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Author Topic: Invisibilty cloak?  (Read 4060 times)

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Invisibilty cloak?
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:33:44 PM »
What mostly interests me about physics are the possibilities of stuff that you've seen in science fiction movies, one of them is an invisibility cloak -though some car company claimed to have made invisible care but IMO that was just a shitty claim because they put a screen at one side and many many mini cameras on the other one giving the illusion of invisibilty.
Metamaterials are being fabricated in the laboratory these days, they have the ability to manipulate the index of refraction (speed of light divided by the slower speed of light in a medium is  called index of refraction), by manipulating the index of refraction inside a metamaterial so that light passes 'around' that object the the object will be invisible, the internal structures implanted inside the metamaterial must be smaller than the wave length of the radiation in order to make it invisible for that radiation, metamaterials are being made almost invisible to microwave because the wave length of a microwave is 3 cm making it a requirement for the internal implants to be less than 3 cm, but what about visible light? visible light has wavelength of 500 nanometers (where one nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter), so the internal structures must be smaller than 500 nanometers (length of almost 2500 atoms) that would require nanotechnology. As we all can see groundbreaking discoveries are being done in nano field these days, who knows maybe invisibility gets possible in future.

Staff Edit
Still can't do punctuation right and this post is fucking stupid
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 06:43:33 PM by lucid »

Offline jonneburger

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Re: Invisibilty cloak ?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 11:09:44 PM »
because its galactica, i dont post ponyimage
in my opinion it goes like this: light is just waves, you change direction of wave in ocean. why couldnt you change light wave's direction


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Re: Invisibilty cloak ?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 11:16:37 PM »
in my opinion it goes like this: light is just waves, you change direction of wave in ocean. why couldnt you change light wave's direction
Change in index of refraction is required .

Offline qwertyz

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Re: Invisibilty cloak[color=red]?[/color]
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2013, 02:20:46 PM »
I think you are blind in this (no light-wave in your eyes).


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