello again, forgot about this thread. Sorry about that.

Learning how to set up VPNs and various sorts of proxies is something you just have to experience. I guess a good networking understanding is important and perhaps some network programming experience.

Whether or not it is easier to deploy a piece of software onto a machine remotely or physically is irrelevant, as you have to get into the machines systems either way. It doesn't matter if you use a keyboard, a ssh shell or a shell through an exploit.

Depending on your machine's OS, you can use the 3proxy I posted for some time ago, it is for Windows. If your target is linux, there are lots of minimal(as I like them) perl, php, python and ruby socks scripts out there. Google is your friend.

Good help thanks ande once again :D hahah keep up the great help !!

Thanks, gr33n.


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