Free will is an illusion.
yeah?Our amazingly, wonderfully complex brains is comprised of various cognitive systems cycling amongst themselves and generating our thoughts, consciousness, choices and behaviour. These systems and their effects all result from the mechanical, inorganic laws of physics, over which we have no control.
Consciousness is presented to us as a result of our neurones, our brains, our senses. When we lose these, we lose consciousness. These systems are governed and controlled by neurochemicals, hormones, ionisation, impulses: in short, by biochemistry. Biochemistry is in turn merely a type of chemistry, and when we look at the molecules and atoms that make up our chemistry, they obey the laws of physics.
Oh yes they do!
Balls bouncing around a pool table have no free will. The basic atoms, molecules... that make up our bodies and minds have no free will. Neurones fire when they should fire, according to their electrochemical properties. They don't randomly fire: They fire when they're stimulated to fire by other neurones or by environmental inputs. Stimulation results from a constant biochemical cycle. These natural cycles determine our states of mind and our choices. Through a long and complicated series of cause and effect, our choices are made. As such, all our 'choices' are ultimately the result of impersonal and mechanical forces. There is no "free will force" that causes neurones to fire sometimes and not at others. They fire in accordance with the rules of physics, firmly beyond our control but not beyond our appreciation.
In this world.. nothing is really
random.You actually have no free will... everything you do, from scratching the tip of your nose to writing complex code...or suddenly deciding to eat an apple... nothing is really a choice.
What you are actually thinking right NOW is also dictated by some pretty complex physics
~ Free will.. is an illusion ~
or is it?