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Author Topic: Whats in a BLACK HOLE ?  (Read 4200 times)

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Offline rasenove

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Whats in a BLACK HOLE ?
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:35:23 AM »
I keep thinking, whats realy is in a black hole? Sure, there are many thoughts about this but no one is sure about them. Some say there is nothing in a black hole, some say time doesnt exist in it, some say time goes backward in it,  some consider black holes are worm holes (something that should take you from one place and time to another, more like a space and time shortcut) , Some even say that black holes contain universes And that our universe itself is in a black hole. So i want to know your thoughts . But il say mine first,

I think black holes are holes in the very fabric of space and time (just imagen a 3D hole in space ). So it has great amount of gravity that even light cant escape(becaus its a hole). And i also belive that time doesnt exist in there. Becaus some have proved it. But i could be wrong. So whats your thought? And pleas include the logical reason of why you think so.
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Offline Sparky712

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Re: Whats in a BLACK HOLE ?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 01:10:24 PM »
Black holes are essentially stars that explode, then collapse into themselves, due to their own gravity. this gravity is then intensified, by the newly formed object being a much more dense material than the star it came from. so, my guess is that in the centre of these black holes, are (originally) a superdense block of whatever the last elements of the star were. of course, it would be impossible to see this block, because of the effects it causes, but yeah, i believe there is a mass of heavy elements at the core. (the lightest elements were likely cast off by the original explosion, but then reabsorbed due to their proximity to the black hole. So. long term, whats in a black hole is whats chucked in there, makes me think they are nature's trash compactor... which is awkard, considering our solar system is revolving around one, at the centre of our galaxy.

Offline parad0x

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Re: Whats in a BLACK HOLE ?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2013, 01:24:58 PM »
What Sparky712 said is true.For more details,you should visit

Offline invtwisted

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Re: Whats in a BLACK HOLE ?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2013, 04:15:31 AM »
black hole is a solid ball, made of matters... i don't know why they call it "Hole" coz there's no hole actually...


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